View Full Version : Warning: Vetri-DMG contraindicated for seizures, due to rosemary extract

Will's Mom
06-19-2017, 06:24 PM
3 yr. old red squirrel, who had head trauma as a baby, began having partial(?) seizures about 5 wks ago. Took him to vet today, and brought a description/ingredient list for the Vetri-DMG supplement which I was considering getting for him, as I had read of it being used in head trauma cases. Vet indicated, when he read the ingredients that it would be contraindicated with seizures due to containing rosemary extract. Wanted to pass along to any squirrel 'parent' considering the product.

island rehabber
06-19-2017, 07:21 PM
As the mamma of seizure-prone Owena, I thank you very much for posting this. Not only because I have used Vetri-DMG before on other babies, but because sometimes I'll offer her and my other squirrels a piece of "artisan bread", which very well might contain rosemary sprigs in it.