View Full Version : I need peace of mind.......Please!!

06-18-2017, 10:58 PM
Hello TSB

Ok, this coming September will be 2 years that we bought our corner house with a big lot next to a major street (2 lanes with median in the middle no squirrel deaths) our backyard has 3 huge tall (40') palms being occupied by the original backyard wild "Dora" and her adult and juvenile kids. Dora has had 3-4 pregnancies by at least two of the alpha males who have been in bad fights with each other. She was not too keen on me feeding all the community squirrels in her territory, now she knows there is enough food for all:grin2. I have named them and they all take food from my hand except the juveniles. When I call them by name (neighbors probably think I'm nuts) they would all come (10-14) from the surrounding trees.

So far its been almost a week and I have not seen (5 regular males):tap my favorite boy Luna the son of Dora who is a wild jumps on me when I call him to get his treat. Luna is such a sweet heart being a wild, coming inside my kitchen to get his favorite nuts. He was the first baby (out of 4) that I saw there was a nest inside a pineapple palm that we lost (fell inside the pool because the arbor tree cutter killed it) I don't have any trees in our back yard to install nest boxes (in the past they chase each others out of the palms maybe running out of space) they tolerate each other more in the winter.

My question is this? Is it normal for all the males to move out further due to (mating season going on) and don't visit anymore for food or water? Every single day this week I only get to see the same adult females. In this two years I have always seen them chasing, foraging or walking around in different times of the day. Now, I don't see them at all..........:sadness

Any Ideas?
Thanks, Lillian

06-18-2017, 11:49 PM
Hi Lillian! :Love_Icon It is absolutely normal! I can go months without seeing some of my regular males and then they appear out of nowhere. The females seem to stick closer to their home area.
I LOVE seeing you on TSB!:blowkiss

06-19-2017, 03:15 AM
Hi Lillian! :Love_Icon It is absolutely normal! I can go months without seeing some of my regular males and then they appear out of nowhere. The females seem to stick closer to their home area.
I LOVE seeing you on TSB!:blowkiss

Hi Gayle, thanks for the input makes me have hope to see Luna again.:tap
I'm always on TSB in the background reading and lurking (saw all of Stuart videos:hug) always amazes me of all the wonderful people here!!

island rehabber
06-19-2017, 07:36 AM
Awwww, don't lurk -- join in! Especially when you have a yard full of squirrels you know for years! Those of us who live in condos and apartment buildings with no yards live vicariously through all of you guys!! :squirrel3:sqrrl7:squirrel1:len2