View Full Version : Francis is apart of our family :-)

06-17-2017, 08:03 AM
I'm Michael, I am an Arborist, I was removing a dangerous pine tree over a house about 110 ft high, sent a 50 ft top out and it hit the ground, grabbed it started chipping and noticed a baby squirrel fall on the ground from said top, unfortunately his family was not so lucky, so I took him home built him a 3x3x5 ft cage and he's has been with us ever since, he has a sister yellow lab named Callie, a sister cat named Lucy, and a brother cat named simba, also 27 chickens that he doesn't like very much, he has his adopted momma Jessica who does all the feeding so he took to her very fast, I am just a play toy, no cuddles for me he just wants to play with me all day! He loves to play with the cats and dog and they play with him right back :-) he's apart of the family now and we love him!

Nancy in New York
06-17-2017, 08:13 AM
I'm Michael, I am an Arborist, I was removing a dangerous pine tree over a house about 110 ft high, sent a 50 ft top out and it hit the ground, grabbed it started chipping and noticed a baby squirrel fall on the ground from said top, unfortunately his family was not so lucky, so I took him home built him a 3x3x5 ft cage and he's has been with us ever since, he has a sister yellow lab named Callie, a sister cat named Lucy, and a brother cat named simba, also 27 chickens that he doesn't like very much, he has his adopted momma Jessica who does all the feeding so he took to her very fast, I am just a play toy, no cuddles for me he just wants to play with me all day! He loves to play with the cats and dog and they play with him right back :-) he's apart of the family now and we love him!

Hi Michael, Can you tell us a little more about your little one?
How old is he and what's his diet like?
Is he a non releasable?
Just one word of caution. IF you are planning release,
he should not be exposed to dogs or cats, he will have no fear.
Also, cat saliva is deadly to squirrels. They should never be allowed
to interact for that reason.
Oh, and we LOVE pictures.
Welcome to the board!

06-17-2017, 08:21 AM
He is now about 12 weeks now, we have got him eating 3 roddent blocks a day then I give him a calcium/phosphorus chew designed for hampsters and tons of fresh veggies from the garden, also yogurt in the morning, thanks for the tip on the cat saliva I didn't know that!

He is hyper and loves to play, loves to climb all over us and hope around the furniture

We don't plan on releasing him as of now, also I'll post pictures asap ( just need to read up on how to do it)

06-17-2017, 08:45 AM