View Full Version : Deterring Foxes & Hawks
06-15-2017, 10:32 PM
I am hoping to get some advice on how to keep predators out of my yard and away from my wilds. I know this is an age old issue for us squirrel lovers but I am at my wits end. This morning I saw a red fox running away with one of my squirrels in his mouth and there was nothing I could do about it. I am heartbroken and I hate not knowing which one of my buddies it was. I can only hope it wasn't a nursing mother. Then the fox came back about 10 minutes later (unless it was a different one) looking for another easy meal... thankfully I was able to scare it off the second time. But the fox's quick return probably means it thinks my yard is an "easy pickens" all-you-eat buffet of squirrels (I get more than a dozen at a time).
Also last week I saw a giant hawk two days in a row. My backyard has no shade trees scattered within the yard, it's only lined with a few sporadic trees, shrubs, and bushes. As a result, I worry that the squirrels don't have much cover from predators. I would love to plant several large trees around the backyard so the squirrels will have an instant place to seek shelter but I can't afford that at the moment. I also worry that planting trees would just give the hawks more places to perch on to prey on my wilds. There seems to be so many catch 22s when you try to protect your squirrels. I get that it's the circle of life and all but I hate seeing it happen to my friendly little guys. They are like my outdoor pets and I feel awful that I can't protect them.
I would also love to maybe put up a wooden fence around the perimeter of the yard but that seems pricey as well and then I wouldn't be able to see any predators that might be just outside my yard. (Right now there is just a shabby wire fence that the foxes are able to get through easily.)
Does anyone have any cheaper ideas to help scare away the foxes or hawks? I had to leave for work right after the fox incident this morning and I felt so guilty. I wish I could leave the house without wondering how many wilds will get picked off while I'm gone!
Diggie's Friend
06-15-2017, 11:13 PM
Yes, an inexpensive small airhorn when used line of sight within 20 ft will move a hawk to leave for reason of the air wave it causes primarily. I have used this for many years and if they are close enough even way up on a wire, they leave. Foxes, well perhaps urine from a male human might, as any predator scent they pick up on bigtime.
The home improvement stores carry collasable awning that go up fairly easily. If you were to feed your squirrels under something like this they won't be in the line of sight of flying predators. They do cost about 100.oo, but then you don't have to wait for them to get big enough to provide cover as you would for new planted trees. Just a thought.
Diggie's Friend
06-16-2017, 02:23 PM
Come to think of it, four 4 x 4 X 8 boards, a tile shovel to put them in the ground, and a non shiny tarp to secure over the top of them lapping over the sides a by a foot or so, could work in place of the more expensive patio structure and cover. Just be sure when it gets too windy to take it down till the wind subsides.
06-16-2017, 07:20 PM
I've had an incredible success after trying everything else with laser pointers. It works on hawks and crows alike and it takes only to hit the beam on their bodies, to have them scramming off. I bought a $40 laser pen with 500mW output power and I can place a green spot at 400 yards. I've actually scared a hawk at 375 yards and 73 feet high (I know this because I used a telemetry instrument).
No need to worries about starting fires or blindness (unless you sit there for minutes into the eye of a living thing, of course!)
If interested I can give you links to where to buy on the net.
Trooper's dad
06-16-2017, 11:03 PM
Thanks everyone, I think I will look for one of those pop-up awning/gazebo type things to use as cover from hawks as suggested. I think I've seen them for less than $200 at nearby stores. My boyfriend is worried it will kill the grass underneath but I'll take dead grass over dead squirrels any day. I like the airhorn idea except I'm pretty sure my neighbors hate me enough due to all the nutshells they find in their yards let alone being startled by loud random blasts lol.
At the moment, I'm mostly worried about the foxes since I saw the fox back again in my yard this morning chasing a squirrel. Luckily I was waiting for it so I saw the fox right away and scared it off. I had set my alarm for 6:30AM to keep an eye out on my squirrels and I saw the fox at 6:34 so boy was I glad I got up early! He or she has definitely learned where to find an easy meal :( I can ask my boyfriend to pee around the perimeter of the yard if that's what it takes! The thought of getting a BB gun has even crossed my mind but I'm sure many of you would frown upon that. I read that some foxes can even climb trees so I think I may have an uphill battle on my hands.
Trooper- yes, I would be very interested in the same laser pointer that seems to be working for you. Could you post a link? I have an Amazon prime account so I would prefer to buy it from them if possible so that I might get it delivered in 2 days! Do you think the lasers might work on foxes?
We used to get these outdoor cat's in at the vet where I worked who would be in for a UTI or something but the x ray would show a **** ton of bb's in these cats. And of course, they are stiff limbed and living with balls of metal in their muscles.
At least the cat had an owner to see to his medical needs. A fox doesn't. We are smart animals who can do much, much better.
06-17-2017, 07:33 AM
Thanks for the judgment, cava. It figures- I weighed several options and wrote a few paragraphs but you narrowed in on one sentence. I said I know it's frowned upon and in the following paragraph, I expressed interest in buying a laser pointer... but I guess you didn't read that far.
06-17-2017, 07:48 AM
Hawks are harder to deter. You can buy shiny spinners on eBay that reflect light in the sun. 'Theoretically' this flashing light will scare the hawks. I can't say for sure that it works but it sounds reasonable.
The best way to prevent the foxes from taking the squirrels is to not feed on the ground. Feeding on the ground is like setting a buffet for cats and foxes.
I would build some type of platform for feeding. Not having trees is a problem. Ideally the platform would have proximity to a tree, tree line, hedge or fence so that they can travel above the ground.
I know someone that had to stop feeding birds on her patio area because the concentration of birds drew hawks to feed on the birds. :sadness
island rehabber
06-17-2017, 08:18 AM
These are all great ideas. I would put up the tarp, but get a reflective one -- silver on the outside -- deters hawks even better than a dull one. Home Depot and Harbor Freight sell them. Under the tarp put feeder(s) OFF THE GROUND. Between the cover of the tarp and the raised feeders I think your squirrels will be much safer. Oh yeah -- human pee is always a good deterrent -- top of the food chain and all that :D
06-17-2017, 07:15 PM
Thank you guys, your ideas make a lot of sense. How high/far off the ground do you think feeders need to be in order to keep my squirrels safe from the foxes? Maybe I can look for a rectangular wooden arbor/arch to attach squirrel feeders to. Of course I'm sure the squirrels will still spend plenty of time on the ground when they come and go to the feeders and all the time they spend digging holes for nuts and sniffing around but at least they will have something to potentially climb up if in danger. I definitely need to save up money to get a tree transplanted near my feeding area. There are hedges about 15-20 feet from the feeder area but that seems to be where the fox hides and bursts out from to sprint after them.
I appreciate all of the helpful advice. I saw the fox again for the 3rd morning in a row today (this time in my front yard chasing a squirrel- I clapped my hands so hard to scare it off that I broke a blood vessel in my palm!) so I plan to put some of these suggestions to good use very soon!! First off, I'll make my boyfriend chug water like crazy to increase the urine production lol.. at least it's a FREE fox deterrent!
As far as the reflective wind spinners ago, will that scare away other birds too? Because I don't necessarily mind bluejays and crows. I kind of like them actually since they are a good warning system for when there are predators around! I didn't realize that there was such a thing as reflective tarps so thank you for the tip island rehabber!
Thanks for the judgment, cava. It figures- I weighed several options and wrote a few paragraphs but you narrowed in on one sentence. I said I know it's frowned upon and in the following paragraph, I expressed interest in buying a laser pointer... but I guess you didn't read that far.
I wasn't judging you at all. You wrote that you were considering it but that you thought we would frown upon it. I simply agreed and shared a story with you.
I am not judging you.
06-17-2017, 10:42 PM
Platforms don't need to be very high. 5 feet would be fine. I would want to be able to put food on the platform without a ladder. If I built a platform I would make it open but I would also add some type of columns or framing to prevent hawks from picking them off the platform. 26asc%3D20160908105057%26meid%3D3564c1ba63e44473b0 13fc1495cb77cf%26pid%3D100675%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D15% 26sd%3D232355755640&_trkparms=pageci%253A9079c5f1-53cd-11e7-8148-74dbd1809d16%257Cparentrq%253Ab90610d315c0aa16427a 527ffffa05d1%257Ciid%253A1
These probably would deter other birds. Some people use CD's but those look a little obnoxious around the house. :grin2 Of course, they are a lot cheaper.
Diggie's Friend
06-17-2017, 11:10 PM
I have an idea about putting off the fox that may help. Use a squirt bottle with vinegar on the bushes where the fox hides, and should you get close enough to spritz him with a long stream, let um have it!
island rehabber
06-18-2017, 08:20 AM
Here you go -- scroll down the page for many many options on reflective tarps!
Diggie's Friend
06-18-2017, 05:01 PM
The one we got just slipped over the top of the framework and velcroed on, really easy, and easy to take off the tarp when the wind picks up. Sadly my hubby forgot one day when it did and though he had used the tent stakes that go throught holes in the feet, when theh wind came up strong the next time it bend another of the uprights that he had to repair, and down it came frame and all. He fixed it now, but he does that kind of thing for a living; mostfolks would have thrown it out. Still we had it for many years before the metal became fatigued; taking the tarp down prevents this though. A canapy built with a wood frame would hold up in well in the wind if anchored well, that is out in our neck of the woods. You still have to take the tarp down during the wind episodes as it flaps like crazy and can rip if something blows into it. With the sun we have here a tarp is needed during the hot months, or you can't enjoy the yard.
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