View Full Version : Flyer's changed behavior.

06-05-2017, 03:03 PM
My son rescued Lucky over 5.5 years ago and I raised him beginning with syringe feeding. He has been a happy (I think), healthy little fellow and very active out of the cage. Recently, it appears that the area around his testicles is swollen. I know it changes size periodically, but this time it seems to have remained large. I have also wondered if he is constipated because he seems to have some difficulty. He has always been very loving and liked my petting and stroking him, and in return, he would hump my hands. The big problem is that he has taken to attacking my hands (not every time) and biting me furiously enough to draw blood. So I've become afraid of him and do not attempt to pet him. I am wondering if he may be sick or in pain, or if this is behavior that occurs in older squirrels.
His diet consists of pumpkin and sunflower seeds, rodent blocks, pecans, walnuts, almonds, cashews, peanuts, (all raw), acorns in season, oranges, grapes, blueberries and strawberries in season, broccoli, grape tomatoes, sugar snap peas, mushrooms, sweet potato, Brussel sprouts, sweet corn. To tell the truth except for the potato and tomato, he doesn't have much to do with the veggies, but I keep offering. Three times a week I offer him a tiny bit of calcium powder mixed with peanut butter and baby food fruit- just a tiny bit on the tip of my finger. Any ideas?????

06-05-2017, 03:23 PM
If he doesn't eat many of the veggies and he DOES eat the seeds, pecans, walnuts, almonds, cashews and peanuts, it is highly likely that he has Metabolic Bone Disease. I noticed that you didn't mention mealworms or any other source of protein either.

I think the diet is the culprit. MBD is a painful and deadly disease. The changed personality and aggression is probably due to pain. Have you noticed any seizures? It will be very difficult to change the diet at this point but it must be done to save him. The nuts have to stop today. I will get a link for a healthy diet.

As far as the testicles I'm sure you have noticed in the past 5 years that they are large on a flyer. It is still breeding season for the wilds so the testicle will remain large right now. You are right though, they can pull them up and make them almost disappear. I'm not sure, I guess it is possible that he might have an infection of some type if things appear 'different'.

I think you need to start the MBD treatment. I'll get a link for that also.

06-05-2017, 03:34 PM
Here is a link for the MBD treatment.

Keep in mind that the portions are for a grey/fox squirrel and must be scaled down for a flyer. I would get some Tums and start getting 50mg into Lucky every 4 hours. Follow the protocol but with the smaller portions. Lucky's calcium levels need to be brought up and maintained to normalize his calcium levels.

You might want to offer some calcium rich foods like yogurt also.
I highly suspect that calcium depletion is at the root of this but if there are other things involved here the calcium won't hurt him.

06-05-2017, 03:39 PM
Here is a link to a block that Lucky might eat.

It is a healthy block for picky eaters. With all those nuts, Lucky will definitely reject healthy foods.
I use the picky eater blocks for my flyers. There is a specific high protein block made for flyers but my boys won't eat it so I can't recommend it.

06-05-2017, 03:47 PM
This is a link to healthy diet for flyers.


06-05-2017, 07:01 PM
Here is a link for the MBD treatment.

Keep in mind that the portions are for a grey/fox squirrel and must be scaled down for a flyer. I would get some Tums and start getting 50mg into Lucky every 4 hours. Follow the protocol but with the smaller portions. Lucky's calcium levels need to be brought up and maintained to normalize his calcium levels.

You might want to offer some calcium rich foods like yogurt also.
I highly suspect that calcium depletion is at the root of this but if there are other things involved here the calcium won't hurt him.

I forgot to mention the freeze dried mealworms that he does get and really likes.

06-05-2017, 09:24 PM
I forgot to mention the freeze dried mealworms that he does get and really likes.

Thank you for your caring advice. I'll get right on it.