View Full Version : Baby raccoon with diarrhea...this mama needs advice plz!

06-04-2017, 03:10 PM
Hello every one I'm the proud new mama of a baby raccoon. I'm unsure exactly how old he is but his eyes are open and has plenty of teeth but he's the sweetest little guy ever. It's just him and I in the home so he has my undivided attention whenever he wants it. I never really been on one of these sites like this before so if I'm posting in the wrong place plz let me know. Btw my lil guys name is buddy. I have him on kmr (from what I've read on other sites this was ok to give him and he seems to like it. He does drink/eats from a bottle but also drinks/eats from a bowl as well. He he has a bowl of water down whenever he gets thirsty in between feedings ( which is usually every 4 hrs or so). There's just one problem...he has the bad poopies (like water the past two days) & I'm concerned about it. Is there anything I can give him for it? I've only had him for about a week and a half. Someone gave him to me because they knew that my mother had raised several babies when I was growing up so I've been around them basically all my life off an on. I've asked my mom in what to do but she's kinda unsure because she never had this problem. So if anyone can help me i would really appreciate it. Other than that he's a happy little guy other than I think his lil tush might be getting sore (which heck whose wouldn't lol).

06-04-2017, 05:12 PM
I got a 3ish week old baby girl this week. She has no problems but I've received some stellar advice so far. Farm Mom is my go to right now. She's raised plenty. Bet she can help. This isn't a raccoon forum but a whooooooooole lot of good advice lives here.

06-04-2017, 05:36 PM
I got a 3ish week old baby girl this week. She has no problems but I've received some stellar advice so far. Farm Mom is my go to right now. She's raised plenty. Bet she can help. This isn't a raccoon forum but a whooooooooole lot of good advice lives here.

As Chickenlegs said, contact farm mom via private message and she can probably answer your questions. Good luck. :Love_Icon

06-05-2017, 04:37 PM
Thanks and I contacted her yesterday. I know this isn't the right forum but when I googled what to do yesterday it sent me to this so I thought I'd try lol.