View Full Version : Need photos of squirrels and other animals with dog/cat bites
07-10-2007, 01:33 AM
Please forgive the posting in the 'Emergency section,' but this is
actually time-critical, and hopefully will save animals. I am meeting
with some people active in NYC parks to attempt to restrict dogs
from some areas with a lot of wildlife (mostly squirrels).
It would make a more effective case if I could present some
photos of wildlife injured or killed by dogs or cats. I hate even
seeing that type of thing, but in this case, the worse the pic,
the better. It sounds horrible, but must be done.
Most dog owners are responsible people, but due to some changes
in 'leash laws' in NYC, the irresponsible ones are coming out of
the woodwork. I just heard of a whole family of ducks that was
killed by a dog in Central Park. And of course we hear about
squirrels getting bitten quite often. Some dog owners actually
brag about how many squirrels their dog has killed.
Thanks for your help.
07-10-2007, 05:19 AM
Here is Spot, my little bunny that got attacked by a cat:
07-10-2007, 05:20 AM
That is him after they cleaned him up and put liquid skin bandage on his wounds. I don't have any pictures of when he first came in.
07-10-2007, 06:37 AM
I don't have any injured pics of them but you can feel free to use any of my other pics for this project if they come in handy at all.
07-10-2007, 08:27 AM
:wave123 StringTheory! I hope you get your pictures! They really speak way more than a 1000 words, especially to bureaucrats with small imaginations.
Look at Heidiann's thread from when her duck Flower was attacked -- . Very nasty wound. I don't recall what/who attacked Flower, if Heidiann ever figured it out (not necessarily a dog/cat wound and it wasn't in a park, but still could be illustrative of the possibilities....). You could PM her for more info.
07-10-2007, 04:43 PM
:wave123 StringTheory! I hope you get your pictures! They really speak way more than a 1000 words, especially to bureaucrats with small imaginations.
Look at Heidiann's thread from when her duck Flower was attacked -- . Very nasty wound. I don't recall what/who attacked Flower, if Heidiann ever figured it out (not necessarily a dog/cat wound and it wasn't in a park, but still could be illustrative of the possibilities....). You could PM her for more info.
Very true about pictures. I should have been gathering those. So often we're motivated to react to helping animals, and it even seems strange to be taking pictures of an injured animal. But this is the perfect illustration of why that needs to be done.
The pictures of the duck are perfect, as are the others that have been posted and emailed.
So thanks to all. The pictures are terrific, and I anticipate a more serious, heartfelt response from those I'm speaking to, thanks to those who have helped here.
07-10-2007, 05:46 PM
How soon do you need the pictures?
07-10-2007, 06:44 PM
How soon do you need the pictures?
Hi Susan,
Tonight (Tue) I will be speaking to some people, but this will be ongoing. So any time.
07-10-2007, 09:50 PM
Good luck. People need to learn to be responsible owners, esp cat people! :frustratedx
07-31-2007, 12:07 PM
here's a baby who had a cat bite. see the little white spot? that's the bite- it had gotten infected. this baby was lucky to survive.
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