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05-08-2017, 10:12 AM
A couple of questions...
I bought my little gal the Henry's blocks. She nibbles on them but will then leave about half of it. When should the block be removed from the cage and a new one offered? The block gets really hard and she can't seem to chew it if it's been over a few hrs.

Also- I offered her a chunk of fresh sweet corn and she LOVED it. Just wanted to make sure sweet corn is safe for squirrels?

05-08-2017, 10:23 AM
Your best bet with safe foods is using the food pyramid on Henry's

If it seems that the block is getting too hard after a while maybe cut them in half and offer half in the am and half in the pm.
Hopefully this helps!

island rehabber
05-08-2017, 12:12 PM
A couple of questions...Also- I offered her a chunk of fresh sweet corn and she LOVED it. Just wanted to make sure sweet corn is safe for squirrels?Sorry, corn is a MAJOR NO-NO for growing, captive squirrels. Corn is vrry high in phosphorus which throws off the calcium/phosphorus ratio in their blood. Of course they love it, like I love pizza and cheesecake, because it's not good for me :D

05-08-2017, 12:22 PM
You beat me to it!
I was actually going to post my own thread about this myself, as I too have been having issues with wasted HHB... every time I clean out caches and stashes I've never found any nuts or shells (too rare and precious of a treat to just stash away i guess lol) but I ALWAYS find at least a cup of half-eaten rock-hard HHB. :tap
The bag says to give 2 per day, but i was finding wayyy too many just stashed away in the bottom of nest bags, so i cut back to one a day but im still finding alot that's mostly uneaten (nibbled on) :shakehead..... I figured, for a stashed good, its better/healthier than if they had a nut cache to snack on when they get munchy, but like you mentioned they go unedibly rock hard.

05-08-2017, 12:58 PM
Thanks for the info! No more sweet corn for Sandy!