View Full Version : Urgent please help

05-07-2017, 09:38 PM
Please help. I have a 4 almost 5 month old grey squirrel. She was eating her milk from a 20cc syringe with a miracle nipple. She drank to fast and asperated herself. Shes now clicking, wont eat and dont want to move. I dont have any of the the recommended antibiotics on hand and no way to get them. I do have amoxicillin. Can o give that to her? How much? She weighs right at a pound and the amoxicillon is 500mgs. My phone number is 352 457 1374 if someone could call me

05-07-2017, 09:51 PM
Is anyone on who can help me?

island rehabber
05-07-2017, 09:55 PM
Hi -- first, take three DEEP breaths. To help her, you yourself must be calm. They pick up things from us. :grin2
Hold her up to your ear like a phone : is she clicking or popping on EVERy inhale and exhale? Babies will often sound clicky after eating or choking on formula because it's thick, but that doesd not mean instant pneumonia.

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05-07-2017, 10:00 PM
She is clicking with every breath. She dont want to move around. I tried getring her to take a pecan and she picked it up then just put it down. She normally sucks the milk and feeds herself. I just hold the syringe for her. I watched her gasp for air and milk flying our her nose. I immediatly put her upside down and kept wiping her nose and the milk. Then she wouldnt eat any more. This was abour 3 hrs ago, she was climbing around some right after, bur nor alot like normal. Then she got to wear she just dont want to move. And wont eat anything

05-07-2017, 10:11 PM
Do you have a weight on that baby? Need a weight, meds are dosed by body weight.
The 20cc syringe is too big for feeding, would be difficult for dosing.
Do you have a 1cc?

05-07-2017, 10:16 PM
She was on the 10cc and she would just try and rip the nipple off because i assume because she couldn't get enough to come out. I let her suck the milk on her own and dont press, shes done fine until tonight. I have ny neighbor bringing me my scale back to get the exacr weight

05-07-2017, 10:25 PM
She was on the 10cc and she would just try and rip the nipple off because i assume because she couldn't get enough to come out. I let her suck the milk on her own and dont press, shes done fine until tonight. I have ny neighbor bringing me my scale back to get the exacr weight
Even without pressing they will suck too hard and aspirating themselves is the result.
I have one I'm feeding with a five cc just to make it easier for me and have to keep a
drag on the syringe to keep him from drawing too fast. Anything larger is just way too
risky IMO.
As soon as you get a weight dosing will be sent in a pm, we don't put dosing info on the open board.
Do you have a smaller syringe to dose with?

Nancy in New York
05-07-2017, 10:30 PM
While your waiting for the scale,
you can start by smashing up the amoxicillin 500 mg into a fine
Put that into a small container with a lid.
To that you are going to add 10 mLs of water
Shake this up every time before administering.
Always give probiotics 2 hours prior or 2 hours after dosing antibiotics.
All penicillins are particularly hard on their tummies.
Now we wait for the weight to give you the correct doseage in a pm

05-07-2017, 10:33 PM
Ok just weighed her she is 15oz, i have some 5cc syringes still, she has chewed my 1cc ones up. I will switched her back to a smaller cc fpr feeding. I was always afraid of asperating her myself, so her sucking on her own i thought was better, and she would go nuts trying to get the nipple off the 10cc after sucking and assumed it was because she couldnt get enough. Lesson learned for me as this is scarong the crap out of me

05-07-2017, 10:38 PM
Ok just weighed her she is 15oz,
Squirrels are weighed in grams so 15 oz = 425 grams. hold on...

05-07-2017, 10:55 PM
I have the pill crushed and mixed with 10ml of water. For probiotics can i do the whole fat yogurt?

Nancy in New York
05-07-2017, 10:58 PM
I have the pill crushed and mixed with 10ml of water. For probiotics can i do the whole fat yogurt?

For tonight, you can but it has to be ~ 2 hours after the dosing.
I will send a pm to you now this will take one minute.

05-07-2017, 10:59 PM
Ok thank you so much

Nancy in New York
05-07-2017, 11:02 PM
Ok thank you so much

Dosing sent! :)

For probiotics I use these.


Just pull them apart and give ~ this amount O
2 hours prior or 2 hours after
dosing antibiotics.
The taste is pretty benign, so just add it into a little formula or water, and she'll
be good to go.

05-07-2017, 11:11 PM
Dosing sent!
Thank you sweetie. :blowkiss

05-07-2017, 11:13 PM
Thank you so much for the help. I will pick up the probiotics in the morning. Anything i should watch for to know that shes getting better or worse?

island rehabber
05-07-2017, 11:18 PM
Thank goodness others stepped in -- had to feed the gang of 10 here :grin2. You should hear the clicking stop fairly soon after the first loading dose of antibiotics. Energy and appetite should return within two days, but keep the antibiotics going for the recommended length of time. :great

05-07-2017, 11:20 PM
Thank you so much for the help. I will pick up the probiotics in the morning. Anything i should watch for to know that shes getting better or worse?
The clicking will usually subside within a short span of 12 hours or better and her appetite will pick back up.
You acted quickly, got meds into her timely, breathe... it'll be alright. :grouphug

05-07-2017, 11:25 PM
Thank you guys so much!

05-07-2017, 11:28 PM
Keep in touch and let us know how she's doing. :grouphug
BTW... :pokeWe like pictures. :grin2

05-08-2017, 11:14 AM
Good morning everyone, ive had a very busy morning, but here's an update on Sandy!

She still making the clicking sound, but seems alot more faint, not as loud as last night
Last night she wouldnt eat NOTHING, not even a pecan! But after giving her the meds, she ate a full blueberry.

I got the probiotics this morning, put in some formula, i could only get her to drink very little, she really wanted nothing to do with it. I kept putting it up to her mouth and getting her mouth wet and she would lick it, i got her to take as much as i could. She took a few nibbles of sweet potato a few minutes ago.

She is still not wanting to move around at all, bit seems more alert. My dogs started barking in the other room and she got up and was alarmed by it.

So any advise on getting her to take the probiotics easier. I had it mixed in 1cc of formula and that was a struggle to get her to take.

The photo is of her laying on her window shelf this morning with the sweet potato

Nancy in New York
05-08-2017, 12:47 PM
Good morning everyone, ive had a very busy morning, but here's an update on Sandy!

She still making the clicking sound, but seems alot more faint, not as loud as last night
Last night she wouldnt eat NOTHING, not even a pecan! But after giving her the meds, she ate a full blueberry.

I got the probiotics this morning, put in some formula, i could only get her to drink very little, she really wanted nothing to do with it. I kept putting it up to her mouth and getting her mouth wet and she would lick it, i got her to take as much as i could. She took a few nibbles of sweet potato a few minutes ago.

She is still not wanting to move around at all, bit seems more alert. My dogs started barking in the other room and she got up and was alarmed by it.

So any advise on getting her to take the probiotics easier. I had it mixed in 1cc of formula and that was a struggle to get her to take.

The photo is of her laying on her window shelf this morning with the sweet potato

See if she will take a little bit of honey in some warm water, just a touch of honey for sweetness.
IF she won't even take 1 cc of formula, mix it in less than a cc.
Add the probiotic and see if she will take it that way.
Remember hydration is KEY especially when on antibiotics.

Her eyes show that she isn't feeling well. :(

What large city are you near in Florida, we have many members there
and perhaps one of them have the Baytril or Clavamox that is needed.
They may also have a safe vet that will see your little one.

05-08-2017, 01:47 PM
Im located near brooksville, which about 45 mins to an hour north of tampa fl.

I did make her drink some water. I slowly put some in her mouth then she starts licking it up.
My husband is bringing me home.pedialite

See if she will take a little bit of honey in some warm water, just a touch of honey for sweetness.
IF she won't even take 1 cc of formula, mix it in less than a cc.
Add the probiotic and see if she will take it that way.
Remember hydration is KEY especially when on antibiotics.

Her eyes show that she isn't feeling well. :(

What large city are you near in Florida, we have many members there
and perhaps one of them have the Baytril or Clavamox that is needed.
They may also have a safe vet that will see your little one.

05-08-2017, 01:52 PM
I have also used a small amount of vanilla yogurt to get my squirrels to take their probiotics with success. Hope you are able to get some fluids in her and that she feels better soon.:grouphug

05-08-2017, 02:05 PM
Apple sauce or even slices of apple (remove the skin) are a treat for my squirrels and contain lots of fluid.

One other thing, what is her diet like? The hunch-down look in that photo (rear leg weakness) is what is often seen with squirrels suffering from MBD. Not too many nuts and fruit in her diet?

05-08-2017, 03:22 PM
Please help. I have a 4 almost 5 month old grey squirrel. She was eating her milk from a 20cc syringe with a miracle nipple.

When you say "milk" do you literally mean cow's milk?

05-08-2017, 03:50 PM
No not cows milk she is on fox valley. She gets her squirrel salad in the morning (my son calls it that). Its a bowl of a variety of veggies and her squirrel blocks. She typically eats her blocks first . She loves them! In the afternoon i may share a peice of fruit with her, but she eats on her salad through out the day. She gets sunflower seeds or a type of nut to snack on in the evening then she eats about 30cc of milk at night befor bed

Nancy in New York
05-08-2017, 05:42 PM
No not cows milk she is on fox valley. She gets her squirrel salad in the morning (my son calls it that). Its a bowl of a variety of veggies and her squirrel blocks. She typically eats her blocks first . She loves them! In the afternoon i may share a peice of fruit with her, but she eats on her salad through out the day. She gets sunflower seeds or a type of nut to snack on in the evening then she eats about 30cc of milk at night befor bed

Are you feeding FoxVally 20/50?
Are the squirrel blocks from Henry's?
Sunflower seeds are a big nono.
We want to keep their Calcium Phosphorus ratio as close to 2:1 as possible.
This is from the chart below:
Sunflower Seed (unr) 78:660 1.0:8.5
Sunflower Sd (roast) 87:1139 1.0:13.1


Here's a great chart to help when choosing the best foods.
You can feed from groups 1 and 2 freely and group 3 limited


05-08-2017, 06:03 PM
Thank you i have that chart printed lol, and use it when I make my grocery list. She is on Henryblocks for baby and flyers, and on tje 20/50 formula. I was wondering if when i switched to the adult block if she was going to like them as much. She loves the blocks now. I didnt know no sunflower seeds, i only gave her very limited amounts. She gets some type of fruit snack that she usually shares with me in the later afternoon (she will get a blueberry or 2, another day part of a strawberry or apple slice ect..) but i do limit on everything other then the veggies. I fill her a nice big bowl and shes eats on it all day. and then would do either a few seeds or a nut in the evenings (walnut or pecan usually withthe occasional peanut)

05-09-2017, 09:34 AM
How is your baby doing today?
I hope you are seeing continued improvement...

05-09-2017, 09:38 AM
I was actually just trying to upload a video. Im still worried. Im still hearing the clicking. She will take the home made Pedialyte for me, about 3 to 4 cc at a time. She did nibble at a squirrel block this morning, but she still wont move much, just lays around.

How is your baby doing today?
I hope you are seeing continued improvement...

05-09-2017, 10:05 AM
Are you located close to Hudson, Fl? There is a Rehabber in Hudson that you can get meds from.

05-09-2017, 10:38 AM
If you are close to Hudson, send me your contact info in a private message and I will put you in contact with someone on that side of the state. There's also someone in Tampa, st. Pete, Clearwater area.

Nancy in New York
05-09-2017, 11:19 AM
If you are close to Hudson, send me your contact info in a private message and I will put you in contact with someone on that side of the state. There's also someone in Tampa, st. Pete, Clearwater area.

I pm'd her earlier to reach out to Nana3. :w00t

05-09-2017, 11:57 AM
Sorry I was at an apt, Hudson is about an hour from me.

I was actually just trying to upload a video. Im still worried. Im still hearing the clicking. She will take the home made Pedialyte for me, about 3 to 4 cc at a time. She did nibble at a squirrel block this morning, but she still wont move much, just lays around.

I pm'd her earlier to reach out to Nana3. :w00t

05-09-2017, 12:12 PM
Can you call around to family and friends to try and find Cipro (Ciprofloxacin) or Baytril.
Cipro is human form, Baytril is animal form. You would only need a pill or two.
Cipro is used by many woman and often they will keep/have some around.
Baytril is often prescribed to one's pet for various reasons requiring an ab.
These two are the preferred ab's for treating pneumonia.
The Amox might be keeping it at bay but is not as fast acting with pneumonia as
the other two can be.

Has the "click" gotten any lighter?

05-09-2017, 12:22 PM
I have tried finding those meds with no luck =(
When i pick her up and hold her up i dont hear the clicking at all, bit when she is laying down i gear it plain as day.

05-09-2017, 12:27 PM
I sent you my contact info via pm

If you are close to Hudson, send me your contact info in a private message and I will put you in contact with someone on that side of the state. There's also someone in Tampa, st. Pete, Clearwater area.

05-09-2017, 01:09 PM
I sent you my contact info via pm

I'm not sure when you sent it but I haven't received it.

05-09-2017, 01:27 PM
I have found a vet in my area that will see her. Im heading there now and will update later.

Nancy in New York
05-09-2017, 01:53 PM
I have found a vet in my area that will see her. Im heading there now and will update later.

Fantastic, please keep us posted! :w00t

Nancy in New York
05-09-2017, 01:54 PM
I'm not sure when you sent it but I haven't received it.

Mel, she sent it to me, I will forward.

05-10-2017, 12:16 AM
Sorry it took so long for an update, it has been a busy crazy day .

I found a vet that saw squirrels. He said it was pneumonia, and gave me a liquid antibiotic for her. Im not sure what it is, the bottle dont say. Its a pink liquid.
She is to take it twicea day for 5 to 7 days. I will update yall in the morning on how shes doing.

And THANK THANK you for all your help with this!

Fantastic, please keep us posted! :w00t

05-10-2017, 12:41 AM
Sorry it took so long for an update, it has been a busy crazy day .

I found a vet that saw squirrels. He said it was pneumonia, and gave me a liquid antibiotic for her. Im not sure what it is, the bottle dont say. Its a pink liquid.
She is to take it twicea day for 5 to 7 days. I will update yall in the morning on how shes doing.
And THANK THANK you for all your help with this!

Well we knew it was pneumonia, I'm betting the med is Baytril but can you call and ask?
Always good to know what one is giving...

05-10-2017, 01:05 AM
I just found my reciept and its called SMZ

Well we knew it was pneumonia, I'm betting the med is Baytril but can you call and ask?
Always good to know what one is giving...

05-10-2017, 08:53 AM
So glad she's on the right medicine. She should be feeling better soon. Keep us updated, please. :hug

05-10-2017, 09:36 AM
I just found my reciept and its called SMZ
Thought for sure it would have been Baytril. :dono
SMZ is good too just slower acting...

05-10-2017, 09:39 AM
If this was my squirrel, I would go for the full 7 days of dosing. Better safe than sorry! Hope she feels better soon!

Sorry it took so long for an update, it has been a busy crazy day .

I found a vet that saw squirrels. He said it was pneumonia, and gave me a liquid antibiotic for her. Im not sure what it is, the bottle dont say. Its a pink liquid.
She is to take it twicea day for 5 to 7 days. I will update yall in the morning on how shes doing.

And THANK THANK you for all your help with this!

05-24-2017, 03:21 PM
Soo sorry, I have not been on in a while. I am in Spring Hill area. SMZ is great twice a day for a full 7 days. If you need me I pm my phone number for you.