View Full Version : Just a few questions :)

05-01-2017, 11:51 AM
Hey everyone,
Maple is doing well today she is playing a lot I've never seen her this active and I love it! Her last day on clavamox was yesterday. I have a few questions I was hoping you all could help me with.
1.) Maple will sometimes sleep on her back with her mouth open once she wakes up she closes it? Is that normal ? Sometimes I feel like maybe she gets hot I've caught her doing 3 times. Heating pad is on low only on half the cage.
2.) I messed up and didn't realize I was suppose to refrigerate her blocks and they got moldy some are not moldy I put them in the fridge and ordered new ones can I give her ones without mold on them or should I just ditch the whole bag and let her go without block for two days before the new ones come in?
3.) when will she start losing interest in formula sometimes I feel like she is starting to? She still eats but I'm starting to see her prefer her block/veggies.
4.) should I put a water bowl in her cage? She has a waterer but I've never seen her even use it.
5.) I see no bugs on her or irritation marks but she seems to itch here and there chew her feet and tail randomly is that normal should I washher or give her revolution I have revolution for my dogs?
Maple is about 8weeks old and weighs 262g
Also she seems to gain weight pretty well is that bad? 11 days ago she weighed 136g

Ok I think that's all the questions I have for now, sorry for so many. Look forward to hearing back from you all.
Thank you! :) :)

05-01-2017, 12:29 PM
Hey everyone,
Maple is doing well today she is playing a lot I've never seen her this active and I love it! Her last day on clavamox was yesterday. I have a few questions I was hoping you all could help me with.
1.) Maple will sometimes sleep on her back with her mouth open once she wakes up she closes it? Is that normal ? Sometimes I feel like maybe she gets hot I've caught her doing 3 times. Heating pad is on low only on half the cage.[/B]
2.) I messed up and didn't realize I was suppose to refrigerate her blocks and they got moldy some are not moldy I put them in the fridge and ordered new ones can I give her ones without mold on them or should I just ditch the whole bag and let her go without block for two days before the new ones come in?
3.) when will she start losing interest in formula sometimes I feel like she is starting to? She still eats but I'm starting to see her prefer her block/veggies.
4.) should I put a water bowl in her cage? She has a waterer but I've never seen her even use it.
5.) I see no bugs on her or irritation marks but she seems to itch here and there chew her feet and tail randomly is that normal should I washher or give her revolution I have revolution for my dogs?
Maple is about 8weeks old and weighs 262g
Also she seems to gain weight pretty well is that bad? 11 days ago she weighed 136g

Ok I think that's all the questions I have for now, sorry for so many. Look forward to hearing back from you all.
Thank you! :) :)

Glad to hear Maple is doing so well. I will give you the answers that I know, maybe others will have a different opinion or answer.

1. I think it's normal for squirrels to sleep on their back occasionally. I have seen multiple pictures on TSB of both young and old squirrels doing it. I would also think the mouth open is normal too, just a totally relaxed squirrel. :grin2 As long as she can get off the heat she will choose what's best for her.

2. I personally would pitch the whole bag because it's not worth her getting sick from mold that may not be visible. I keep my blocks in the freezer and only take out what I need each time. They will eat them frozen.

3. There are squirrels on here that eat formula beyond 6 months old. Keep offering it to her from a syringe as long as you can, and then offer it in a bowl. My guys drank it from a bowl a couple of times a day for a long time. When she stops drinking it from a bowl even though it's offered you will know she has chosen to wean herself.

4. Its never a bad idea to offer alternate water sources. Just make sure it's in a heavy enough bowl that she's not spilling it all the time and making a mess. They make bowls that are for parrots and can be attached to the side of a wire cage and can't be spilled. They are available at pet stores or online.

5. Does she do the chewing while she's doing her wash ritual? Most squirrels have a routine where they wash their faces and chew gently on their paws and tail while grooming. Is it that kind of chewing? If you have examined her and you don't see any fleas it could possibly be mites because they are very tiny and hard to see. But with mites I think the chewing would be extreme. Other folks may think it's a good idea to treat with Revolution, I really don't know for sure. The Revolution you want to use is the one for puppies and kittens under 5 pounds, though. And it only takes 1 drop.

The weight gain is awesome! I never worried about my squirrels gaining too much because once they go to the release cage and then released they lose a bit of weight. Better to plump them up beforehand. :grin3

I hope this answers most of your questions. Others may have different answers.

05-01-2017, 12:47 PM
Glad to hear Maple is doing so well. I will give you the answers that I know, maybe others will have a different opinion or answer.

1. I think it's normal for squirrels to sleep on their back occasionally. I have seen multiple pictures on TSB of both young and old squirrels doing it. I would also think the mouth open is normal too, just a totally relaxed squirrel. :grin2 As long as she can get off the heat she will choose what's best for her.

2. I personally would pitch the whole bag because it's not worth her getting sick from mold that may not be visible. I keep my blocks in the freezer and only take out what I need each time. They will eat them frozen.

3. There are squirrels on here that eat formula beyond 6 months old. Keep offering it to her from a syringe as long as you can, and then offer it in a bowl. My guys drank it from a bowl a couple of times a day for a long time. When she stops drinking it from a bowl even though it's offered you will know she has chosen to wean herself.

4. Its never a bad idea to offer alternate water sources. Just make sure it's in a heavy enough bowl that she's not spilling it all the time and making a mess. They make bowls that are for parrots and can be attached to the side of a wire cage and can't be spilled. They are available at pet stores or online.

5. Does she do the chewing while she's doing her wash ritual? Most squirrels have a routine where they wash their faces and chew gently on their paws and tail while grooming. Is it that kind of chewing? If you have examined her and you don't see any fleas it could possibly be mites because they are very tiny and hard to see. But with mites I think the chewing would be extreme. Other folks may think it's a good idea to treat with Revolution, I really don't know for sure. The Revolution you want to use is the one for puppies and kittens under 5 pounds, though. And it only takes 1 drop.

The weight gain is awesome! I never worried about my squirrels gaining too much because once they go to the release cage and then released they lose a bit of weight. Better to plump them up beforehand. :grin3

I hope this answers most of your questions. Others may have different answers.

Yes, that helped me a lot thank you so much!
I will pitch the bag when I get home and give her some extra veggies for the next couple of days!
She could just be doing a cleaning ritual, she doesn't chew all the time so that makes me think it isn't bugs.
Thank you, I appreciate all the help !

05-03-2017, 09:02 PM
Here's a little experience with my girl.

1. My girl has always slept on her back. She still does today and with her mouth wide open. She also does this crazy lower jaw jut and rubs her teeth back and forth while she is sound asleep. Its ridiculously cute to watch.
2. I throw out the whole bag if any have gone bad, too. I find it's just too hard to tell because they are so dark. I just don't want to chance it.
3. Meg took her milk until she was past 7 months and while she was eating regular food. I figured what was the harm, and I gave it until she just refused it completely.
4. I bought a stainless measuring cup and bent the handle down so that it held well and upright in her cage until she took to the spout. It worked very well.
5. Meg also chews for a few seconds on her tail and paws after she licks herself clean....during every cleaning session, like Mel said. It's just a thing she does. Nothing that is damaging or signs of mites or fleas. I'd just take the opportunity to check her thoroughly while she's sound asleep. :)

Best of luck and blessing to you and your Maple! :Love_Icon

05-03-2017, 09:47 PM
Oh that picture is just TOO cute... :klunk:Love_Icon

05-04-2017, 05:43 PM
That pic is so cute!
Thank you guys! I actually had a few more questions today.. maple starting having a couple pfft sneezes the last three days. But was pretty active yesterday she kept pushing formula away only ate maybe 20cc all day (normally eats 60-80) but ate two blocks sugar snap pea. Avacoda and a littl sweet potato. This morning she ate 18cc and at about 3:30 ate another 16.5cc a block some baby kale, sugar snap pea and avocado. She doesn't seem to be wanting her formula much but is still happy to eat other stuff. Also she has really been chewing on her sticks the last couple days a lot more than she was before. Her nose isn't runny, but cold and wet to touch. No clicking. She did have what seemed to be the hiccups a few minutes ago but they went away
She is 8weeks and 304grams.
Any advice? Is she teething or is she too old for that?

05-04-2017, 06:39 PM
I would think her teeth are in. If you can open her mouth to take a look you can confirm it. She seems a little early to wean. I knew my guys were ready to begin the weaning process when they started biting the end of the nipples off. :eek. I continued to offer the formula with a syringe, but eventually had to put it in a dish. They did continue to drink it from the fish for a long while.

05-05-2017, 08:49 AM
That pic is so cute!
Thank you guys! I actually had a few more questions today.. maple starting having a couple pfft sneezes the last three days. But was pretty active yesterday she kept pushing formula away only ate maybe 20cc all day (normally eats 60-80) but ate two blocks sugar snap pea. Avacoda and a littl sweet potato. This morning she ate 18cc and at about 3:30 ate another 16.5cc a block some baby kale, sugar snap pea and avocado. She doesn't seem to be wanting her formula much but is still happy to eat other stuff. Also she has really been chewing on her sticks the last couple days a lot more than she was before. Her nose isn't runny, but cold and wet to touch. No clicking. She did have what seemed to be the hiccups a few minutes ago but they went away
She is 8weeks and 304grams.
Any advice? Is she teething or is she too old for that?

When I started feeding my 7 weeker solid foods he lost interest in formula but I eventually realized it was because I was giving him too much solid food. He's a little porker so he just goes for whatever he thinks tastes best which is usually whatever is unhealthiest. Sounds like your guy is a good size and a healthy eater, but that sounds like a lot of food in one day to me. Probably just not hungry by the time he gets formula. Careful with overfeeding it can mess his tummy up

05-05-2017, 08:58 AM
I can't answer about the sneezes, mine sneezed from time to time - even a few times in a row making me concerned - but it never actually led to anything; watch it, and see if it was random, or leads to more.

It is suggested to put a dish of water in their cage, but do realize that they probably won't drink much or any of it, until they are not drinking much formula. They get most of their water needs through the formula for a long time.

It is recommended to to give them formula for as long as they will take it. Once my squirrel babies bit off the nipples with their emerging teeth, I put the warmed formula in dishes for them to drink. I had one overwintered squirrel who was still drinking formula when I put her in the release cage! She was almost a year old. Obviously, she was eating mostly solid food and lots of it but she still loved her small dish of formula first thing in the morning. Continuing to give them formula for as long as they will take it, I have been told, is extra insurance against MBD while they are in our care.

05-05-2017, 01:00 PM
I can't answer about the sneezes, mine sneezed from time to time - even a few times in a row making me concerned - but it never actually led to anything; watch it, and see if it was random, or leads to more.

It is suggested to put a dish of water in their cage, but do realize that they probably won't drink much or any of it, until they are not drinking much formula. They get most of their water needs through the formula for a long time.

It is recommended to to give them formula for as long as they will take it. Once my squirrel babies bit off the nipples with their emerging teeth, I put the warmed formula in dishes for them to drink. I had one overwintered squirrel who was still drinking formula when I put her in the release cage! She was almost a year old. Obviously, she was eating mostly solid food and lots of it but she still loved her small dish of formula first thing in the morning. Continuing to give them formula for as long as they will take it, I have been told, is extra insurance against MBD while they are in our care.

Thank you,
She is still playful and eating pretty well I will cut back on veggies and see if she will take more formula. Bc she is always hungriest first thing in the morning then after that she gets picky. Here is a pic of her teeth. She has her front teeth I actually was concerned the bottoms were too long. But I wasn't sure if there back teeth came in later and that was making her sneeze. 288004288005

05-05-2017, 01:07 PM
Squirrel bottom teeth are pretty long, especially when the gums are pulled back to reveal more of their length. I suspect they are fine. They look rightly aligned too.

I am not an expert on teeth, so it's better that someone else comment on the teeth.