View Full Version : I want to be sure the diet I am feeding will not harm my remaining squirrel.

04-29-2017, 12:56 PM
Just in case the diet is what caused Winky to pass...

I want to be sure that I am feeding Buster Douglas (Douglas Pine Squirrel) a healthy diet. He is much smaller than Winky and never gets plump. I am not sure if I should be feeding him something else to give him the best chance upon release.

I will be releasing him soon. And am now concerned that he is not as healthy as I believed him to be.

This is the list of what he gets regularly...

Blue Berries
Sliced apples

Leafy greens consisted of Arugula, Spring Greens mix, Collard greens, swiss chard, baby spinach and weeds picked from the yard (smooth leaves of dandelions) seem to be preferred. Sometimes broccoli also.

Nuts in the shell... Walnuts, Pecans, almonds, acorns, filberts. Brazilians for fun. And then pine nuts for a treat.

I do leave dried corn cobs, and when in season fresh corn. I also give him a squirrel food mix but he rarely eats it.

I have read on this site that maybe I should be giving him some sort of antler or bone for additional nutrients? Buster is a Douglas Pine Squirrel and not sure if all breeds require the same types of items so I would really like some advice on this.

04-29-2017, 02:19 PM
Refer to orignal posting/forum on this subject.

04-29-2017, 04:12 PM
Yes, that diet would be a significant problem.. more info in the other thread as SnS said.