View Full Version : Age milestones

04-20-2017, 10:55 PM
Hi all,

Is there a thread or sticky with age milestones? If not can you give some here?

For example at
Age x start to introduce solid foods
Age x they will be going potty on their own?
Also, how often to expect the to pee and or poop. When to worry if they don't.
I've looked but I must be missing it.

Thanks so much for your help.


04-21-2017, 08:09 AM

I am at work and for some reason cannot pull up the address for this site but...if you go to Henry's Healthy Pets they have a six page informative section on 'Raising a Baby Squirrel'. It has many of these landmarks for you.

Solids should be introduced around 6 weeks. They won't really eat it at first but it's good to get it in there. Many here recommend Mazuri blocks which can be purchased at most pet stores or Henry's website also has blocks specifically formulated for squirrels. That should be their first taste of solids as those will provide the varied nutritional needs of your young'uns.

Potty on their own also around 6 weeks. I have two that are 6-7 weeks and I am still stimulating after each feeding, she doesn't much put up with it, he on the other hand seems to appreciate the help. Their blankets are wet between feedings so they are going on their own but I figure the more they expel out of the cage the better.

Depending on age they should pee and poop after every feeding. It is not so consistent at the beginning of getting them, rehydration and adjustment to new food both play parts in that. But, if you are concerned never ever hesitate to ask here.

I hope you have gotten some help from this and best of luck to you and your littles!!


Hi all,

Is there a thread or sticky with age milestones? If not can you give some here?

For example at
Age x start to introduce solid foods
Age x they will be going potty on their own?
Also, how often to expect the to pee and or poop. When to worry if they don't.
I've looked but I must be missing it.

Thanks so much for your help.


04-21-2017, 08:17 AM

04-21-2017, 10:36 AM
The only thing I'll add is that since it is important that they pee and poo every time they eat, and since every squirrel is a unique individual, you can't really know exactly each one will go on their own...I chose to potty them at every meal, and I never chose an exact date to stop, I let them tell me. They let me know when they would not have it anymore, it was really obvious, they would not hold still for the proceedure. At the point that they resisted being pottied, I stopped. I don't exactly remember, but it might not have been the same exact time for each of them.

After I stopped pottying them, I had no way of knowing if their pee and poo was consistent. So I just looked as often as I could for signs of it. I would often see them sitting on a branch, poo falling from their butts, good sign... :-) And they usually had specific pee areas that I would see fresh pee puddles in the morning especially, this is how I best kept track of their daily eliminations.

Just a side note. Later on, when you introducing solid foods one at a time, if you introduce berries, don't let it shock you if you see berry stains everywhere that on first glance looks like blood.