View Full Version : Foster mommy looking for help

Sarah Jane
04-14-2017, 04:48 PM
Hi, not quite sure how this works but at this point I'm getting no HELPFUL answers anywhere else. I have been taking care of a 8-9 week old sweet angel for 4 days now. I'm absolutely in love and the squirrel is super attached to me. I want to keep her but I KNOW its not the right thing to do. I live in Baltimore, Maryland and no one can point me in any type of right direction. I'm in an area with very little greenery and many many cars, touchy children, cats, dogs and other dangers to squirrels. So I do not want to just let her go. I know what will happen if I call the city looking for help. She is doing great so I know she can be released I'm just afraid if I hold on to her too long we will both get even more attached to each other than we already are. I never expected to fall in love with a squirrel but, I did hard. She will only let me handle her and if I leave her along for too long she starts making weird noises, and I'm so worried that even if I find the perfect place for her to go, that she will only want me. The thought of her thinking I gave up on her or abandoned her breaks my heart. But I KNOW what I have to do just NO IDEA how to do it. So ANY advice will help.287232

04-14-2017, 05:05 PM
Hi Sarah, :Welcome to The Squirrel Board

Look no further. You have found a place that can help you. I feel your pain because it's SO easy to fall in love with these little guys. We have rehabbers in your state that can probably direct you. Would you like to find a rehabber to take the baby? Any rehabber that we recommend is 100% safe. The baby would be placed with others and released into the trees at the appropriate time.

While you think about that, here is a link that will help you with baby squirrel care.
It is 6 pages long.

04-14-2017, 08:41 PM
Can you tell me a little about the squirrel. Where did he come from? What diet do you have him on? There is an extremely good rehabber in Columbia, MD that we can hook you up with, if your interested.


Sarah Jane
04-15-2017, 09:26 PM
am a huge ALL animal lover and all of my neighbors know it. This past Saturday one of my neighbors came to my house and told me the squirrel was on there porch for at least 6 hours. I have never even touched one before so I wasn't quite sure what to do but knew I had to at least try to help. So I took a wicker basket and put her in it and stayed out with her all night to make sure nothing got her. The next day mama never showed up, I brought her home to make sure she was not physically hurt (which she wasn't) just hungry, scared and cold. I asked a vet friend of mine what to feed her. She said kitten milk would be fine for now. So I got that and some medicine syringes with little nipples. She's been doing great she seems to love the milk. I also gave her the water salt and sugar mixture. I had to help her go to the bathroom at first, now she's going on her own. She eating vegetables, crackers different nuts and even tried a dandelion

Sarah Jane
04-15-2017, 09:31 PM
I have her set up in a tote with plenty of room, a heating pad, a very soft blanket that she loves a shirt of mine that she can't sleep without and most of the time she sleeps in a soft Christmas stocking that's also in the tote. The top kind of resembles the front of a box fan so plenty of air. I'm doing the best I can for not ever doing this before.

04-15-2017, 09:54 PM
Sarah, thanks for helping her. :hug

We need to work on the diet. First, sorry but the kitten formula isn't good for baby squirrels. Cats are carnivores and have higher protein requirements than squirrels. At first they do OK on it but then they usually develop diarrhea and don't thrive. The proper formula is powdered Esbilac puppy formula with probiotics and probiotics. It can be purchased at your local pet retailer like PetsMart or PetCo. Another formula that is good is FoxValley 20:50. This has to be ordered online so most go with the Esbilac.

The baby needs a rodent block as the first food. The rodent block will provide the minerals and vitamins that are needed. It is VERY important that your babies eats a rodent block. You can purchase Mazuri rodent block at the same pet retailer. There is a specially made squirrel block sold online. I'll get the link for you.
I wouldn't feed the baby nuts just yet. If she gets the taste of nuts it will be very difficult to get her to eat healthy. Nuts are extremely unhealthy. They are high phosphorus foods and cause a calcium imbalance. This can lead to Metabolic Bone Disease which is deadly. We definitely want to avoid that. It is caused by a diet of nuts, seeds and corn. (All very unhealthy)
When she is eating the block we introduce veggies.

Here is a link for the Healthy Pet Squirrel diet.



04-15-2017, 10:08 PM
Sarah Jane you have a very big heart. Thank you so much for helping this little one.

A couple of things.

1. Make sure the heating pad is outside of the tote, under only half of it, so baby can move to a warmer or cooler spot as needed. Inside the tote can become dangerously warm. I have seen baby animals die that way.

2. Hold off on feeding solid foods at this point, until you can get the proper stuff. Crackers and especially nuts are inappropriate at this stage.

3. The correct milk is going to provide baby everything she needs until you add a squirrel block (food). She should not be on a kitten replacement formula. There a couple of options, but if the quickest thing you can buy locally is Puppy Esbilac formula--this exact powdered formula. *buy a kitchen gram scale (walmart) because you'll need a weight to determine how much to feed from now on.


Also, you are off to a great start, it sounds like you did some reading and know that you have to feed with syringe and not a bottle, must pee and poo them at every feeding time and to keep baby warm. I think you just have to smooth out the details now.

Check out this site, click through all six pages and read everything. Come back with any questions you have. We're here to help!


04-15-2017, 10:22 PM
I can see you are going to need some help. First your vet friend is dead wrong about the kitten milk. Kitten milk will eventually cause head bobbing, long bones to began to curve as they grow and not the proper nutrition your baby needs. Most rehabbers are feeding Eabilac puppy formula but this year many of us are having trouble with that too. I am using a formula that is 1/2 Esbilac and 1/2 goats milk formula. That seems to work for my babies the best. My babies are doing great on this formula. I wish I could say the other foods you are feeding are good but they are also the wrong kind of nutrition. Baby squirrels need a very specialized diet and feedings every 3-4 hours. What is your availability to provide this care? I have several other babies this size and would be happy to take this little one into my care. I know how much you love your baby.... Believe me I know. :Love_Icon I have been a Rehabilitator for 18 years. I have loved evey baby that has come to me. Thank you for taking care of this little baby. You saved her. Let me know if you would like me to take her so she will have others to grow up with. :Love_Icon

Sarah Jane
04-16-2017, 11:47 AM
Sarah Jane you have a very big heart. Thank you so much for helping this little one.

A couple of things.

1. Make sure the heating pad is outside of the tote, under only half of it, so baby can move to a warmer or cooler spot as needed. Inside the tote can become dangerously warm. I have seen baby animals die that way.

2. Hold off on feeding solid foods at this point, until you can get the proper stuff. Crackers and especially nuts are inappropriate at this stage.

3. The correct milk is going to provide baby everything she needs until you add a squirrel block (food). She should not be on a kitten replacement formula. There a couple of options, but if the quickest thing you can buy locally is Puppy Esbilac formula--this exact powdered formula. *buy a kitchen gram scale (walmart) because you'll need a weight to determine how much to feed from now on.


Also, you are off to a great start, it sounds like you did some reading and know that you have to feed with syringe and not a bottle, must pee and poo them at every feeding time and to keep baby warm. I think you just have to smooth out the details now.

Check out this site, click through all six pages and read everything. Come back with any questions you have. We're here to help!


The pet stores in my area are closed because of easter, what should I do about feeding today and tonight? I will be going to get esbilac first thing in the morning.

04-16-2017, 01:38 PM
Hi, not quite sure how this works but at this point I'm getting no HELPFUL answers anywhere else. I have been taking care of a 8-9 week old sweet angel for 4 days now. I'm absolutely in love and the squirrel is super attached to me. I want to keep her but I KNOW its not the right thing to do. I live in Baltimore, Maryland and no one can point me in any type of right direction. I'm in an area with very little greenery and many many cars, touchy children, cats, dogs and other dangers to squirrels. So I do not want to just let her go. I know what will happen if I call the city looking for help. She is doing great so I know she can be released I'm just afraid if I hold on to her too long we will both get even more attached to each other than we already are. I never expected to fall in love with a squirrel but, I did hard. She will only let me handle her and if I leave her along for too long she starts making weird noises, and I'm so worried that even if I find the perfect place for her to go, that she will only want me. The thought of her thinking I gave up on her or abandoned her breaks my heart. But I KNOW what I have to do just NO IDEA how to do it. So ANY advice will help.

Baby squirrels need a very specialized diet and feedings every 3-4 hours. What is your availability to provide this care? I have several other babies this size and would be happy to take this little one into my care. I know how much you love your baby.... Believe me I know. :Love_Icon I have been a Rehabilitator for 18 years. I have loved evey baby that has come to me. Thank you for taking care of this little baby. You saved her. Let me know if you would like me to take her so she will have others to grow up with. :Love_Icon

You have an offer on the table that don't get any better then this.
Putting her into the hands of an experienced rehabilatator that can take her all the way through release
would be the ultimate statement of unselfish love in my opinion. It's about the squirrel! Sometimes doing
the right thing hurts, but it never alters the fact that it was right.

04-16-2017, 03:49 PM
This baby needs to be fed today!!!

I would be more than happy to meet you half way. UDoWhat and I live near college park. I can meet you at the rest stop on I95. Both of us are experienced rehabbers with many years and raising hundreds of squirrels.

I know that you love this baby but please consider what is right for this squirrel. Squirrels do not make good pets and it is illegal to keep it in your home. If learning how to become a rehabber is something you are interested in, please do it the right way. We are desperate to have good people helping these orphan babies. But get training first.


04-16-2017, 04:15 PM
Sarah Jane, please seriously consider the offer from Redwuff. This baby needs the correct formula.....NOW....not tomorrow morning. Maybe you and redwuff can work something out so you can visit. It doesn't get easier to part with these little ones once you've raised them to the age that they can be released, but it is absolutely the RIGHT thing to do. They don't make good pets.

Sarah Jane
04-16-2017, 06:16 PM
I never said I was keeping her as a pet. I have every intention on working things out with the rehabilitator. The squirrel is not injured, she has her teeth, goes to the the bathroom by her self. And a friend gave me enough esbilac to last a couple of days so she isn't going to starve. She has been going to the bathroom no diarrhea, no problems. She's active and gets plenty of rest. I've kept her alive for the past week and she looks a lot better than when I found her. I KNEW I couldn't keep her as a pet which is the reason I CAME TO THIS PAGE asking for help.

04-16-2017, 07:21 PM
I never said I was keeping her as a pet. I have every intention on working things out with the rehabilitator. The squirrel is not injured, she has her teeth, goes to the the bathroom by her self. And a friend gave me enough esbilac to last a couple of days so she isn't going to starve. She has been going to the bathroom no diarrhea, no problems. She's active and gets plenty of rest. I've kept her alive for the past week and she looks a lot better than when I found her. I KNEW I couldn't keep her as a pet which is the reason I CAME TO THIS PAGE asking for help.

Please be very careful. Any other Rehabilitators in the state of MD will take your baby away if you let them know you have her. It is against the law in the state of MD to possess wildlife for ANY reason without a state license to rehabilitate but to transfer to a Rehabilitator within 24 hours after finding. If you notice my signature, I promise, I know all 113 licensed Rehabilitators in the state and other than the ones on TSB they will not work with you! I hope you will reconsider my offer to take this sweetheart. If this baby gets sick you will need to see a Vet and unless you have a license most Vets will not work with you unless you are a licensed rehabber. That means you cannot get the meds you will no doubt need. It takes 2 years in our state to become a Rehabilitator and for good reason. Baby squirrels need special diets to remain healthy. They are fed 5-7% of their body weight. Do you have a gram scale to weigh your baby to be sure she is getting the proper amount of food 5 times per day? I asked before, Are you able to be home all day and feed evey 4 hours? It takes a lot of time and money to rehab properly. When she is ready for release you need preditor proof cages that are secure from fox, raccoons, cats, dogs and neighborhood kids. These are not easy to build and certainly not cheap. I will offer again. I would be happy to take your baby and raise with my little ones. Just let me know. We can of course work something out for you to see her. Other rehabbers will not let finders visit. I am not trying to take your baby away from you but just warn you of what you are in for. I hope to hear from you. Your girl is darling :Love_Icon

Sarah Jane
04-16-2017, 07:37 PM
UdoWhat. I sent you a private message.

Sarah Jane
04-16-2017, 07:47 PM

Please be very careful. Any other Rehabilitators in the state of MD will take your baby away if you let them know you have her. It is against the law in the state of MD to possess wildlife for ANY reason without a state license to rehabilitate but to transfer to a Rehabilitator within 24 hours after finding. If you notice my signature, I promise, I know all 113 licensed Rehabilitators in the state and other than the ones on TSB they will not work with you! I hope you will reconsider my offer to take this sweetheart. If this baby gets sick you will need to see a Vet and unless you have a license most Vets will not work with you unless you are a licensed rehabber. That means you cannot get the meds you will no doubt need. It takes 2 years in our state to become a Rehabilitator and for good reason. Baby squirrels need special diets to remain healthy. They are fed 5-7% of their body weight. Do you have a gram scale to weigh your baby to be sure she is getting the proper amount of food 5 times per day? I asked before, Are you able to be home all day and feed evey 4 hours? It takes a lot of time and money to rehab properly. When she is ready for release you need preditor proof cages that are secure from fox, raccoons, cats, dogs and neighborhood kids. These are not easy to build and certainly not cheap. I will offer again. I would be happy to take your baby and raise with my little ones. Just let me know. We can of course work something out for you to see her. Other rehabbers will not let finders visit. I am not trying to take your baby away from you but just warn you of what you are in for. I hope to hear from you. Your girl is darling :Love_Icon

I sent you a private message.

04-16-2017, 08:05 PM
I will look at it now. Had to go feed babies.

04-16-2017, 08:55 PM
Thanks Sarah Jane. I sent you a PM. We will get in touch tomorrow.

04-17-2017, 07:26 AM
Hi Sarah Jane,

Looking forward to meeting you and your precious baby. Please know that most of us got into rehabbing with finding and falling in love with a baby squirrel. They have a super magic ability to wheedle their way into ones heart.

We never forget our first squirrel and somehow our life is never the same because of it!


04-18-2017, 07:26 AM
Hi Sarah Jane,

Sorry we did not touch base yesterday. Hope all is going well for the little girl.:grouphug