View Full Version : Swimming squirrel

04-10-2017, 09:51 PM
You read it right :grin2
So I just watched a video on Youtube that I did not like at first beacuse the person let his/her squirrel drink soda which I think is very harmful, but anyway, in the end the squirrel was swimming in the bathroom:grin3
I wanted to get your feedback on this..


04-11-2017, 12:00 AM
I have frequently seen my wild ones swimming across the creek. The farthest was about 40 feet. She sat on the waters edge making swimming motions in the air with her front feet and then slipped in and just glided right across. One little dude was in rare form jumping around like a nutcase and fell into the creek. He had to swim to the other side to get out. I assume it was his first swim, but he learned quickly out of necessity. I don't think they like to swim, but will if they need to.

island rehabber
04-11-2017, 06:52 AM
They actually do swim when necessary! There are these accounts, by naturalists who catalog this type of thing, of huge numbers of squirrels migrating together from one side of a river to another! Apparently due to either natural or man-made events the food supply on one side of the river was depleted, so ALL the squirrels swam across together to the other side where they somehow knew there was still food. It's been documented more than once; I'd love to see something like that (so long as everybody made it ok!).

04-11-2017, 08:20 AM
Romeo, the squirrel was drinking sweet tea. They absolutely LOVE sweet tea. I guess it's the sugar. If I go outside to sit with my sweet tea they will get all over it. Just the other day I was sitting outside and I looked over and 'somebody' had their mug in my tea. :shakehead :grin2

04-11-2017, 09:48 AM
Romeo, the squirrel was drinking sweet tea. They absolutely LOVE sweet tea. I guess it's the sugar. If I go outside to sit with my sweet tea they will get all over it. Just the other day I was sitting outside and I looked over and 'somebody' had their mug in my tea. :shakehead :grin2
