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04-07-2017, 02:15 PM
Greetings to all. I am Richard and I'm going by the handle "garlicguy." I've always thought squirrels were very cute (like with any other species,babies especially). My wife is crazy about them. Last week we found a two-month-old baby and I front yard. We did not notice at the time that she was injured. I could not tell.

We contacted a few local veterinarians. They gave us a list of telephone numbers for rescuers. That's where we met chickenlegs. She invited us to join the forum . We are the foster parents for a precious little girl you guys have come to know as Annabel.

Just as soon as my wife and I can learn to navigate the site ... we will check out the nursery to see her ... Great to be here and thanks again miss chickenlegs

Nancy in New York
04-07-2017, 02:41 PM
Greetings to all. I am Richard and I'm going by the handle "garlicguy." I've always thought squirrels were very cute (like with any other species,babies especially). My wife is crazy about them. Last week we found a two-month-old baby and I front yard. We did not notice at the time that she was injured. I could not tell.

We contacted a few local veterinarians. They gave us a list of telephone numbers for rescuers. That's where we met chickenlegs. She invited us to join the forum . We are the foster parents for a precious little girl you guys have come to know as Annabel.

Just as soon as my wife and I can learn to navigate the site ... we will check out the nursery to see her ... Great to be here and thanks again miss chickenlegs
Welcome to TSB.
I'm so glad you found chickenlegs for your little Annabell.
She couldn't be in better, more loving hands.
Thank you for helping her. :hug
Here's her thread!

Milo's Mom
04-07-2017, 03:20 PM
Hi garlicguy & wife! :wave123

Welcome to TSB and thank you for getting help for precious little Annabell. :great Your little girl landed in an angels arms. :Love_Icon

Tonight at 8pm we are having a little "ceremony" for Miss Annabell. The purpose of this ceremony (we call it a Cookiemonie) is for all of us, at the same time, to think of Annabell and send her many positive thoughts and healing energies. The humans eat cookies or candy or an adult beverage and all the squirrels get a treat (almost all treats are called cookie)...some use teddy grahams, some use a nut piece, some use a piece of their favorite food or a piece of healthy food. There is power in numbers and power in pozitivitiez....:grin2

We hope that you and your wife are able to join us tonight, at 8, as we all send pozitivitiez to Miss Annabell. :grouphug

Here is a link to the Cookiemonie thread. https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?56913-COOKIEMONIE-FORZ-ANNABELL!&highlight=cookiemonie

04-07-2017, 03:34 PM
Hey Richard! I'm so glad you're HERE! :grin3

04-07-2017, 03:36 PM
Welcome to the the TSB!:wave123

06-23-2019, 11:01 AM
Hey Richard! I'm so glad you're HERE! :grin3

Hello Chickenlegs, I am a friend of Scott and am hoping you can call me. I'm at work (703-227-9038) and need to discuss something important with you concerning Scott and his white albino squirrel Pinkie. Thank you, Laurie

06-24-2019, 12:24 AM
Hi Laurie. I was out most of the day but left a message with my phone number on your work voice mail. We’re not in Iowa yet so maybe I can help even if it’s short term.

06-28-2019, 02:15 AM
Greetings to all. I am Richard and I'm going by the handle "garlicguy." I've always thought squirrels were very cute (like with any other species,babies especially). My wife is crazy about them. Last week we found a two-month-old baby and I front yard. We did not notice at the time that she was injured. I could not tell.

We contacted a few local veterinarians. They gave us a list of telephone numbers for rescuers. That's where we met chickenlegs. She invited us to join the forum . We are the foster parents for a precious little girl you guys have come to know as Annabel.

Just as soon as my wife and I can learn to navigate the site ... we will check out the nursery to see her ... Great to be here and thanks again miss chickenlegs

Welcome!! This is a perfect place for new squirrel parents. :serene