View Full Version : Valuable lesson learned the hard way!!!

03-27-2017, 10:39 PM
I couldn't find the proper forum to post this as I no longer need advice but I am placing it here in hopes I can save just one newbie learning from my huge mistake. Up until today I have never taken or eaten food around Ben. After eight months of rehabbing my brain went dead and I took a carrot into Ben's play room. Mind you I also brought Ben his Baby formula, Henrys block and a salad with veggies, including carrots. Within two minutes Ben saw me eating the carrot out of the corner of his eye. At the time he was busy drinking his formula. It took one second for him to fly off his feeding table and attack my face! I immediately knew the carrot was a HUGE mistake and dropped it to the floor while trying to protect my eyes and face. I don't know how long in reality it took me to get Ben in his cage but felt like forever!
My damage assetment was a split lip, ( now is also a swollen lip) three inch very deep cut on my cheek, fourteen puncture holes in various places on my face, several additional surface scratches on my face and wrist. Thank goodness I had my gloves on! I looked like I lost a bar fight!!! Doing better tonight but my cut swollen lip makes it hard to eat...



Forgot to add, Ben is nine months old and weighs 259 grams!!! Alot of damage for a little S***!!!

03-27-2017, 11:37 PM
Sorry you had to experience that, sometimes those "know betters" need to be on an alarm for
our forgetful moments... bet you won't do that again. :gigg
Sounds like Ben has food aggression, I'd have to say at least 90% of those I've raised do.
I have an overwinter that is the worst I've ever had. She's sweet any other time but once you feed
her it's on! You can't even walk past her cage without her charging at you if she's eating. I made the
mistake (only once) of putting her food dish in and then trying to change her water, I pulled back a
bloody hand and a pin cushioned wrist. She was on me like white on rice!

03-28-2017, 01:26 AM
Your right, I will NEVER make that mistake twice! :serene

03-28-2017, 06:26 PM
Wow, over a carrot!!!! By boy gets aggressive over avacados, coconut, and his occasional walnut. He could care less about carrots. Thanks for the info. Sometimes we need to reminded of things we don't think about all the time. Hope your face heals ok, sorry that happened to you.

03-28-2017, 08:07 PM
Oh Laura, I am so sorry this happened to you. :eek:eek. I never would have thought you could get that kind of a reaction over a carrot! Maybe this is more a case of him maturing which I think multiplies the aggressiveness, at least for awhile. That is very scary that he went after your face. I have never had that happen, just my hands. The saddest part of all is that after an incident like this it alters your ability to trust them like you had in the past. :boohoo:boohoo

I hope the cuts on your face heal quickly. You probably should have them checked by a doctor and if they're bad enough, maybe a plastic surgeon. Some of the bites I've gotten from Peeps on my hands have left scars. :sniff:sniff

03-28-2017, 08:13 PM
:grouphug I'm so sorry! Im praying you're as good as new. I know those little sweet peas can become a cactus in the blink of an eye.

03-29-2017, 11:19 AM
Back to the full riot gear until my face heals!!! Ben is only 259 grams, I can't imagine the damage an adult gray could do...They must be more docile than reds.

03-29-2017, 12:24 PM
Thanks for sharing.

It brought this to mind this experience might fit this category....or at least save someone from a similar experience, though this is not nearly as problematic as food issues.

I used to give my squirrels a tissue box to pull the tissues out and stuff into their indoor nests. They loved this play. Then one day I had a sinus cold. I was playing with them, and my nose was running, so I pulled a tissue from my pocket to my nose; in 2 seconds flat, one squirrel saw it, and made a flying leap to my face. :eek Oh, Duh, "Nesting material!!!!" Luckily I was able to cover my face with both hands and the dear squirrel landed on my hands covering my face.

Opps. I did not do that again. Next time I had to blow my nose, I very secretively hid the tissue as I did the deed. :grin2

03-29-2017, 09:45 PM
Thank you for sharing your experience! I also give Ben a tissue box to play with, although he only shreds them to pieces and never once has used them for bedding. I suffer from severe cat allergies, and yes, I have two. You would think I was smart enough not to have cats but my love of animals far out weighs my running nose and eyes. So,,,,,I always have tissues in my pockets and use them. I am going to find something else for Ben to shred other than tissues. Not going to experience another face attack if possible....Not enough bandaids!!!