View Full Version : First post - Tribute to my beloved squirrel Nuts

Nuts The Squirrel
03-22-2017, 10:49 PM
Our Pet Squirrel Nuts passed away this morning and I feel like I’ve been kicked in the gut. This is the first time I have had to go through losing a pet that is mine and let me tell you, it is tough! I still remember the day he came up to me back in 2009 at Liberty University. I was at work and was outside taking a break and he came right over, not shy at all. From that day, we developed a bond that is truly unique. I remember when we first got him, and we were still trying to train him how to eat healthy but were having a hard time. We researched online and found puppy milk would be the proper diet, but Nuts had something different in mind. Lindsay and I had brought home chick- fil-a for breakfast for us to eat and he dove right for the hash browns. When we tried to pull them away, he growled at us and tried to protect them all. We were able to get his diet under control soon after and then we would notice the same situation take place with nuts, go figure. For Christmas, we got him a huge bag of unshelled Christmas nuts, all kinds. He had the best time hiding and finding and hiding and finding them all over the house. We are still finding them under our pillows and couch cushions. One last story because I could write all day about our time with him. We left for vacation and accidently left the side door of his cage open. When we returned home, he was in his cage like nothing had happened. We noticed the side door of his cage was ajar and then we started finding clues around the home that he had been out the entire week we were gone. A few bites of a piece of fruit here, a small taste of chocolate here, and most importantly, he broke into a huge Costco sized walnut bag in our pantry. He had a great week!
His last few days on this earth, he knew he was about to pass and he showed us the most sympathy and love that the little guy could show. He would struggle to climb up to our neck and lay there for hours. A few hours before he passed, he even licked Lindsay’s neck just to say good-bye. He will truly be missed. I look forward to the day when animals will no longer fear humans. I believe that this is what God meant by us having dominion over them, they trusted us. The Bible even says “not a sparrow falls without God knowing” I believe that this even means that God feels the hurt from one of His works of art passes.
If you ever find a baby squirrel, believe me, it is a gift from God, they will melt your heart. They can be challenging at times, and they will require a lot of attention and a special diet, but it is absolutely worth it!
“If our love would have saved you, you would have lived forever”
Loving owners,
-Daniel, Lindsay, and Connor

island rehabber
03-23-2017, 06:39 AM
I am so sorry that you lost your beloved squirrel, Nuts. Once you've been touched by sharing your life with a squirrel, nothing is quite the same forever after. We're not sure why that's true, but it's pretty much why all of us are here in this Forum.

Eight years is a fairly long life for a squirrel, and he obviously knew love unbounded for all those eight years. Stick around The Squirrel Board; there are so many stories like yours, and so many great photos -- and you never know when another little squirrel will find you. :grin2

03-23-2017, 07:14 AM
Greatly Missed---NEVER Forgotten
please---post some photos of NUTS--
or email to me and I will post them>>>>HERE
put TSB NUTS in the message line

03-23-2017, 08:10 AM
It sounds like you gave Nuts a long, happy life. Godspeed Nuts.

They are truly noble little creatures and we are blessed to have them around.

03-23-2017, 09:38 AM
Our Pet Squirrel Nuts passed away this morning and........
If you ever find a baby squirrel, believe me, it is a gift from God, they will melt your heart.
-Daniel, Lindsay, and Connor

Here are a few of the photos that Daniel e-mailed to me...
Sweet Little NUTS--------------


---I added some borders and text....

03-23-2017, 09:55 AM
2 more--of beautiful...NUTS


Nuts The Squirrel
03-23-2017, 10:00 AM
Wow! This is incredible!! Thank you so much for posting those pictures!! I really love this forum already! The more I talk and share with others, the support and kindness really helps us cope with our loss. Thank you all so much for your support. I would like to find a post to help explain to others more about my experience and things I would recommend as first time squirrel owners. Is there a good forum I should post in?


03-23-2017, 10:10 AM
Wow! This is incredible!! Thank you so much for posting those pictures!!
--Con Mucho Gusto----My Pleasure

send as many as you wish...any time any day....I'll get them on TSB within 24 hours....

I really love this forum already! The more I talk and share with others, the support and kindness really helps us cope with our loss. Thank you all so much for your support. I would like to find a post to help explain to others more about my experience and things I would recommend as first time squirrel owners. Is there a good forum I should post in?

If you want to start a new thread--
click on FORUM
scroll down...
then click on Baby Squirrel Questions
then click on POST NEW THREAD
Then add TITLE--make it a "catchy" title...there are many new threads and a good title adds interest
Then add text--(your story)
then click on Preview Post(at bottom right) correct spelling as needed
Then click Submit New Thread.

03-23-2017, 02:36 PM
I am very sorry you lost Nuts. :Love_Icon. :grouphug :Love_Icon

03-23-2017, 03:02 PM
Hi, glad you like the TSB! If you go to the "Breed Specific, Pet Squirrels, and UK Information" section, you can post either under the breed specific area (i.e. grey squirrel or fox squirrel section) or you could post in the "Pet Squirrel" forum. Although in general the TSB does not recommend owning squirrels as pets (mainly because they often make terrible pets, are wild and many people are not prepared for the long time commitment, energy, cost and stress of squirrel ownership) we do recognize that some folks like yourself can make it work out well. So while we don't encourage squirrels as pets, we love to hear stories and experiences from folks who have given their squirrels a place in their home! It takes a special person or family who can open up their home to a squirrel in the long term. I am sorry again to hear about Nuts passing, judging from the photos and your description, he must have been a very cool squirrel (and very cute too). :grouphug

Wow! This is incredible!! Thank you so much for posting those pictures!! I really love this forum already! The more I talk and share with others, the support and kindness really helps us cope with our loss. Thank you all so much for your support. I would like to find a post to help explain to others more about my experience and things I would recommend as first time squirrel owners. Is there a good forum I should post in?


03-23-2017, 03:13 PM
Nuts:Love_Icon looks like a sweetheart. I'm sorry you and your family lost your precious friend :grouphug
Keep sharing your pictures and stories please.

03-23-2017, 09:21 PM
Our Pet Squirrel Nuts passed away this morning and I feel like I’ve been kicked in the gut....
His last few days on this earth, he knew he was about to pass and he showed us the most sympathy and love that the little guy could show. He would struggle to climb up to our neck and lay there for hours. A few hours before he passed, he even licked Lindsay’s neck just to say good-bye. He will truly be missed. I look forward to the day when animals will no longer fear humans. I believe that this is what God meant by us having dominion over them, they trusted us. The Bible even says “not a sparrow falls without God knowing” I believe that this even means that God feels the hurt from one of His works of art passes.
If you ever find a baby squirrel, believe me, it is a gift from God, they will melt your heart. They can be challenging at times, and they will require a lot of attention and a special diet, but it is absolutely worth it!
“If our love would have saved you, you would have lived forever”
Loving owners,
-Daniel, Lindsay, and Connor

Daniel, Lindsay and Conner, We all totally understand your heartbreak. I'm so sorry about your loss. I have no doubt that God saw your baby as he passed from this world. If He sees sparrows, he sees all his creations pass and that includes squirrels.

He also sees your heartbreak. :grouphug

Psalm 34:18. The Message (MSG)

18 If your heart is broken, you’ll find God right there;
if you’re kicked in the gut, he’ll help you catch your breath.

03-23-2017, 09:24 PM
Nuts:Love_Icon looks like a sweetheart. I'm sorry you and your family lost your precious friend :grouphug
Keep sharing your pictures and stories please.

That implies..... keep emailing them to Costa Rica....ha!!!

03-23-2017, 11:02 PM
We know your joy. We know your heartbreak. You'll never be the same as you were before he touched your heart. But then, who would want to be that "enpty" again. Sweet sleep little man :Love_Icon

03-24-2017, 12:14 AM
:grouphug I'm so sorry for your loss of beloved Nuts :hug. The love you shared and the memories made are priceless and a blessing from God. These little souls fill our lives with such immense joy that is boundless. If you're interested in helping with babies sometimes rehabbers need help, especially if it's a busy year. It's worth checking into.

03-25-2017, 07:21 AM
I'm patiently ( or maybe anxiously) awaiting more photos ---in my e-mail.......

Carol Lynn
03-25-2017, 07:45 AM
Hi Daniel,

So very sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved Nuts. He sounds like he was quite a character, and I can see from the pictures that he was a most adorable little fellow!! It sounds like you gave him a great life and spent lots of happy times together. May those happy memories bring you comfort. Sharing your grief.

Nuts The Squirrel
03-28-2017, 10:54 AM
Thank you all for your kind words and support. It has truely helped with this healing process. Also, we are getting together more pictures now to send over and have them posted here in this thread. Are videos able to be uploaded as well? We have some pretty awesome videos as well.

Also, I have a quick question for you all. While doing research when I first started taking care of my pet squirrel nuts, I read on here that their life expectancy in captivity is 20 years. This is partly the reason we were in such shock and were caught off guard. While Nuts did make it to a little over 8 years old, in my mind he was only middle age at most. When I took him to the vet when he wasn't himself and started to decline, they mentioned that this is the oldest squirrel they have seen and that most "old" squirrels are 5-6 that they have seen which have now passed away. This vet only sees exotic pets and I would be happy to recommend it to anyone as they took great care of nuts and really helped provide the best care possible in his last week on this earth.

Out of all of you who have squirrels out there, what are their ages and what is the oldest you have personally cared for?

I'm just starting to think the 20 years thing might have been a one case scenario and not the standard.

Thanks again for all the posts and in advance for your replies.

More pictures/possibly videos to come.


03-31-2017, 11:25 AM
Daniel, 20 years is not the norm for squirrels. I have heard of only one squirrel that reached that age. There was pretty good documentation for this record holder. :tilt We have had several on TSB that were 15. Unfortunately most of these were declining.

Pet squirrels can live over 10 years. That is pretty common. Just guessing, I would say 12 years would be more realistic. Wild squirrels live 4-6 years because of predators and cars, etc. In captivity, often the diet is a limiting factor. Many people don't do the research needed for a proper diet. When fed an unhealthy diet of nuts, seeds and corn, the life expectancy is 1-2 years at most.

Nuts The Squirrel
03-31-2017, 12:26 PM

Thank you so much for your reply. What you have stated sounds much more accurate and I believe should be the expectancy instead of the 20 years that seems to be the common myth.

I'm still curious as to what could have led to the death of my pet squirrel. He did have a good diet and lived a pretty long 8 years so maybe he just had some sort of disease or organ issue.

Anyway, my wife and I would like to find and care for another squirrel as we know what it takes and even have a vet and the help of TSB now so that maybe we could have one live 15 years in good health.

I don't live on a college campus anymore so the squirrels around my area are very scared of humans. Are there any rehabilitators that have extra non- releasable squirrels that need a good loving home:)

Thanks in advance for any and all replies,

03-31-2017, 03:05 PM
Thank you all for your kind words and support. It has truely helped with this healing process. Also, we are getting together more pictures now to send over and have them posted here in this thread.


I'll keep a watchful eye on my e-mails---
hoping to receive more photos.....soon.

03-31-2017, 05:31 PM
Daniel, there are many times when we know exactly what caused the death of our friend. Unfortunately, there are equally as many times when we have no idea why our friend departed. :sadness As with any mammal, they are subject to any of the organ system failures that humans endure. Genetics plays a huge role in life expectancy. We have seen squirrels with diabetes, heart anomalies and even cancer. :( It seems than many of the issues that limit our life also limits the life of our friends.

Here is the difference, we react to symptoms and seek out a physician to treat our illnesses. Squirrels are prey animals. They instinctively know that showing weakness puts them in the crosshairs of predators. They will hide any sign of weakness until they can no longer mask it. Often this brings them to the brink of death before you would notice any symptoms. You would be surprised how many broken hearted people come here and report that their friend was fine yesterday and died unexpectedly today. (Of course, I'm not referring to those that didn't do the research on proper diet and now their squirrels is crashing with MBD. That's a whole different story and unfortunately quite common.)

Just like us, as they age, you are more likely to see some of the issues that are coded into the DNA. Living inside pushes their life expectancy far beyond what it would have been in nature. 8 years is a good life for a squirrel. I'm sure Nut lived a full life. Of course, it could never be long enough when, at the end of that, is our broken heart. I myself lost a 4 yo flyer this week and my heart still aches. It too, was unexpected. :sadness