View Full Version : Ben has swollen toe

03-22-2017, 09:49 PM
Just let Ben out for dinner and play time an noticed he has a swollen toe that wasn't there earlier today. No skin broken and he is walking and running fine. Anything I should be worried about???

Nancy in New York
03-22-2017, 10:11 PM
Just keep an eye on it. He could have caught it on a "pinch point" from his cage.
What type cage does he have?
You can dose infant ibuprophen if he seems to have discomfort,
but if not, then just keep an eye on it for swelling and tenderness.
Poor Ben. :( :Love_Icon

03-22-2017, 10:23 PM
Ben is in a double Critter Nation cage. Not sure what happened but it isn't slowing him down in the slightest. I will just watch it for now, doesn't act like it hurts him.

Nancy in New York
03-22-2017, 11:07 PM
Ben is in a double Critter Nation cage. Not sure what happened but it isn't slowing him down in the slightest. I will just watch it for now, doesn't act like it hurts him.

That's good to hear.
Those cages don't really have "pinch points" I don't think.
Glad nothing is slowing Ben down, what a little trooper.

03-23-2017, 01:19 AM
I cut a cold grape in half in case Ben wants something cold to put on his toe...I'm sure he will just eat it!!! Lol!!!