View Full Version : Formula Question

03-22-2017, 08:14 PM
My boy Tick has grown so much since January.. He's 193g and counting. I've recently slowed his formula amount throughout the day.. He gets about 14cc of formula twice a day and of course he's given his blocks and some veggies (mostly cabbage and some broccoli for now) he gets a blueberry if he's good lol. I also give him some branches from a crab apple tree we have until I know for sure the plants around us are safe for him.

I'm just wondering if I'm giving him enough formula through out the day..

03-22-2017, 08:17 PM
Here he is:):)

03-22-2017, 08:22 PM
How old is Tick? He is an Eastern Gray squirrel? According to the Wild Mammal Book a 7-8 week old squirrel should weigh more than 250 grams and should be fed formula 3 times a day at 5-7% of its weight each feeding.

Nancy in New York
03-22-2017, 08:25 PM
Give him as much formula as he wants as long as his tummy isn't hard.
Remember formula is the best insurance against MBD.
I have a 7 month old that I am overwintering who still takes formula in the morning
and sometimes at night.
Here's the healthy diet.
Feed from groups 1 and 2 freely, and group 3 limited.


03-22-2017, 08:37 PM
I actually have that saved to my phone.. I follow it as much as possible.. I plan to get him some new veggies to try and I do give him formula in the morning and at night.. Throughout the rest of the day I give him his blocks and vegetables and some stuff from outside . I was just wondering if there was a certain amount he needed throughout the day.. I follow the 5-7 rule graph as well.. That's how I've been keeping up with how much to feed him.. But it doesn't say how frequent he needed it so I just assumed that 2x a day would be ok

03-22-2017, 08:38 PM
He should be about 9-10 weeks old now

Nancy in New York
03-22-2017, 08:43 PM
I actually have that saved to my phone.. I follow it as much as possible.. I plan to get him some new veggies to try and I do give him formula in the morning and at night.. Throughout the rest of the day I give him his blocks and vegetables and some stuff from outside . I was just wondering if there was a certain amount he needed throughout the day.. I follow the 5-7 rule graph as well.. That's how I've been keeping up with how much to feed him.. But it doesn't say how frequent he needed it so I just assumed that 2x a day would be ok

If your home and you can feed him more often, then do so.
If he is still taking it eagarly, give it. Also at this age,
we sort of throw the 5-7% rule out the window. But remember
we never want a HARD belly. It should feel like an inflated balloon.
As long as his tummy isn't hard and his poop stays fine, you're good.
IF you overfeed, most likely at this age you will see the poop turning whitish.
IF you increase the amount at each feeding, just do it slowly, about .5 - 1 mL for
a couple of feedings, etc.
Some of them wean early, but if they take it..........give it.
I LOVE little ones to stay on formula as long as possible.
Is he eating Henry's?
A big hit in this house is the avocado with no skin or pit,
and sugar snap peas. (I know it's in the limited amount)
Mine also like dandelion, and radicchio.

03-22-2017, 08:48 PM
At 9-10 weeks old he should weigh more than 250 grams. He seems small. I gave my guys formula as long as they wanted it, but I also always added Fox Valley Ultraboost to their formula. The extra weight they gain is a little extra insurance for when they go to the release cage and are released. They slim down real quickly then!

You could try offering him formula 3 times a day and see how he does. At the very least he needs to have a wide assortment of veggies to choose from. I would try to get some weight on him.

03-22-2017, 08:55 PM
Believe me y'all he's NOT starving by any means.. He's very active. And the scale I have could be wrong because sometimes it read over 200g(yes I know I need a new one)

03-22-2017, 09:02 PM
If it's the picture you're looking at makes him look small it's just the angel it was taken

03-22-2017, 09:09 PM
He is eating Henry's high protein blocks for baby squirrels.. I just seen that in your post Nancy..He eats them really well. I also thought that the blocks help prevent MBD as well that's why I sort of cut down some on formula