View Full Version : Explaining bro Work About Pet Related Emergency

03-21-2017, 06:30 AM
Hi my name is Nikki and I have already introduced myself but I had a general question. I had to tell my work that I had a family emergency. I didn't say that it was in regards to my squirrel being hospitalized. How do you explain to people that don't believe that pets are more than just pets that they're your family that it really is an emergency? I don't have kids nor do I ever want them. I'm 34 years old and my cats and my squirrel are my life and my world. I know to some people it sounds ridiculous but this is the reason and why I work to make money to take care of my babies. I didn't go to work yesterday which was fine because it was a professional learning day and the kids were not in school so it was okay but at the same time people are going to be asking me what's going on in your family now that you're having a family emergency and I'm going to have to explain to them that my squirrel is in the ER hospital and people are going to laugh and judge me on that. And say that's not a real family emergency how do I attack that from my end? I could be all wrong about this and I could be just thinking in my head about stupid scenarios and stupidbconclusionsbsimply because I know for a fact thatvthere are people that don't believe that animals are your family; they only believe that animals were meant for us to have as pets. To me they're a lot more than that and I'm sure to every one of you they're like children and family.

03-21-2017, 07:16 AM
Hi Nikki, unfortunately there will be no way to explain this to the 'non-squirreled' population. Most people revile squirrels or are at best indifferent. You are among friends here so we totally get it. You might mention that you had a 'pet' emergency without the squirrel part. They will assume it's one of your cats. Most people do understand our commitment to pets but virtually no one gets our fascination with squirrels. They really do think we are NUTS!

I know several people in St Pete that are squirrel rehabbers and squirrel lovers in general. You should meet them. They know all the ropes when it comes to squirrels in St. Pete. I have even traveled to St Pete from across the bay to a veterinary ophthalmologist. Yes, I took a squirrel to an ophthalmologist. :grin2 You should see those tiny cute glasses. :poke :rotfl Just kidding... about the glasses. :grin2

03-21-2017, 07:22 AM
I wouldn't worry about my coworkers thinking I'm crazy or overreacting--like you said, some are just NOT going to get it, & if they don't understand inherently, they're not capable no matter what words you use. Wasted breath in trying! Everyone has their quirks, & this is yours. No biggie!

But how does your boss feel about missing work for a pet emergency? That could be a whole different story if your boss isn't sympathetic. However, as a business owner & employer, if I have an employee who is faithful in attendance & does their job well, I'm fine with the occasional day off for something that's important to them, even if it's not important to me. Personally I understand that people sometimes need time to just be people, not workers. As long as they don't abuse the privilege, it's ok.

Also, how is your squirrel doing now? Everything back on track with your baby?

03-21-2017, 09:49 AM
To be honest, I would stick with the "family emergency" story and just keep it extremely vague. As others have said, most people will think you're a lunatic if you tell them about your squirrel (or possibly even your cat).

Sending prayers & healing vibes for your sweet squirrel. :grouphug :Squirrel :Squirrel :Squirrel

03-21-2017, 09:59 AM
To be honest, I would stick with the "family emergency" story and just keep it extremely vague.
That's what I would do, someone would have to be pretty insensitive to pry further if you showed no inclination to share more details. :grin2

03-21-2017, 10:33 AM
Anyone that knows me knows how important my animals are to me. If they don't understand why I would take a day off because of a pet emergency then they don't know me so they don't deserve any details. Even those that don't feel like I do about their pets at least "get" why I'm a wreck when it comes to an emergency with mine. It's amazing how many of the people around me have changed their view of squirrels since Sammy came along!

Hope your baby is doing better.