View Full Version : Cold squirrel on patio

03-16-2017, 01:33 AM
I just realized one of my released kiddos is on my patio. I can tell who she's NOT, but not who she IS. So she's cold and scared and I'm scared to try and get her (in the dark, 3' from the pool. She's not a baby, she's at least six months old-- & chubby from all the nuts I put out every day.
It's not crazy cold, my guess is mid to low 40's.
I tried to coax her down with nuts.
I pulled a big cage with lots of fleece & a clean nest box to her. She's about a foot over it on a ledge of the screen support.
I don't know if I should just leave her at this point? It's already after two in the morning. It will be dawn before too terribly long.
I don't feel like being a squirrel warrior tonight... I really don't want to go chasing her around in the middle of the night with gloves on, hoping I'm not going to be mauled by a scared squirrel. (Or fall in the pool, or have her fall in the pool...)
I actually think she safer on the patio at this point, if she went outside I am not sure if she go back to her nest or stay in the yard, exposed to all the night predators
Hmm-- I think I just talked myself through this!
I will go to bed before too long, if there's someone on, and you have a strong opinion that I should try something else, I would appreciate your advice! Otherwise I'm gonna let her stay where she is, and hope she'll follow the nuts down to the nest box.
God bless all of you who are up tending babies tonight!

Nancy in New York
03-16-2017, 06:22 AM
Sorry nobody was on, though I'm not sure how anyone would have handled this dilema. :hug

03-16-2017, 06:31 AM
I just realized one of my released kiddos is on my patio. I can tell who she's NOT, but not who she IS. So she's cold and scared and I'm scared to try and get her (in the dark, 3' from the pool. She's not a baby, she's at least six months old-- & chubby from all the nuts I put out every day.
It's not crazy cold, my guess is mid to low 40's.
I tried to coax her down with nuts.
I pulled a big cage with lots of fleece & a clean nest box to her. She's about a foot over it on a ledge of the screen support.
I don't know if I should just leave her at this point? It's already after two in the morning. It will be dawn before too terribly long.
I don't feel like being a squirrel warrior tonight... I really don't want to go chasing her around in the middle of the night with gloves on, hoping I'm not going to be mauled by a scared squirrel. (Or fall in the pool, or have her fall in the pool...)
I actually think she safer on the patio at this point, if she went outside I am not sure if she go back to her nest or stay in the yard, exposed to all the night predators
Hmm-- I think I just talked myself through this!
I will go to bed before too long, if there's someone on, and you have a strong opinion that I should try something else, I would appreciate your advice! Otherwise I'm gonna let her stay where she is, and hope she'll follow the nuts down to the nest box.
God bless all of you who are up tending babies tonight!

Is the little one still around? I think you did the best thing. You provided a warm nestbox that was easily accessible. Daylight is the time to determine if there is something physically wrong. :great:great. Keep us posted.

03-16-2017, 01:27 PM
Sorry nobody was on, though I'm not sure how anyone would have handled this dilema. :hug

Thanks! It makes me feel better that there may not have been a better way to handle the situation. This morning she was running all over the patio, hiding all those almonds and walnuts I tried to bribe her with last night. She looked very very happy! I know she had a truly miserable night, but thankfully she's just fine.