View Full Version : Possible UTI

03-12-2017, 08:11 PM
I posted a thread a few days ago titled "UTI or menstrual bleeding? ". Fall is still a little swollen down there, and there's still a little blood. I smelled her urine today and it smells...smoky and musky almost (does female urine give off a stronger scent when they're in heat?). And there was a pinkish fluid in her urine when I cleaned it up. It also looked like she was straining a little to pee (maybe just because of the swelling?) But she doesn't appear to be in any discomfort, just seems very sleepy around 4 or 5. I did get a scale to weigh her, so if this does seem like a uti to anyone, I can weigh her and get the correct dosage of baytril to give her.

03-13-2017, 06:48 AM
Bump..... can someone help with dosing here if you think it's an UTI and not her being in heat?? - Thanks.

Nancy in New York
03-13-2017, 06:57 AM
We can't help with dosing if there is no weight and no drug strength mentioned.

03-13-2017, 08:07 AM
We can't help with dosing if there is no weight and no drug strength mentioned.
Yes, Correct!! ..... but do you think its more of an UTI or HEAT?

Nancy in New York
03-13-2017, 08:14 AM
Yes, Correct!! ..... but do you think its more of an UTI or HEAT?

Unsure. This was posted in her other thread on 3/10

With what you describe it does sound like she may be in her estrus,
if she is in estrus it only lasts a day or two. I'd be inclined to wait
and see as long as she's not exhibiting any obvious discomfort.
Have you been able to observe her passing urine?

Here are some of the sypmptoms of a UTI.


03-13-2017, 11:38 AM
Unsure. This was posted in her other thread on 3/10

Here are some of the sypmptoms of a UTI.

I would say her urine is concentrated, possible blood, strong odor, straining during urination, and infrequent urination. So should I try to get her weight or no? Any tips on how to do that? Because I don't believe she's going to want to get off of my arm.