View Full Version : Licking and eating salt block

03-05-2017, 11:53 AM
Crackers has seemed off yesterday. Today she woke up and was licking and eating her salt block. Drank a bit of water and went back to her salt. She seems off today. Lethargic but alert. She ate a small bit of her squirrel block and now she's just sitting. Should I worry?

03-05-2017, 12:32 PM
How old is Crackers? What is her diet? Does she have out of cage time where she could have gotten into something? I was told by my vet that squirrels don't need salt blocks. She could be dehydrated. Try offering more water and remove the salt lick. It could be too much salt.

03-05-2017, 02:17 PM
She's about 8 months old. She eats squirrels blocks and fruits and vegetables. She does get time out of her cage in my bedroom. I don't have anything around that she could have gotten into. I'm nursing a sick cat back to health so theres only canned cat food around. She doesn't like it.
She has access to her cage water and a cup of water left on the bed. She was licking a piece of wood that is on a bird toy. I went to offer a blueberry and she nipped at me. Then I offered the salt and she went to town on it. Offered water and she drank a bit, she went back to the salt and back to the water. I cuddled her and she went for another drink and then to bed.
Crackers is normally zoom zoom everywhere. If she doesnt get better, I'm taking her to the vet tomorrow.

03-05-2017, 08:34 PM
The vet is probably a good plan.

03-05-2017, 08:37 PM
The vet is definitely a good idea, but the salt block is not a good thing for her to have. Too much salt is not a good thing for them. I would advise taking that away and not offering it anymore.

03-06-2017, 05:38 PM
The vet was no help at all. She told me she doesn't touch adult squirrels because they bite. I told her Crackers was dehydrated and should get subQ fluids. Nope. She gave me a powder meal replacer and sent me on my way. What a waste of 70$

03-06-2017, 08:06 PM
OMGosh! Where in Florida are you located? There is a totally awesome squirrel vet in Port Orange, FL. Her name is Dr. Alicia Emerson at Ravenwood Vet Clinic, 386-788-1550. There are also several rehabbers in Fl that we can steer you in the direction of, if we know where you are located. I'm sorry you didn't get anywhere with your vet. :boohoo:boohoo

03-06-2017, 09:25 PM
Ocala. She has a swollen abdomen. Maybe constipation? What do you do for constipation?

03-06-2017, 09:27 PM
I'm thinking about going to Orlando's exotic animal hospital tomorrow. I'm going to call to see if they actually touch squirrels.

03-06-2017, 10:24 PM
Are you near any of these cities?

Lake Wales

Port Orange





New Port Richey

Spring Hill

Port Richey


Port Richey




03-06-2017, 10:37 PM
This is very unusual for an 8 month old. First, I would remove the salt block. It is extremely unusual for a squirrel to be going after a salt block.

You said she eats squirrel block. Could you be more specific? There are some bad 'squirrel blocks' out there. How many nuts does she get per day?

You could offer some diluted apple juice for constipation. I can't believe the vet didn't SubQ. Does her hair look spikey? The diluted apple juice will help with hydration as well.

If the vet practice doesn't see squirrels, they should have said that up front. :shakehead

03-06-2017, 10:51 PM
This is very unusual for an 8 month old. First, I would remove the salt block. It is extremely unusual for a squirrel to be going after a salt block.

You said she eats squirrel block. Could you be more specific? There are some bad 'squirrel blocks' out there. How many nuts does she get per day?

You could offer some diluted apple juice for constipation. I can't believe the vet didn't SubQ. Does her hair look spikey? The diluted apple juice will help with hydration as well.

If the vet practice doesn't see squirrels, they should have said that up front. :shakehead

Henry's squirrel blocks. I'm not going to remove the salt or the mineral blocks. I agree it's unusual.This is part of why I'm concerned! She has had it in her cage for a long time. She never used it. Now she is. I'm not going to take it away. I am however, going to monitor how much she licks it. I fed her 6ccs of the meal replacer the ****ty vet gave me. Tomorrow she's going to another vet.

03-06-2017, 11:17 PM
Sodium taxes the kidneys. The salt block is not made for squirrels. Until you figure out why she is bloating, I would definitely remove it.

Nancy in New York
03-06-2017, 11:38 PM
I just quickly read this thread. Is there any reason this 8 month old squirrel can't be released?

03-07-2017, 01:40 AM
I just quickly read this thread. Is there any reason this 8 month old squirrel can't be released?

She was released. She came back home. Walked right into my kitchen..