View Full Version : Longwood Florida Found baby Squirrel

03-04-2017, 06:40 PM
I found this baby squirrel by my window Thursday morning. My friend gave me Hydrate from henry's and squirrel formula. I hydrated her then started giving
her formula. She weighs 2 ounces. She was doing great on the formula and this afternoon she looked dehydrated. I did the skin test on her and then started back
giving her hydration water. She was guzzling it down and I was going so slow with the small syringe. It squirted out her nose a little and she sneezed out a little water.
She has had normal poop but just a few minutes ago had diarrhea. She is acting normal but I don't know what to do, please help?


Nancy in New York
03-04-2017, 06:48 PM
I found this baby squirrel by my window Thursday morning. My friend gave me Hydrate from henry's and squirrel formula. I hydrated her then started giving
her formula. She weighs 2 ounces. She was doing great on the formula and this afternoon she looked dehydrated. I did the skin test on her and then started back
giving her hydration water. She was guzzling it down and I was going so slow with the small syringe. It squirted out her nose a little and she sneezed out a little water.
She has had normal poop but just a few minutes ago had diarrhea. She is acting normal but I don't know what to do, please help?


I just moved your thread to the emergency section.
What formula are you feeding this little one?
What syringes are you using, and what size.
Does the syringe have the name SOL-M on the side?
Can you post a picture of you squirrel?

03-04-2017, 07:14 PM
Fox Valley Formula
1ml syringe
yes it has SOL-M on the side.
I'm using the clear little nipple you attach from henry's
I have only been feeding her about 1ml every 3-4 hrs. This afternoon I gave her 2 ml of hydration Electrolyte from Henry's then an hour later she took another 1.5 ml then
an hour after that is when she had diarrhea. She has only had it the one time.
I think I attached the photo but I will try again if it didn't go through.

Nancy in New York
03-04-2017, 07:19 PM
Fox Valley Formula
1ml syringe
yes it has SOL-M on the side.
I'm using the clear little nipple you attach from henry's
I have only been feeding her about 1ml every 3-4 hrs. This afternoon I gave her 2 ml of hydration Electrolyte from Henry's then an hour later she took another 1.5 ml then
an hour after that is when she had diarrhea. She has only had it the one time.
I think I attached the photo but I will try again if it didn't go through.

Those syringes are SO fast you sort of have to hold back on them a little.
Very dangerous in my opinion and others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too bad they are still being sold!
How much does this little one weigh?
We feed according to their weight meaning 5-7% of their body weight every
3-4 hours.
Which Fox Valley are you using, we have had terrible problems with the FV32/40.

Your little one is just precious!:klunk

03-04-2017, 07:53 PM
Those syringes are SO fast you sort of have to hold back on them a little.
Very dangerous in my opinion and others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too bad they are still being sold!
How much does this little one weigh?
We feed according to their weight meaning 5-7% of their body weight every
3-4 hours.
Which Fox Valley are you using, we have had terrible problems with the FV32/40.

Your little one is just precious!:klunk

I go very slow, almost make her suck it out. She is getting the 20/50 but my friend just gave me esbilac that I can use. She weighs 2 ounces.

Nancy in New York
03-04-2017, 08:00 PM
I go very slow, almost make her suck it out. She is getting the 20/50 but my friend just gave me esbilac that I can use. She weighs 2 ounces.

OK so she weights almost 57 grams.
That would mean if you were going by the 5-7% "rule of thumb", she would get ~ 2.8 - 4 ccs at every feeding.
Members have had excellent results using 50/50 Powdered Puppy Esbilac (third ingredient should be
dried whey protein) and Fox Valley 20/50.
Perhaps a slight change to that would work perfect for your little girl.

Edit: Since she was eating so little go up slowly to feed the proper amount, ok? We don't want to
bloat her. Is she hungry after 1 cc of formula?
I would shoot for 2 mLs of formula every feeding (4 hours apart) for now, (because you would be doubling
what you are currently giving her, correct?) but don't force that amount.
We will work her up slowly to the "rule of thumb" amounts, unless she eagarly wants more.
Also when they are done eating, their tummies should feel like a balloon, but NOT hard.
Also if she appears wiggly during feeding, stop and see if she needs to be stimulated, then
start the feeding again.
After about 3 feedings increase it if she wants more and so on.


03-04-2017, 08:05 PM
Add in the Esbilac a little at a time. For the first few feedings, use 1/4 Esbilac and 3/4 FV 20/50. Then change to 50/50 Esbilac and FV 20/50 and stay at that as long as she doesn't have any issues with it.
At 2 oz she weighs about 56g, but if you could weigh her in grams it would be better as it is more accurate. The rule of thumb is 5% - 7% of their weight in grams at each feeding. That would mean at 56g you would take 56 x .05 = 2.8cc at each feeding. You would probably be at about every 4 - 4 1/2 hours for feedings.

03-07-2017, 10:09 PM
I know there are Florida rehabbers up there. I am way South....