View Full Version : Hi, I am working to save a baby fox squirrel

03-04-2017, 10:18 AM
Thursday afternoon a friend called, her husband works at an auto repair shop. One of their customers drove in, and while talking they saw a squirrel run from his truck. Upon lifting the hood they found a baby squirrel. How he made it that far without falling off is anyone's guess.
She called me since I am known for loving wildlife.
From the reading I have done of posts on this site I would guess Baby to be about 3 weeks old, still has eyes closed, small amount of fuzz on body and starting to get 2 lower teeth.
First I placed Baby in brooder box [I raise chickens] until proper box could be set up but I knew I needed to get him warm.
I started Baby on unflavored Pediatric Electrolyte Solution. After all signs of dehydration were gone I got some powdered puppy Esbilac and he is eating fairly well [about 4cc every 4 hours]. Weighed 2.5 oz when I got him and is 2.8 oz 24 hours later.
Problem: I have been stimulating him before and after every feeding using damp paper towel, cotton balls and Q-tips but have not been able to get him to poop. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

03-04-2017, 10:38 AM
Thursday afternoon a friend called, her husband works at an auto repair shop. One of their customers drove in, and while talking they saw a squirrel run from his truck. Upon lifting the hood they found a baby squirrel. How he made it that far without falling off is anyone's guess.
She called me since I am known for loving wildlife.
From the reading I have done of posts on this site I would guess Baby to be about 3 weeks old, still has eyes closed, small amount of fuzz on body and starting to get 2 lower teeth.
First I placed Baby in brooder box [I raise chickens] until proper box could be set up but I knew I needed to get him warm.
I started Baby on unflavored Pediatric Electrolyte Solution. After all signs of dehydration were gone I got some powdered puppy Esbilac and he is eating fairly well [about 4cc every 4 hours]. Weighed 2.5 oz when I got him and is 2.8 oz 24 hours later.
Problem: I have been stimulating him before and after every feeding using damp paper towel, cotton balls and Q-tips but have not been able to get him to poop. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Hi rmorgan
:Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard

You confused me a little. The squirrel that ran from the truck. Was that mama squirrel? I doubt it was baby squirrel that ran, right? At 3 weeks they're pretty wobbly and crawl around a bit. If it was the baby I would think it's a little older than 3 weeks. The eyes open at 5 weeks.

It sounds like you have a good plan. Warm, hydrate, feed. I assume the puppy formula is Esbilac puppy formula and not the PetLac. A lot of people confuse the two because they are from the same company.

Sometimes it takes a couple feedings or even a day or so to get poop. Keep trying... it will come. :tilt

http://www.henryspets.com/1-basic-setup/ It is 6 pages long. The next button is on the top right.

Again, welcome!!

03-04-2017, 10:44 AM
I just converted the 2.5 ounces to grams. That's 70 grams.
It's hard for me to relate that size to age because we don't have the fox squirrels like you have in Texas. Your Fox squirrels in Texas are almost twice the size of our dinky grey squirrels here. :grin2

In FL a 70gram baby would be walking around with the eyes open. :rotfl

03-04-2017, 11:07 AM
Thanks for the replies, We assume the squirrel that ran from the truck was mama and is long gone since truck was no longer in her home territory.

Baby does not have eyes open yet, is not fully furred out and is just starting to get 2 lower teeth, no uppers yet.

Weight does seem high but I weighed him 4 times. Each time was 2.5 oz when scale was placed on ounces and when scale was put on grams he weighed 72 grams. He seemed to be healthy and well fed when found. He only has a few minor scratches on his tummy, probably from the truck ride.

I did get the Esbilac puppy powered formula, not any substitutes.

03-04-2017, 11:40 AM
How precious!!! :Love_Icon

03-04-2017, 11:43 AM
You are doing a good job..... HRT has already given you the best advice and a link to important info you will need to know, I just want to add that at 72 grams your squirrel can drink any where between 4-5cc at every feeding, which is every four hours, night time feeding included until he turns any where between four to five weeks old.

03-04-2017, 12:21 PM
Thanks so much for all the information, right now I am on a crash course to learn how to care for this baby.

03-04-2017, 04:54 PM
We got poop:bliss
Named baby "Rascal"

03-04-2017, 05:34 PM
Yep... You're in the right place. Eeeeeverybody gets excited about poop. :dance:woot

Nancy in New York
03-04-2017, 06:32 PM
Your baby is just precious!!!!!!!!! :klunk
I want one. :)

03-04-2017, 06:33 PM
Rascal is (b e a u t I f u l) !!!!

03-05-2017, 10:02 AM
Rascal is now 3 oz [85 grams]:)

03-06-2017, 07:31 AM
Your baby is beautiful. Momma left him in great shape. Nice and plump! Looks like you are doing a great job also. Have fun!:grouphug

03-06-2017, 10:04 AM
Rascal is precious and perfect! You're doing a great job! :w00t

03-06-2017, 10:25 AM
So far, so good.:)285643285644

03-06-2017, 12:19 PM
Super cute!