View Full Version : Baby constipated

03-04-2017, 09:22 AM
Help! I have a new baby grey squirrel that is approximately one to two weeks old. I've had him for 36 hrs. He was dehydrated and I use electrolytes for the first 7 feedings them start him on the diluted formula schedule. He pooped yesterday morning a dark firm stool, but has not gone since. I stimulate his bottom after every feeding and have done the baby squirrel hot tub treatment. (Lower half in warm water) I've massaged with olive oil, and tickled the lower region and he just won't go. I noticed an article that suggested diluted apple juice. Is this appropriate? I've also backed off the dilution rate of the formula to add more water. Any help is appreciated!

03-04-2017, 09:46 AM
We have our squirrel gathering for the club this weekend in Maryland, so there may be some delay in responses, but there are several experts that I know are still at home. Please check back often about your concerns and one of them will certainly give you a professional answer and guide you through the process.

Thank you so much for taking care of this baby. Without you, it would surely die.

Please provide pictures of your furry friend and if you have a gram scale that would be very helpful. I assume the eyes are of course still closed. If you need help posting pictures, you can PM me with your information. Then we can have them texted or emailed and I can put them on in one minute.

I know there is a reasonable amount of pressure you can apply to the abdomen region and genital areas to promote poops and pee pee. The pee should be reasonably clear and the poop relatively solid (dark in color). You can grab a small amount of skin below the neck and squeeze gently to determine hydration allotment. If it folds over and stays in the general same folded position, your baby needs hydration.

03-04-2017, 09:55 AM
Help! I have a new baby grey squirrel that is approximately one to two weeks old. I've had him for 36 hrs. He was dehydrated and I use electrolytes for the first 7 feedings them start him on the diluted formula schedule. He pooped yesterday morning a dark firm stool, but has not gone since. I stimulate his bottom after every feeding and have done the baby squirrel hot tub treatment. (Lower half in warm water) I've massaged with olive oil, and tickled the lower region and he just won't go. I noticed an article that suggested diluted apple juice. Is this appropriate? I've also backed off the dilution rate of the formula to add more water. Any help is appreciated!

I am no expert but I recently went through this same thing. In the morning, I mixed the formula with apple juice and it really helped! I was also diluting their formula but quickly realized (with the help of this board) that I was not giving them enough nutrition, so I wouldn't dilute, myself. I was also told it is better to give a mix of apple juice and water between feedings, and not to mix with formula. Mine are 3 weeks old now and I have added 1/4 of fox valley 20/50 to 3/4 esbilac and it helped almost immediately! It's been almost 48 hours (with no apple juice) and they are pooping machines! They are also gaining weight at a more rapid pace. I will change their formula today to 1/2 fv and 1/2 esbilac and see how that goes. If all is well, I plan on keeping them on that formula until they are weaned.

One more thing...when you started him on the formula after hydration, did you slowly introduct it? I had to dilute mine and add more formula to every feeding until it was full strength.

Someone else suggested supplementing with dandelion root tea for constipation and/or bloating. I did give them one dose of that but the fv formula had come in the mail and that took care of my problem.

I hope this helps until someone wiser than myself can answer.

Nancy in New York
03-04-2017, 10:03 AM
Help! I have a new baby grey squirrel that is approximately one to two weeks old. I've had him for 36 hrs. He was dehydrated and I use electrolytes for the first 7 feedings them start him on the diluted formula schedule. He pooped yesterday morning a dark firm stool, but has not gone since. I stimulate his bottom after every feeding and have done the baby squirrel hot tub treatment. (Lower half in warm water) I've massaged with olive oil, and tickled the lower region and he just won't go. I noticed an article that suggested diluted apple juice. Is this appropriate? I've also backed off the dilution rate of the formula to add more water. Any help is appreciated!

How many mLs are you feeding him at each feeding.
What sized syringe.
How much does he weigh?
You can give diluted apple juice in between feedings, but I have
a feeling that he still hasn't adjusted to the formula and may take some
time. We have a member stosh who has had little ones not poop for 4 days
after receiving.
Which formula are you feeding?
It should be Powdered Puppy Esbilac AND Fox Valley 20/50
I will post a picture once I find it.



Nancy in New York
03-04-2017, 10:09 AM
I am no expert but I recently went through this same thing. In the morning, I mixed the formula with apple juice and it really helped! I was also diluting their formula but quickly realized (with the help of this board) that I was not giving them enough nutrition, so I wouldn't dilute, myself. I was also told it is better to give a mix of apple juice and water between feedings, and not to mix with formula. Mine are 3 weeks old now and I have added 1/4 of fox valley 20/50 to 3/4 esbilac and it helped almost immediately! It's been almost 48 hours (with no apple juice) and they are pooping machines! They are also gaining weight at a more rapid pace. I will change their formula today to 1/2 fv and 1/2 esbilac and see how that goes. If all is well, I plan on keeping them on that formula until they are weaned.

One more thing...when you started him on the formula after hydration, did you slowly introduct it? I had to dilute mine and add more formula to every feeding until it was full strength.

Someone else suggested supplementing with dandelion root tea for constipation and/or bloating. I did give them one dose of that but the fv formula had come in the mail and that took care of my problem.

I hope this helps until someone wiser than myself can answer.

03-04-2017, 10:18 AM
Thanks everyone for responding! The baby weighs around 30 grams and I've been using a 10cc syringe. I did the homemade electrolytes made of salt, sugar and water. He seemed hydrated after 7 feedings so I began the diluted introduction of esbilac. I'm up to 2 ccs of formula and 1 cc of water. He's beginning to latch on the syringe so I feel he's getting it in his system. I also added a tiny bit of whipping cream to the formula. I'm wondering if I should continue with the same diluation rate, or to add more water, or to continue increasing formula to full strength.

Nancy in New York
03-04-2017, 10:35 AM
Thanks everyone for responding! The baby weighs around 30 grams and I've been using a 10cc syringe. I did the homemade electrolytes made of salt, sugar and water. He seemed hydrated after 7 feedings so I began the diluted introduction of esbilac. I'm up to 2 ccs of formula and 1 cc of water. He's beginning to latch on the syringe so I feel he's getting it in his system. I also added a tiny bit of whipping cream to the formula. I'm wondering if I should continue with the same diluation rate, or to add more water, or to continue increasing formula to full strength.

OK, that syringe is TOO big. They can easily aspirate.
Buy some 1 cc syringes and nipples.
You can get them here.
I suggest the Exacta-Med Slip-Tip O-Ring Syringes, 1 ml and miracle nipple.
The other syringes are SOL-M and dispense too quickly.
They are pricey but worth it, but you might want to go to a silicone mothering nipple.
If this little one were mine, I would also order the Fox Valley 20/50 formula.
We have seen excellent results from constipation when combining the two formulas.

"Rule of thumb" for feeding is 5-7% of the body weight.
Wait for the milk line to almost completely disappear before feeding again.

Are you mixing the formula 1 part dry to 2 parts HOT water?
Make this ahead of time, and let it "rest" in the refrig for 6-8 hours, so it completely
dissolves. You can also make it up, let it rest, and then restir or shake and freeze the formula
in ice cube trays take out what you need the night before and defrost in your refrig.
Shake or stir before feeding. IF you shake draw up from the bottom of the container, not from
the top where the bubbles are.

Edit: You're using the correct formula, right? The third ingredient should be dried whey protein concentrate.

03-04-2017, 10:44 AM
I live in the country and was unable to find the correct size syringe, so I'm using the 10 cc until I can get to town again. I have a friend that has offered a 'miracle' nipple that I will be able to get tomorrow. Yes, I am using the correct formula and have been premixing with warm water. Should I discontinue the whipping cream addition? What about the dilution rate?

Nancy in New York
03-04-2017, 11:14 AM
I live in the country and was unable to find the correct size syringe, so I'm using the 10 cc until I can get to town again. I have a friend that has offered a 'miracle' nipple that I will be able to get tomorrow. Yes, I am using the correct formula and have been premixing with warm water. Should I discontinue the whipping cream addition? What about the dilution rate?

I would keep him on a little bit of heavy cream in the formula.
I would suggest 4 parts mixed formula to 1 part Heavy cream.
IF he starts getting diarrhea or loose stools cut back on the heavy cream.

03-04-2017, 02:37 PM

Update: I drove the hour trip for the "miracle" nipple and I'm glad I did! It works like a charm. Baby pooped a little this afternoon so I think he just needed some adjusting to the formula. Thanks again for the help!

03-04-2017, 02:40 PM

Nancy in New York
03-04-2017, 02:57 PM

Oh he's just perfection!:klunk
Glad the nipple helped! :w00t

03-05-2017, 12:10 PM

Update: I drove the hour trip for the "miracle" nipple and I'm glad I did! It works like a charm. Baby pooped a little this afternoon so I think he just needed some adjusting to the formula. Thanks again for the help!

So sweet! The miracle nipples truly are miracles!

Nancy in New York
03-05-2017, 06:11 PM
So sweet! The miracle nipples truly are miracles!

Yes they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:w00t

03-05-2017, 08:50 PM
I'm sure there must be a pharmacy nearby even in the country. Those darned CVSs are everywhere these days! I bet there's on in Death Valley...:rofl4
Even a little small town pharmacist will have 1cc syringes behind the counter. Go to the pharmacist and tell him that you have a "kitten" that you are nursing back to health and they will very likely give you a couple of 1cc syringes. With a 10cc syringe, you will have serious trouble with aspiration.
He is absolutely adorable!

03-05-2017, 09:08 PM
I'm sure there must be a pharmacy nearby even in the country. Those darned CVSs are everywhere these days! I bet there's on in Death Valley...:rofl4
Even a little small town pharmacist will have 1cc syringes behind the counter. Go to the pharmacist and tell him that you have a "kitten" that you are nursing back to health and they will very likely give you a couple of 1cc syringes. With a 10cc syringe, you will have serious trouble with aspiration.
He is absolutely adorable!

I did get the smaller syringes along with the miracle nipple. So much easier! This is only my second attempt at a rescue. Our other squirrel was a couple of weeks older and this one is definitely more of a challenge. I noticed a little bubbling of milk from its nostrils after feeding tonight. I am careful to hold the baby at the correct position while feeding and going extremely slowly with the plunger. His skin seemed a little looser tonight and didn't snap back as quickly. I feed 2 cc's of electrolytes and that seemed to help with hydration. Would you recommend continuing on with formula feeding also tonight? He's 30 grams in weight, eating 1.5 to 2 ccs of formula every 3 hrs. The electrolytes were fed in between formula feeding schedule.

03-05-2017, 09:10 PM
I did get the smaller syringes along with the miracle nipple. So much easier! This is only my second attempt at a rescue. Our other squirrel was a couple of weeks older and this one is definitely more of a challenge. I noticed a little bubbling of milk from its nostrils after feeding tonight. I am careful to hold the baby at the correct position while feeding and going extremely slowly with the plunger. His skin seemed a little looser tonight and didn't snap back as quickly. I feed 2 cc's of electrolytes and that seemed to help with hydration. Would you recommend continuing on with formula feeding also tonight? He's 30 grams in weight, eating 1.5 to 2 ccs of formula every 3 hrs. The electrolytes were fed in between formula feeding schedule.

03-05-2017, 09:19 PM
Formula with electrolyte in between is a perfect schedule for 24 hours. Just don't give the electrolytes for too long. You can switch to just water or sugar water in between so that it isn't too much sodium.

03-05-2017, 09:43 PM
Good to know! Many Thanks for the help. These tiny creatures can be stressful when you aren't completely sure of the correct approach to keep them healthy. He had a light dinner, 1.25 ccs, pooped and snuggled up in the incubator a little plumper than earlier.