View Full Version : new to the squirrel board and have questions about molting

mr fuzzy nuts
03-01-2017, 08:57 PM
Hi my name is Joey and i have a western gray that is almost 2 we noticed a few weeks ago he started loosing hair on his belly its his belly is pink color not all red colored thanks Joey

03-01-2017, 10:12 PM
Does there seem to be any urine left around the area after your squirrel goes potty? If yes, this could eat way at the fur...... wipe the area with natural unscented baby wipes to keep clean.

If you think it might be caused by mites or body lice dose with kitten Revolution..... 1 drop between the shoulder blades every 30 days.

mr fuzzy nuts
03-08-2017, 10:19 PM
I forgot to mention that when he was around 6 7 months he was barely growing hair on his tail and just at the butt end of body and i found a exotic animal dr and the took blood samples and said it was a ring worm and had to give me griseofulvin 25mg/ml .77 ml oral 1x day for 30 days and it worked but this is smooth

and the pee nothing noticeable like most everyone says he gets his henrys 2x day eats most of all of them he gets 50/50 mix salad, carrots, asparagus chunks, sweet pea, basic white mushrooms, humus, avocado, doesnt eat alot of it but i still make a plate every day. things he gets just not all the time are cashew butter from winco. town house butter crackers, cheerios, whole almonds, whole black and regular walnuts, whole hazelnuts, and misc. fruit

could it possable be that his home his packed full of flees and cotton batting and his opening is at the upper end and has to crawl in and out

and his home is the biggest compartment on those 8ft cat trees

Thank you Joey