View Full Version : Swollen and bloody genitals

02-28-2017, 10:27 PM
Hello everyone. Hope you all are well.
I am back again with my little girl Trooper-Marie. Over the last couple days Trooper has been getting a bit lethargic and really cranky. I noticed yesterday that her genital area is swollen and a bit bloody (Dry Blood). Her stomach area looks like its wet for the last couple days too. I thought it would dry on it's own but I may need to take a cloth to her. I was initially thinking she may have been in heat. But, upon further inspection tonight, I have been noticing that she is not really leaving her nesting area and she will squeak at me if I come near. I was able to pick her up and she didn't really move much. When she tried to go back to her nest, I noticed that she was having difficulties walking.
I have started her on Anti-biotics today, shes only had one dose so far. These Anti-Biotics are the Clavamox and have been dosed out by Nancy in the past.

If anyone can help me with this situation or guide me to what this could be, and how to treat it. I would be very grateful. I am very worried about her.

Thank you all.

Silverline & TM

02-28-2017, 11:04 PM
I'm sorry, I can't be much help because I don't know what might be going on with Trooper-Marie. I would have suspected a heat cycle, too. Maybe it could be a UTI, so the antibiotics might help. If it is a UTI, push water and see if she will take some cranberry juice. The abs are going to take a few doses to see a difference. Please watch her and keep us posted.

I'm sure someone with far more experience than myself will be along to help, too.

Nancy in New York
03-01-2017, 10:03 AM
Hello everyone. Hope you all are well.
I am back again with my little girl Trooper-Marie. Over the last couple days Trooper has been getting a bit lethargic and really cranky. I noticed yesterday that her genital area is swollen and a bit bloody (Dry Blood). Her stomach area looks like its wet for the last couple days too. I thought it would dry on it's own but I may need to take a cloth to her. I was initially thinking she may have been in heat. But, upon further inspection tonight, I have been noticing that she is not really leaving her nesting area and she will squeak at me if I come near. I was able to pick her up and she didn't really move much. When she tried to go back to her nest, I noticed that she was having difficulties walking.
I have started her on Anti-biotics today, shes only had one dose so far. These Anti-Biotics are the Clavamox and have been dosed out by Nancy in the past.

If anyone can help me with this situation or guide me to what this could be, and how to treat it. I would be very grateful. I am very worried about her.

Thank you all.

Silverline & TM

Hmmmmmmm this difficulty walking concerns me. This doesn't sound like she's in "season" but the genital area swelliing seems to go in that direction. :thinking
I am wondering if she could have a UTI. Those can be very painful. Have you noticed her having difficulty peeing?
Can you list everything she typically eats?
Foods high in oxalates can cause crystals.
Do you have a vet that will see this little darling.
Hope you are doing well, miss you and little TM. :hug


03-01-2017, 11:49 AM
Hmmmmmmm this difficulty walking concerns me. This doesn't sound like she's in "season" but the genital area swelliing seems to go in that direction. :thinking
I am wondering if she could have a UTI. Those can be very painful. Have you noticed her having difficulty peeing?
Can you list everything she typically eats?
Foods high in oxalates can cause crystals.
Do you have a vet that will see this little darling.
Hope you are doing well, miss you and little TM. :hug


agree with the possibility of crystals or kidney/bladder stones. they would definitely cause bleeding and discomfort.

what age is your little one?

03-01-2017, 04:49 PM
Thank you all for the replies :)

Ya, I'm a little stumped on what it could be. I was also thinking it could be a UTI. There wasn't much blood, just a few spots looked dried on her genital area. She is in her cage today, she is eating and moving around some. She's also not squeaking at me today when I get near her. She is about to get her fourth dose of AB today.

I'm not noticing her pee as her cage is lined with blankets and things. No blood on anything so far.

Her diet is Avacodo, Broccoli, Spinach, Kale, grapes, apples, carrots, as well as her blocks (That she doesn't really like eating). Her snacks are, almonds, peanuts (In moderation), hazelnuts, Walnuts, and sometimes she will take a piece of whole grain bread from a sandwich I eat, or a small piece of a granola bar. She doesn't leave me along when I eat something :p

Since yesterday when I started her on AB's I mix it with a small amount of peanut butter, so that she takes the meds. I don't know how else to really administer them, as she is picky and will run away when I try to force her to take something.

As for the vet, I don't really have one anymore as the one she was seeing has moved away. Most vets that I bring her too either question my paper work that I have for her, and/or don't know how to or will refuse to treat a squirrel. Basically, all I have for support at this point is TSB.

If advised I can try to snap some pictures of her genital area so that you guys can see a visual. I tried, but she is shy. So I let her just rest for today without trying to disturb her too much. But if it's necessary, I will make her suck it up and get some pictures.

Also, when I went to pick her up to put her in her cage, I noticed that her nipples were also a bit hard. This raises the her being in heat situation again. This is a tad confusing, but I'll keep her on AB to play it safe, unless otherwise advised from you guys :)

Thank you all for the help.

03-01-2017, 04:49 PM
agree with the possibility of crystals or kidney/bladder stones. they would definitely cause bleeding and discomfort.

what age is your little one?

Oh and she is 3.5 years old.

Nancy in New York
03-01-2017, 09:11 PM
Thank you all for the replies :)

Ya, I'm a little stumped on what it could be. I was also thinking it could be a UTI. There wasn't much blood, just a few spots looked dried on her genital area. She is in her cage today, she is eating and moving around some. She's also not squeaking at me today when I get near her. She is about to get her fourth dose of AB today.

I'm not noticing her pee as her cage is lined with blankets and things. No blood on anything so far.

Her diet is Avacodo, Broccoli, Spinach, Kale, grapes, apples, carrots, as well as her blocks (That she doesn't really like eating). Her snacks are, almonds, peanuts (In moderation), hazelnuts, Walnuts, and sometimes she will take a piece of whole grain bread from a sandwich I eat, or a small piece of a granola bar. She doesn't leave me along when I eat something :p

Since yesterday when I started her on AB's I mix it with a small amount of peanut butter, so that she takes the meds. I don't know how else to really administer them, as she is picky and will run away when I try to force her to take something.

As for the vet, I don't really have one anymore as the one she was seeing has moved away. Most vets that I bring her too either question my paper work that I have for her, and/or don't know how to or will refuse to treat a squirrel. Basically, all I have for support at this point is TSB.

If advised I can try to snap some pictures of her genital area so that you guys can see a visual. I tried, but she is shy. So I let her just rest for today without trying to disturb her too much. But if it's necessary, I will make her suck it up and get some pictures.

Also, when I went to pick her up to put her in her cage, I noticed that her nipples were also a bit hard. This raises the her being in heat situation again. This is a tad confusing, but I'll keep her on AB to play it safe, unless otherwise advised from you guys :)

Thank you all for the help.

If you can get some pictures that may help.
Her diet needs tweaking. Too many nuts.
Also the spinach is a no, and Kale is limited.
Look at the healthy diet again.
You know there could be a couple of things going on here
so we may need to look at several issues.
If she isn't eating her block, and she seems lethargic, I would
start the MBD protocol.

If she seems more responsive after you start it, then one of the
problems may be her diet.
I would stick to the healthy diet, regardless.

Healthy Diet