View Full Version : Need advice on release location cage

02-28-2017, 04:22 PM
I need your input on the best location for a release cage. I know it's early with all our snow but depending where it goes will determine the size of the cage. Keep in mind I have alot of red Squirrels on the property. I will post more pictures after my phone recharges....

02-28-2017, 04:46 PM
Ohh, I would want mine under the trees. You could may be use the trees to help stabilize the cage or raise it off the ground. Keep in mind, I'm no expert! Pretty property you have there.

02-28-2017, 05:16 PM
Pictures of side and back of main house. We own 14 acres and a private lake. Tomorrow I will post pictures of the guest house trees. The guest house is a little ways from the main house. I think I want Ben where I can see his nest box unless someone tells me differently... Also, nest to the lake could be bad. We have many raptures in the area including bald eagles that fish the lake...

Nancy in New York
02-28-2017, 05:35 PM
Oh my word, this is just stunning!
Can I be released there..........ANYWHERE is fine with me.:w00t
AND............you have deer too! :klunk

02-28-2017, 05:46 PM
Forgot to mention the wild family on our property. If you look close you will see three deer. Another picture has a few of the turkeys. I believe we have 26 deer and 52 turkeys who make our property their home, give or take a few due to coyotes also living nearby.

Nancy in New York
02-28-2017, 05:48 PM
Forgot to mention the wild family on our property. If you look close you will see three deer. Another picture has a few of the turkeys. I believe we have 26 deer and 52 turkeys who make our property their home, give or take a few due to coyotes also living nearby.

Well that does it!!!!!!!!
Did you get my reservations for the guest house.
I will send my deposit tomorrow. :)

02-28-2017, 05:57 PM
Thank you! We love our home and property. So do all the wild animals. It's like living in Wild Kingdom! Our living room window is HUGE, great for viewing wildlife. Every year we have Moose, Elk, Black bear, Grizzly Bear, Mountain Lions and Wolves, hence the nickname gunpackingrandma! Also alot of red Squirrels live here year round. Do you think they will share some trees with Ben if he is in a large release cage for a month? Would they accept him after a few weeks? I am having a custom metal release cage built for Ben to keep him safe. Has anyone built a metal release cage before? I would love to see some pictures!

02-28-2017, 09:58 PM
Your property is lovely! I vote for under the trees, too. We live at the opposite end of the country from you (Florida), and have only one oak tree in our yard, but we built our release cage around the oak tree. It has worked out very well. We put the portal on the top of the cage right beside the trunk of the tree and a couple of nest boxes up in the tree. My two boys still use the nest boxes and come down the tree to the top of the release cage for treats.


Sorry, the one photo came out sideways. :dono:dono

03-01-2017, 05:38 PM
Very nice release cage, thank you for sharing! Also, thank you for the idea of placing the cage around a tree. What a brilliant idea and safer for the little ones to get back to safety if needed.

Nancy in New York
03-01-2017, 05:58 PM
Your property is lovely! I vote for under the trees, too. We live at the opposite end of the country from you (Florida), and have only one oak tree in our yard, but we built our release cage around the oak tree. It has worked out very well. We put the portal on the top of the cage right beside the trunk of the tree and a couple of nest boxes up in the tree. My two boys still use the nest boxes and come down the tree to the top of the release cage for treats.


Sorry, the one photo came out sideways. :dono:dono

I just fixed the photo Mel1959. :)

03-02-2017, 10:42 AM
This is my Ben...

Nancy in New York
03-02-2017, 11:30 AM
This is my Ben...

:klunk:klunk:Love_Icon:klunk:klunk Aren't reds the most precious little souls. :klunk:klunk:Love_Icon:klunk:klunk

04-06-2017, 07:08 PM
Spring has finally made it to Montana. Our lake has finally thawed and the snow is almost gone. I found the perfect place for the release cage close to the house and in the trees. All was looking great and planning on releasing around the first of July. Now my dilemma, we have a nesting pair of Bald Eagles and two nesting pairs of Red Tailed Hawks. Plus, there is a single Bald Eagle. I don't believe Ben stands a chance in **** in surviving one day after release. Does anyone know if there are rehabbers in Montana??? Looking for a safe place to soft release. I can't release Ben with a clear conscience knowing he will be killed within minutes.

04-06-2017, 07:17 PM
I forgot to mention what happened yesterday. Two Hawks and a Bald Eagle were working together in attacking a Mallard Duck on the lake. They took turns dive bombing the duck eveytime it came up for air. I just couldn't watch the horrific brutal attack so I ran outside and clapped my hands on the shoreline until they stopped attacking. It took the duck several minutes to regain strength and fly away. Thank goodness the duck escaped death. The birds catch and eat fish all the time out of the lake. You would think they could leave a little squirrel alone???

04-06-2017, 08:09 PM
Not sure the Hawks and the Eagle were working together, probably more like competing for who gets dinner? Hawks and Eagles would eat a squirrel if given the chance.

I forgot to mention what happened yesterday. Two Hawks and a Bald Eagle were working together in attacking a Mallard Duck on the lake. They took turns dive bombing the duck eveytime it came up for air. I just couldn't watch the horrific brutal attack so I ran outside and clapped my hands on the shoreline until they stopped attacking. It took the duck several minutes to regain strength and fly away. Thank goodness the duck escaped death. The birds catch and eat fish all the time out of the lake. You would think they could leave a little squirrel alone???

04-06-2017, 10:25 PM
Oh no! I am so sorry you may not be able to release on your property. :sniff:sniff. I agree, there's probably no way little Ben would stand a chance with that many flying predators right there. Not to mention the babies that mom and dad would want to feed. :eek:eek:eek. I hope someone knows of an alternate release site for you.

04-07-2017, 12:33 AM
Not sure the Hawks and the Eagle were working together, probably more like competing for who gets dinner? Hawks and Eagles would eat a squirrel if given the chance.

Your right!!!

04-07-2017, 12:36 AM
Oh no! I am so sorry you may not be able to release on your property. :sniff:sniff. I agree, there's probably no way little Ben would stand a chance with that many flying predators right there. Not to mention the babies that mom and dad would want to feed. :eek:eek:eek. I hope someone knows of an alternate release site for you.

I am so worried about all the raptors on our property. This is the most we have had here since we purchased the property.