View Full Version : Average weight for 13 day old male and female squirrels/dehydration.

02-23-2017, 10:57 PM
My 2, based on when they lost their belly button dot, are 13 days old today. They were dehydrated when I got them. Once hydrated, they started thriving. They got dehydrated again a few days ago (I had them in a cardboard box :'( ) and I have not been able to get them completely hydrated yet. I am currently feeding them 5%-7% body weight of Ebsilac with probiotics every 3 hours though not quite at full strength, and as much honey water as I can get in them every hour (maybe 2.5% of their body weight). I was having lots of trouble yesterday getting them to drink honey water as I was feeding formula too often. As of 5:50 pm today the boy weighed 21.7 g and the girl weighed 22.4 g. Yesterday morning the boy was 19 g and the girl was 21.7 g, so they are gaining a small bit of weight since being dehydrated. They eat their formula (watered down a bit) enthusiastically and seem to have good strength. I am planning to space out the water again tonight to every 1 1/2 hr and formula 1 1/2 hr after that as I was instructed to do by someone on here last night (sry, can't remember who...sleep deprived lol and also thank you! I had no idea I was feeding too often).

Is their weight ok considering? Is there anything else I can be doing?

Oh! Their plastic box averages 93 f to 99 f. Is this acceptable?

Thanks! Sorry for the book again. I seem to ramble when I'm tired! lol

02-23-2017, 11:16 PM
Can you post a picture ? Why aren't you feeding full strength formula?

Pics help a lot in determining condition. Bless your heart for taking care of these babies:grouphug


02-23-2017, 11:46 PM
Can you post a picture ? Why aren't you feeding full strength formula?

Pics help a lot in determining condition. Bless your heart for taking care of these babies:grouphug


I thought I had read on here somewhere that for severe dehydration not to feed full strength, but perhaps it was somewhere else. I am doing 1 1/2 formula to 1/2 water. The first pic is the girl and the second is the boy. I just fed and before they ate the boy was 21.9 g and the girl was 22.6 g. I also realized I am feeding like this: say I feed formula at 5. It takes me 30 minutes to feed, poop, pee, and clean both of them (they are using the bathroom fine, poop is just still a darker color). So, I set my alarm for 7 for their water then 9 for more formula. Is this too far apart? Should I go from 5 to 6:30 to 8? Thanks!

UGH! My internet is super slow today! We live in the boonies. The pics haven't showed up in my inbox yet from my phone. I will post asap!

02-23-2017, 11:57 PM
Can you post a picture ? Why aren't you feeding full strength formula?

Pics help a lot in determining condition. Bless your heart for taking care of these babies:grouphug


I think the boy will be first...the balled up baby is the boy