View Full Version : Internal parasites

02-23-2017, 07:34 AM
I was given 2 baby grey tree squirrels at approx 2 days old. The little girl is voracious when eating and despite giving her a DROP at a time and waiting until she swallows, she will still aspirate from time to time. The first time it happened, I freaked out and immediately sucked her nose out with my mouth then turned her upside down for a few seconds then sucked it out again. This seemed to work very well even though it's probably a gross thing to do (I didn't think so but some of my family did lol). My question is, is it possible to contract some type of parasite from doing this? I actually do a parasite cleanse on myself from time to time with diatomaceous earth so I guess it would take care of it but perhaps I shouldn't be sucking out the girls nose? (Her name is Girl for right now lol)

02-23-2017, 08:35 AM
I was given 2 baby grey tree squirrels at approx 2 days old. The little girl is voracious when eating and despite giving her a DROP at a time and waiting until she swallows, she will still aspirate from time to time. The first time it happened, I freaked out and immediately sucked her nose out with my mouth then turned her upside down for a few seconds then sucked it out again. This seemed to work very well even though it's probably a gross thing to do (I didn't think so but some of my family did lol). My question is, is it possible to contract some type of parasite from doing this? I actually do a parasite cleanse on myself from time to time with diatomaceous earth so I guess it would take care of it but perhaps I shouldn't be sucking out the girls nose? (Her name is Girl for right now lol)

I would not be concerned... if this transmitted parasites a lot of us would suffer infestation as this is the preferred method for re-mediating the type of aspiration you describe: We are a bunch of nose suckers! :laugh2

02-23-2017, 09:35 AM
I would not be concerned... if this transmitted parasites a lot of us would suffer infestation as this is the preferred method for re-mediating the type of aspiration you describe: We are a bunch of nose suckers! :laugh2

Hahaha! Ok, great! I don't feel quite so weird now! Or at least I know I'm not alone in my weirdness! lol

02-23-2017, 12:17 PM
Hahaha! Ok, great! I don't feel quite so weird now! Or at least I know I'm not alone in my weirdness! lol

lol i too did this in a panic once when my girl was little and i thought she aspirated... lol no shame in being a fellow nose sucker

02-23-2017, 08:26 PM
lol i too did this in a panic once when my girl was little and i thought she aspirated... lol no shame in being a fellow nose sucker

lol I'll make sure to share this with my family! They were like, you did NOT just suck out that squirrels nose! Poor things have already been through so much I'll do anything I can to keep them alive!