View Full Version : Squirrel Book and Reference list?

02-21-2017, 06:35 PM
I am always looking to expand my library and knowledge. So when I do a search for books I notice there is no stickys for favorite book lists. I did a search from the archives and pulled up an old post. I was hoping some of you could elaborate on the topic, and give your opinions for a list of great references for squirrels, and other small mammals.
I read this old post http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?18972-what-rehab-books-do-you-rely-upon and was wondering if anyone else thought of more books to add, or add their opinion on any mentioned.

The #1 is Wild Mammal Babies: the first 48 thats a given :grin2

but I was interested in opinions of "Raising Infant Tree Squirrels" by Mary C.

The elusive "Hand Rearing Infant Tree Squirrels" by PC Hanes that I cant seem to track down where to purchase.. is it similar to the one above? It was recommended before.

I believe the Principles of Wildlife Rehabilitation from NWRA was recommended in the thread as well.

Thank you for your votes and feedback. There are so many good resources out there!!


02-22-2017, 11:56 AM
any opinions...?