View Full Version : Releasing

02-17-2017, 02:14 PM
Has anyone had any luck releasing squirrels after they have had them housed inside for 2 years or so? Our squirrel was very bonded with us but now less. She isn't completely tame will jump on you for a nut etc and let you pet her. She looks out the window. And hides food & make nests etc like if she was outside. Seems like that would be what she would really love? If anyone can let me know your thoughts since Spring is coming?

02-18-2017, 05:35 AM
Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Nancy in New York
02-18-2017, 05:51 AM
Has she been exposed to cats or dogs?
I know that "older" squirrels have been released, but it will take
Was there a reason that she was kept so long?

Edit: Would you need a place to release her, or is your area
suitable and do you have an outdoor release cage to acclimate her?

02-18-2017, 06:52 AM
I have released 3 older pet squirrels for people. They all did well. I think location is important. You don't want to release a squirrel in a neighborhood if there's a possibility that the squirrel might approach people. If a pet squirrel climbs on a stranger it won't end well. I not only think it's possible I'm a strong proponent of it. A squirrel that's living inside that is no longer friendly and is 'wilding up' isn't happy IMO. They want to be in the trees. I would do everything possible to help them make this transition.

I kept them in the release cage longer than normal. The first 2 'pets' I released stayed in the release cage for 6 weeks. They were delighted to be free.