View Full Version : Constipation, 4 week old gray squirrels

02-13-2017, 01:53 AM
I have three, four, almost five week old gray squirrels.
I've read sooo many different posts on constipation and what to do.

Mine have been doing ok til today. Last really good poop was this morning.

Feeding them Esbalic.

I noticed the two little boys bottoms are buldging. The little girl looks normal.

I tried some warm water with apple juice.

Should I cut reduce feedings ? I'm waiting about 4 hours between.

What else should I try ? Warm water soak ?? Pumpkin ??? Miralax ???

Thank you for your help !

02-13-2017, 02:04 AM
Make sure your little ones are not dehydrated, if they are you can give sugar water in between their formula feeding to hydrated them.

You can also feed them some natural pumpkin mix (no spices) out of the can to help soften up their stool....... try this for a few days.

02-13-2017, 02:08 AM
How are you mixing their formula?
What ratio? - you can go 1:3 if you
need til they recover.

02-13-2017, 02:18 AM
Mixing it as instructed, 1 part powder to 2 part water.
I'll try 1 part powder to 3 parts water, as you suggested.

How much sugar to water ratio ?? I did the pinch test and they seem to be fine.

I have plain canned pumpkin.
Do I mix it with any thing in the syringe and how much ??
They all weigh between 45-50 grams.

Thank you SO much !

Nancy in New York
02-13-2017, 06:05 AM
Just making sure you have the correct formula.
Many people come on thinking the PetLac is the formula they need
and confuse it with the Esbilac.
PetLac is WRONG and causes severe constipation.
Make sure you have the Esbilac on the right.


Nancy in New York
02-13-2017, 06:37 AM
I have three, four, almost five week old gray squirrels.
I've read sooo many different posts on constipation and what to do.

Mine have been doing ok til today. Last really good poop was this morning.

Feeding them Esbalic.

I noticed the two little boys bottoms are buldging. The little girl looks normal.

I tried some warm water with apple juice.

Should I cut reduce feedings ? I'm waiting about 4 hours between.

What else should I try ? Warm water soak ?? Pumpkin ??? Miralax ???

Thank you for your help !

Can you post a photo of their bottoms?
Make the formula ahead of time, and let it sit
in the refrig for 6-8 hours. Then stir or shake it
up really bad before feeding.
You can even make it up ahead of time, let it sit, and then
freeze in ice cube trays. Take out the amount you'll need for
the following day, and let them thaw in the refrig.
Are they bloated?
Pictures would help a lot.

02-13-2017, 07:44 AM
Yes, It is the Esbilac , picture on the right.

I tried the sugar water as suggested earlier. It has helped them move everything through. It's yellow runny now, though.
They seem to be slightly bloated, now. Should I continue with the sugar water or go get some gas drops ?

Nancy in New York
02-13-2017, 08:03 AM
Yes, It is the Esbilac , picture on the right.

I tried the sugar water as suggested earlier. It has helped them move everything through. It's yellow runny now, though.
They seem to be slightly bloated, now. Should I continue with the sugar water or go get some gas drops ?
Can you post a picture of their bellies?
How much sugar did you add to the water?
If their poop is yellow and runny, I'm not sure why
they appear slightly bloated.
How much and how ofter are you feeding them?
Did you post their weights?
I would NOT continue with the sugar water,
do you have pedialyte?
You can get the gas drops to have on hand,
though I don't think they are necessary yet.
Pictures would help a lot.
How long have you had these little ones?

Edit: I see you posted their weight. :thumbsup

02-13-2017, 08:45 AM
I wasn't sure on the sugar to water ratio, so I did 1/2 tsp to 3 tsp.

There weighs are
44g Female, Deliahla
44g Male, Squirt
53g Male, Tiny ( he's always been much bigger)

Got them on Jan 21st, found them in my husband race car trailer, tried to get the mom to take them back all day, but keeping them warm in the nest of cardboard
boxes she had made by putting a heating pad under them. She never came back.

Feeding them about every 4 hours ... 5% rule.

I do have Pedialyte.
I do have the drops on hand already.

I'm trying to figure out how to post pictures. stay tuned.

02-13-2017, 08:57 AM

Nancy in New York
02-13-2017, 09:24 AM

OK they aren't bloated.
I see some anal swelling on both of the boys.
Are they pooping alright now?
Can you take a picture of the poop, the next time?

So you've had them for 23 days so far.
Weigh them daily to make sure they are gaining.
they seem on the small side to me.
Are you feeding round the clock?

Nancy in New York
02-13-2017, 09:30 AM
I wasn't sure on the sugar to water ratio, so I did 1/2 tsp to 3 tsp.

Too much sugar.
Here's the homemade pedialyte formula.

Homemade Pedialyte
1 cup warm water
1/4 tsp salt (teaspoon)
1 Tbsp sugar (tablespoon)

02-13-2017, 09:33 AM
Ok, I guess I"m just totally paranoid.

Poop is still yellow and runny, almost like water. Guess I over did the sugar water ??? OK to continue the formula or should I do some pedialyte first ??

Yes, I've been weighing them daily since 2/01. They have continued to gain everyday.

Yes, feeding around the clock .


Nancy in New York
02-13-2017, 09:43 AM
Ok, I guess I"m just totally paranoid.

Poop is still yellow and runny, almost like water. Guess I over did the sugar water ??? OK to continue the formula or should I do some pedialyte first ??

Yes, I've been weighing them daily since 2/01. They have continued to gain everyday.

Yes, feeding around the clock .


Yes, hydrate with pedialyte in between feedings.
When they have diarrhea we need to replace the electrolytes.

Also I do NOT mean to offend, but we have had members feeding the
wrong amount thinking that .1 cc is actually 1 cc.
I ended up raising 4 of them where the person was reading the syringe wrong.
They were skin and bones. I am assuming that since your little ones are gaining
daily you're doing the correct amount, but I am posting the syringe photo
anyway. :)

Your little ones should get at least two of these syringe fulls every 3-4 hours,
up to where the red arrow is.
The heavier one could be getting closer to 3 syringes at each feeding.


Nancy in New York
02-13-2017, 09:46 AM
One other thing.
Lets start by trying to flush the sugar out with
a couple of pedialyte feedings between regular feedings.

If that doesn't help, then try this.

(Partial) Brat Formula Mix
3 tablespoons (already) mixed formula 2-1
1/2 tsp baby rice powered cereal
1/2 tsp banana baby food.

I don't want to throw too much at these little ones
without trying to flush their systems first.

02-13-2017, 09:50 AM
No offense taken ... :-)
Yes, I have been giving them two full syringes of formula. The bigger guy about 2.5 to 3.
I freak out cause it looks like the two smaller ones, their bellies are going to pop. :-)

I just gave them some pedialyte about 30min ago. There feeding time is coming up soon.

Nancy in New York
02-13-2017, 09:54 AM
No offense taken ... :-)
Yes, I have been giving them two full syringes of formula. The bigger guy about 2.5 to 3.
I freak out cause it looks like the two smaller ones, their bellies are going to pop. :-)

I just gave them some pedialyte about 30min ago. There feeding time is coming up soon.

Their bellies should feel like an inflated balloon but not hard.
Can you take photos after you feed?
I will look for a bloated photo so you can compare. :)

Edit: Here's a bloated belly.

02-13-2017, 10:28 AM

Nancy in New York
02-13-2017, 10:51 AM

OK first one looks a little large.
This should go down after a couple
of hours, I would feed just a tiny bit less.
The other 2 look perfect for just having fed.
Are the tummies hard, or like a balloon?

02-13-2017, 10:55 AM
Like a balloon. Not hard.

Nancy in New York
02-13-2017, 11:41 AM
Like a balloon. Not hard.

Sounds good.