View Full Version : Behaviour changes ..routine changed

02-10-2017, 11:56 AM
i could be worrying for nothing but figured id ask.
i know ive been lucky that Lilo has taken formula for so long. she is just over 6 months now. she is starting to lose interest. is it okay to sprinkle a shredded almond in it? i did that this morning and then she finished it all.
i was recently off work for 2 weeks on sick leave. so i had a lot of time letting Lilo be loose in her room during the day. i came back to work.. so this week the last 3 days ive been back.she has been caged until im home.. now before i was on sick leave she was used to the routine of playing when i got home. the last 3 days though, she hasnt been playing. she just goes up into her nest in the closet and stays up there. she also hasnt eatten as much as she was before our schedule changed. could she just be getting grumpy with being caged again after having more freedom for 2 weeks?

02-10-2017, 03:02 PM
There is a good chance that she may be mad at you, and will get used to the back to work routine. I think a lot of squirrels go through spells that they don't eat as much as usual, but I would definitely keep a close eye on her.

02-11-2017, 09:58 AM
Sounds like she isn't liking being caged again after having all that freedom...... give her a week to get back to her old self and offer extra loving when you come home after work when she is out of her cage.

02-11-2017, 02:47 PM
Sounds like she isn't liking being caged again after having all that freedom...... give her a week to get back to her old self and offer extra loving when you come home after work when she is out of her cage.

she accepted some loving last night. i have a half hour cuddle time with her every evening .mostly scratchie time for her and manicure and clean up arm scratch scabs time for me lol.
saturdays i am home from work early today .she is jumping and running around. she escaped from her room which is usually not an issue but my daughters are visiting today, so its an issue lol..
i yelled out to the girls to take cover ( which means grab a blanket an hide fast lol) i proceeded to try to catch Lilo ..she was not impressed. but it wasnt till i finally caught her and carried her into her room and put her down, that i noticed she had an almond she found from somewhere. i was lucky she didnt freak out on me. then she proceeded to hide said almond in my hair. so im thinking she may have forgiven me already.
and she actually ate all her salad today as well. so im feeling less stressed about her

02-11-2017, 02:58 PM
when lilo was younger and first given nuts i would give her neck scratchies while she ate them.. hoping to protect myself from nut agression as she got older. she hasnt shown me any as of yet.
this video was taken over a month ago.. and i have stopped doing this just in case.
this sound she makes in this video is the only sign of annoyance she has shown me. she is eating a pecan half here. she was still ok with my daughters being around at the time. that has now changed.


02-12-2017, 08:40 AM
The sound she is making in the video is her warning you to stay away...... she doesn't want you any where near her nut, let alone while she is eating it...... if I was you I would listen and respect her space.

02-12-2017, 12:23 PM
The sound she is making in the video is her warning you to stay away...... she doesn't want you any where near her nut, let alone while she is eating it...... if I was you I would listen and respect her space.

i kind of figured as much. now that she is maturing i dont take any more risks.