View Full Version : Susie becoming aggressive

02-08-2017, 02:41 PM
Ok not sure what is going on but the last few days she has become very aggressive she bit me and drew blood which she never does...today she is "barking" a lot and I took her out of her cage and she fill out attacked me. I was actually afraid. Is there something that could be causing this or anything I can do? She's eating and drinking well. Only change is her diet which I bought Henry's vitamins and protein powder and made my own Henry's block. Please help

02-08-2017, 02:56 PM
Hi. My squirrel Chatter Oh yeah she attacked me. Jumped on my face and bit me..About 3weeks to a month she was better. She was in heat. For a male it is probably worse. Just wait it out. Im sure your squirrel will get better

02-08-2017, 03:05 PM
Hi. My squirrel Chatter Oh yeah she attacked me. Jumped on my face and bit me..About 3weeks to a month she was better. She was in heat. For a male it is probably worse. Just wait it out. Im sure your squirrel will get better

I was wondering if this could be her in heat! She will be 1 in march so I think it's about that time. Cuz she's never acted like this ever before ususally she's so loveable but now she's scaring me. I hope it ends soon.

02-08-2017, 03:10 PM
I know. Chatter was all lovable too. I cried but yes thats about the age. Just kind of let her go through it. She will be back to normal soon

02-08-2017, 03:16 PM
Make sure she has not hid food in her cage as that will make her very protective of her stashes. If so, carefully remove all stored food (preferably when she is not around to see you doing it!).

Also, have you changed soaps, body lotions, moisturizers or laundry detergents? The new smell sometimes set of aggression in a squirrel.

02-08-2017, 03:29 PM
No but come to think of it I have been cleaning her cage with vinegar and water which is new, could that be causing it? And she does have some food stashed I'll have to try and grab it 😩. Could this be due to being in heat as well? She's really pissed like keeps chirping so loud and will even try and attack my hand through the cage which she's never ever done.

02-08-2017, 07:03 PM
Yep Chatter did the same thing. She would make growling sounds. If i tried to get near her she would freak out. She bit everyone that went near her. I was grateful for the help here. She was in heat. I said she was 3yrs old. Sorry im wrong she is 2yrs old and a handful lol. Shes was so cudley when she was a baby now not so much. She doesnt bite mind you she just doesnt like being held for too long. Dont know if that comes with age or not. Your squirrel will get better. Like i said just gotta wait it out

02-08-2017, 10:59 PM
Ben was the same way last week. We were attacked three times in twenty four hours. Cleaned out his cage of any food he was hoarding and put on some riot gear to intercept any further attacks. He just stopped attacking as suddenly as he started attacking. I will admit I'm slightly gun shy of another attack as the first one caught me so off guard that Ben bit me in the face and scratched my face and eye. I have taken off the riot gear but still wear safety glasses and double gloves on one hand. Last night Ben was laying in my pocket, purring, while I stroked his head and talked to him....go figure...Ben is always taking my Chapstick out of my pocket...

02-09-2017, 02:35 AM
Ben was the same way last week. We were attacked three times in twenty four hours. Cleaned out his cage of any food he was hoarding and put on some riot gear to intercept any further attacks. He just stopped attacking as suddenly as he started attacking. I will admit I'm slightly gun shy of another attack as the first one caught me so off guard that Ben bit me in the face and scratched my face and eye. I have taken off the riot gear but still wear safety glasses and double gloves on one hand. Last night Ben was laying in my pocket, purring, while I stroked his head and talked to him....go figure...Ben is always taking my Chapstick out of my pocket...

Hmmm safety glasses is a good idea. I'll try that. I don't want to stop interacting with her I want her to know she's still loved but I thought she was going to rip my face off when I last let her out so I'm definitely trying the safety glasses tomorrow!

02-12-2017, 03:04 PM
our girl goes into heat a couple times a year and doesn't want to be handled for a few weeks, this time was over a month.. also she is very sensitive to smells , like soap or shampoo. especially Irish spring, we changed to dove unscented, and don't handle her for a few hours after a shower..

02-12-2017, 04:30 PM
I say it's definitely a hormonal thing. My released boy, who has claimed alpha position in the yard, has bit me numerous times in the last few weeks. He, and his brother, routinely come and jump on my shoulder for nuts and blocks several times a day. After being bit I am definitely gun shy, and am actually a little scared to go out in the yard. I believe he has settled down some lately, and I don't hear the teeth chattering and rough, aggressive behavior he was showing. It's definitely going to take awhile for me to be able to trust him again, though!

02-14-2017, 04:47 PM
Thanks everyone this definitely makes me feel better! Hope my girl is back to normal soon!

03-01-2017, 07:48 PM
Lucy will be 3yrs old July 31 2017--est.--she open her eyes about a month after we found her alone in our yard--anyway, my heart been broken for about a week now--Lucy been trying to attack me thru her cage and growl and chatter at me--won't let me pet her--and before she was jumping in my lap for back rubs--always tried to get her out of cage (which is around 5' high by 2' depth and about 3' wide on wheels--where I can move her wherever we are) 1 - 2 times a day--but tonight she attack me when I let her out of her cage and bit my hand--I thought about heat but didn't think it lasted for more than a few days--waiting it out--pray she turns back into my baby--the only other change was --I did try a new moisturizer

03-01-2017, 08:43 PM
The new moisturizer could very well be the problem. A new scent will drive them crazy.

Another possibility is a nut stash. They will become very protective of a nut stash and will be quite vicious in the defense of their precious nuts. :shakehead

Of course, heat is another possibility.

Is Lucy on a healthy diet? We always want to rule out diet as a cause of illness that might cause their personality to change.

03-01-2017, 11:23 PM
Lucy will be 3yrs old July 31 2017--est.--she open her eyes about a month after we found her alone in our yard--anyway, my heart been broken for about a week now--Lucy been trying to attack me thru her cage and growl and chatter at me--won't let me pet her--and before she was jumping in my lap for back rubs--always tried to get her out of cage (which is around 5' high by 2' depth and about 3' wide on wheels--where I can move her wherever we are) 1 - 2 times a day--but tonight she attack me when I let her out of her cage and bit my hand--I thought about heat but didn't think it lasted for more than a few days--waiting it out--pray she turns back into my baby--the only other change was --I did try a new moisturizer

Hi Georgiajanice

I know what you are going through, I went through the same thing and I was devastated when it happened to me. With me, I had to give her time and you need to have a lot of patience but she will probably change back to before, I think[B] in my opinion it has to do with several things, growing up and getting older, territory and hormones and when she gets in heat you have to be very careful at least, I had to cause those bites are powerful..... I hope this helps you somehow and know that this happens. Let me know how it goes. Good Luck. :Squirrel

03-08-2017, 08:01 PM
The new moisturizer could very well be the problem. A new scent will drive them crazy.

Another possibility is a nut stash. They will become very protective of a nut stash and will be quite vicious in the defense of their precious nuts. :shakehead

Of course, heat is another possibility.

Is Lucy on a healthy diet? We always want to rule out diet as a cause of illness that might cause their personality to change.

Thanks for replying back--Yes Lucy is on a healthily diet--the one recommended here on squirrelboard--She gets two Henry healthily pet cubes a day along with recommended vegs etc. I buy her nuts from Chris squirrels and more. She has a large cage I had order from exotic pets. I've read and read and take notes from squirrel board about care. Still, my biggest fear is not having a vet where I live in case she ever gets sick or injure. Anyway, she's giving mixed singles--sometimes she's like old self but she's still not the Lucy before. I'm praying she turns back into my baby. I would think she would need touch or a connection to be healthily. Not giving up--that's not an option.

03-08-2017, 11:40 PM
Georgiajanice welcome to the world of being a squirrels caretaker.
You have experienced what we all go through that choose to be friends and caretakers of these little animals.

Don't feel bad because this is normal.
You'll see on this board warning after warning to people not to assume these guys make great pets just because of how cute and innocent they are when they are babies. They grow up and their wild instincts kick in. If you've handled them from a baby you'll be able to have a special relationship with them but it won't come without challenges.

My wife and I know all too well. We found a little one a little over 3 years ago and it's been a whirlwind education and experience.
She bonded with my wife but I've spent enough time with her that I get a pass too. There are days she'll run across the room to greet me and be playful and loving. Then there are days she'll run across the room to growl at me and let me know I'm not welcome. LOL. If I don't listen shell give me some bites to drive home her point. My wife gets away with much more since they are so bonded.

There are great pieces of advice in this thread about what might set your little one off for you to stay away from. Sometimes though there is nothing you do. They are just being a squirrel and you have to understand it. They are tightly wound animals. They are prey animals in the wild so their instincts are to be untrusting and edgy. It's how they survive. Squirrels all have different personalities just like humans or dogs. Some just don't have the personality or attitude to ever be pets. Some are just naturally more friendly and open.
You never know how the addition of their hormones and growing up will affect the personality they had as a youngster either. I think if your Susie was one of these squirrels that become too wild as an adult because of their hormones she would have shown it before this point though. I think she'll be fine. As others have said it's just phases they go through. Have patience and don't give up on her.

When our PeeWee gets into these moods I've found it helps to spend more time with her. I'll leave her in her cage, sit next to it and just talk to her to remind her of the trust we've built and to calm her. If you keep at it your little lovebug squirrel will come back again at some point. That being said the hellion will reappear from time to time as well. Keeping a squirrel takes much more patience and attention than most people can handle. The reward is great if you can however. Keep at it. She'll be fine.

03-16-2017, 11:03 AM
Lucy almost back to my baby again--I can reach into her house and pet her again--still growling at me sometimes--However, she still hasn't jump into my lap for a back rub yet--just being patient--I can wait--love her so much

03-17-2017, 06:53 PM
Also try only showering at night before bed so by morning you smell like you. These little guys know us by smell. Any change will set them off. I've learned the hard way.

04-30-2017, 04:26 PM
Hi guys...
I actually wrote another post about aggressiveness during heat and then found this one.

I was wondering from all of you experienced with females... I see that you wear protective glasses and such. But can you tell me...do you alter the actual contact time with your girl? I mean do you just stay near them (in a cage or room) and talk but not really attempt to physically handle them or let them jump on you (that type of thing)?

Being that this is my first squirrel rescue I've learned so much but not nearly enough. I had every bit of intent of releasing her but she would not leave (another story). Now Meg has her own bedroom, flooded with natural light, trees, toys, cat trees - name it, she has it (guilty rescue mom). My husband constructed a screened door so that she doesnt feel isolated from the family, and can smell the household smells and hear sounds & activities. She spends every morning out of the bedroom with me, running the house. We play, snuggle, ride around on mom, and life is good. EXCEPT during her heats. Since the last 2 were so very close, I'm worried about that "bond" thing. Am I jeopardizing it by not going in with her?