View Full Version : Degu with swollen penis

Carol Lynn
02-08-2017, 10:58 AM
Hi everyone,

I know this isn't a squirrel topic but was hoping you might have some advice, anyway. I noticed this morning that my very elderly degu Luigi is having some trouble. I noticed it when he was climbing up the side of the cage. His penis is sticking out, although not in the way it would if it were erect. Does that make sense? It reminds me of the problem Tube Driver's squirrel was having a while back. I noticed that it scrapes along the wires of the cage when he climbs the sides, and I can tell from the way he's moving around that it's bothering him. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am going to try to get him an appointment with a vet, but it's always hard to find someone that deals with degus around here.

Thank you in advance for any suggestions!!

02-08-2017, 11:22 AM
I wonder if he scratched his penis on the wire cage? It might be swollen. Do you know if he can have Motrin which might help with swelling and pain?

Carol Lynn
02-08-2017, 11:25 AM
I wonder if he scratched his penis on the wire cage? It might be swollen. Do you know if he can have Motrin which might help with swelling and pain?

I don't know if Motrin is okay for degus or not. I'll try to research it.

It does look swollen and very dry somehow. He is eating normally and he was just on his wheel.

02-08-2017, 11:43 AM
Can you put down more fleece in his cage so he has less chance to scrap it on the cage wire?

02-08-2017, 12:19 PM
I could not find anything confirming whether Motrin is safe for a Degu. My guess is that it Motrin probably can be used since they are rodents like squirrels, mice, rats which can use Motrin.

Carol Lynn
02-08-2017, 12:22 PM
It only seems to scrape when he climbs the walls of the cage. If he uses the ladder or stays on one level, it doesn't seem to scrape the wires. He destroyed his hammock again recently, so he's been hanging out in a cardboard box filled with bedding, which is very soft. I'll add more fleece to the other levels of his cage, though - that's a good idea. Just in case he sits down or something. It really looks sore.

Carol Lynn
02-08-2017, 12:23 PM
I could not find anything confirming whether Motrin is safe for a Degu. My guess is that it Motrin probably can be used since they are rodents like squirrels, mice, rats which can use Motrin.

Any idea how much to give him? And how would I administer it?

02-08-2017, 12:30 PM
I need a rough weight? You should use Infant Motrin (50mg/1.25ml strength) which is very sweet flavored. He might just drink it out of a dropper or you can mix it in with some apple sauce, baby food or peanut butter. Generally, Motrin is pretty safe but I would start with a fairly conservative dose. Can you get his weight?

Any idea how much to give him? And how would I administer it?

02-08-2017, 12:40 PM
Carol Lynn,

Sorry about your boys problem. You might want to put some sort of lube on his penis. I am thinking something like KY jelly, not sure about anti biotic ointment, you don't want it drying out.


Carol Lynn
02-08-2017, 01:59 PM
I need a rough weight? You should use Infant Motrin (50mg/1.25ml strength) which is very sweet flavored. He might just drink it out of a dropper or you can mix it in with some apple sauce, baby food or peanut butter. Generally, Motrin is pretty safe but I would start with a fairly conservative dose. Can you get his weight?

I will have to wait for Bill to help me get a weight on him - I'll definitely need two sets of hands for that. He's lightning quick. I will try to get him weighed late tonight.

Carol Lynn
02-08-2017, 02:01 PM
Carol Lynn,

Sorry about your boys problem. You might want to put some sort of lube on his penis. I am thinking something like KY jelly, not sure about anti biotic ointment, you don't want it drying out.


Hi Trysh,

Thanks for the advice. I think it should be easy enough to get some KY on it - if I hand him food he'll stand up and I should be able to do it then. Will give it a try because it does look very dry, and I worried it wouldn't be able to retract.