View Full Version : Update, not sure if this is normal behavior.

02-06-2017, 08:27 PM
The squirrel that was found and given to me to try and take care of. He is eatting, pooping, and peeing. He will crawl around just enough to get comfortable and then just kinda lay there. Doesn't even try to curl up. I've rescued one before, that was more active and got excited when I had the milk or just crawled around a lot more...And also loved curling up when it slept. Could there be something wrong with him, or is it just him, and his lazy ways. I wanted to post a picture but I'm not sure how to on here.

02-06-2017, 09:16 PM
The squirrel that was found and given to me to try and take care of. He is eatting, pooping, and peeing. He will crawl around just enough to get comfortable and then just kinda lay there. Doesn't even try to curl up. I've rescued one before, that was more active and got excited when I had the milk or just crawled around a lot more...And also loved curling up when it slept. Could there be something wrong with him, or is it just him, and his lazy ways. I wanted to post a picture but I'm not sure how to on here.

There are a number of important questions that were left unanswered on your other thread... answering those would help us to help you to help him. :tilt

If this does not help:

You can e-mail the pics to squirrelhelp @ uysinc.com (take the spaces out) and I will post them for you...

Nancy in New York
02-06-2017, 10:14 PM
The squirrel that was found and given to me to try and take care of. He is eatting, pooping, and peeing. He will crawl around just enough to get comfortable and then just kinda lay there. Doesn't even try to curl up. I've rescued one before, that was more active and got excited when I had the milk or just crawled around a lot more...And also loved curling up when it slept. Could there be something wrong with him, or is it just him, and his lazy ways. I wanted to post a picture but I'm not sure how to on here.

Here's your original thread.
I asked some questions here.

If you keep everything together that will make it so much easier for anyone
trying to help.
Thank you for finding TSB!


02-06-2017, 10:48 PM

02-06-2017, 10:49 PM
I just sent a photo of him, it's kinda what he does, just crawls until he kinda finds a comfy spot, and lays there.

Nancy in New York
02-06-2017, 11:04 PM
Here's your original thread.
I asked some questions here.

If you keep everything together that will make it so much easier for anyone
trying to help.
Thank you for finding TSB!


Please go to the link I provided above. I asked some important questions.
This is NOT normal.
What are you feeding him and how much.
Are you hydrating him in between feedings.
I am going to bed now, I have a very early morning.
Go to this link they have some very helpful information.
We need answers to the questions I asked in your other thread.
I will copy and paste it here.
Give me one minute.

Nancy in New York
02-06-2017, 11:07 PM
This is what I posted in your other thread.
We need to know the answers.

PLEASE look at the guide that I posted below (I copied my post from your other thread) it will help you until someone comes
I would try to SLOWLY hydrate him with warm water with a touch of honey.
Keep him in an upright position
with the syringe pointing toward the roof of his mouth, go SLOWLY.
Is this the little squirrel that had pedialyte for several days and nothing else?
Hopefully someone will be on shortly to help you out.

Here's the the formula he needs to be taking, no substitutes on this.


Here is an excellent guide on baby squirrels.
It's 6 pages with the NEXT arrow up in the right hand corner.
It will tell you all you need to know.
BUT ask all the questions you want.


Pedialyte should not be given more than 24 hours.
This little one needs the proper food and probably hydration as well, but
not more pedialyte.
Do you know how much he weighs?
We feed according to their weight so it's important to know his
weight in grams.
Do you have him on a heating pad, half under his container,
set on low, with lots of fleece or shirts so he can climb up if the pad
gets too hot.

Can you post a photo?
Where in Florida do you live, we have many members that could
possibly help you out.

02-06-2017, 11:18 PM
Yes it is, and thanks

Nancy in New York
02-07-2017, 06:27 AM
Any update on this little one?

02-07-2017, 01:45 PM
Any update on this little one?

He hasn't had much change. He really doesnt seem to want to eat? He eats a little. His poop is dark. I'm trying. Any other suggestions?

Nancy in New York
02-07-2017, 03:06 PM
He hasn't had much change. He really doesnt seem to want to eat? He eats a little. His poop is dark. I'm trying. Any other suggestions?

Where are you located in Florida?
We have quite a few members there,
perhaps one can help.
This little one needs help asap, or I fear the worst.

This is not normal. :(