View Full Version : Where Do I Post (for advice regarding an adult opossum)

01-28-2017, 10:52 AM
I am new to this forum and don't really know specifically where to post. I will post some backstory, and you guys can direct me to an appropriate subforum. My animal is not a squirrel, but she is a opossum. This still seems to be the most appropriate website.

About a year ago, my employer brought a female baby virginia opossum back to our shop. The opossum's mother and siblings had been hit and killed by a car on a rural road. There may have been other survivors, but none of us realized at the time that opossums have such large litters, and I was so distracted by the cute little baby to consider the importance of returning to check. I feel kind of sad that I didn't go back to investigate, but that's in the past.

I named the opossum "Poe" and decided that I would raise her. I did a lot of research and managed to successfully nurture her to an apparently healthy adult size without any indication of significant medical issues such as metabolic bone disease, which I've read is the most likely issue to arise.

About three months ago, the opossum became host to fleas. These fleas were brought into the house by a dog. In a bit of a panic and under the faulty conclusion that frontline might hurt the opossum, I shaved her and attempted to remove the fleas manually. This worked out alright, but it's been three months now, and she isn't growing her hair back. Here and there, she has very sparse patches of hair, but overall it is not growing back. I can still see the striations from the clippers I used to trim her. It's bizarre.

So now I have questions regarding how to most effectively keep her warm as summer approaches. (During the winter it is reasonable to give her a space heater. During the summer, the central AC will be on, and a space heater will be problematic.)

I also have some unrelated questions about long-term nutrition. Right now, she eats mostly cat food and sparse fruits and vegetables.


island rehabber
01-28-2017, 11:22 AM
Hi thomas, and welcome to The Squirrel Board.
I am no possie expert, for sure, but I can definitely put you in touch with an expert or two either here or on Facebook. Opossums have very complicated dietary requirements, because of their susceptibility to MBD, and Poe's problem with her fur may very well be diet-related. I know that as possies mature they need protein as well as vegetables and fruits, including mice or small rats, eggs and fish.

You were wise not to use Frontline on her; I have seen the general public kill baby squirrels with that junk.

01-28-2017, 12:29 PM
If you are worried about her being cold after the space heater is turned off. I was given a cat several years ago that was recovering from mange and was bald. I bought a dog sweater in roughly her size at Petsmart. Opossums have a generally larger head and neck than many dogs, so see if you can find on that either is stretchy knit type material or one that has straps or a way to adjust size.

island rehabber
01-28-2017, 01:03 PM
This site has loads of good opossum information!


01-28-2017, 01:27 PM
You can find info and the best diet out there for possums on my Facebook page ...... link found at the botton with my signature.

*may I please see a pic of the possum.

In the future you can wash a possum with blue Dish soap to kill fleas or use kitten Revolution ...... never fully shave. *If the fur and grey guard hairs do not grow back this possum will become an nr animal.

01-28-2017, 07:24 PM
Here are some pictures, as requested. My room is poorly lit this time of day, so the pictures may be a bit blurry due to low shutter speed.

I can provide better pictures tomorrow if necessary.


01-28-2017, 09:12 PM
Oh sweetie! My Porky Possum had a sweater! Poor little bald girl. Get a soft cotton baby sweater.

01-29-2017, 10:01 PM
I have a fellow possum rehabber that is willing to crochet your possum a warm sweater to fit her body so she will be warm until her hair grows back..... all the rehabber needs is the possums body deminsions. (full body length, neck size, belly circumference).

*see sample pic below