View Full Version : Ruthie is the meanest squirrel!

01-26-2017, 05:55 PM
For those who don't know who Ruthie is, she is a girl who overwintered with me last winter in my house. However, this Fall, she has decided that my rehab building belongs to her. She drove three who were released from the building and allowed to go in and out freely. She tossed them out and has now taken to guarding all three of the nest boxes as well as the laundry basket that one had opted to sleep in. The three seemed to have all moved into one of the nest boxes in the tree in my yard with another boy who was released this summer.
Well tonight when I went out to hand out night night nuts, Ruthie poked her head out of her box and I offered her the bowl to choose a nut. She pulled her head back into the box and the screaming and carrying on began and out popped Ruthie and another smaller squirrel. Ruthie was on top of the little one and had hold of him/her by the side of the neck while I tried to get her off. I did get her off and the little one went down to the floor. I tried to get him/her to go into a cage so that I can see if there was any actual damage done, but it was not possible. He/she went into the laundry basket and was tucking in when I turned off the lights for the night.
I just don't understand how she let the little one into the box in the first place! Should I try to cage the newbie to see if an abscess develops? I hate to imagine the poor baby outdoors and afraid to come back into the rehab! :sad

Nancy in New York
01-26-2017, 06:17 PM
For those who don't know who Ruthie is, she is a girl who overwintered with me last winter in my house. However, this Fall, she has decided that my rehab building belongs to her. She drove three who were released from the building and allowed to go in and out freely. She tossed them out and has now taken to guarding all three of the nest boxes as well as the laundry basket that one had opted to sleep in. The three seemed to have all moved into one of the nest boxes in the tree in my yard with another boy who was released this summer.
Well tonight when I went out to hand out night night nuts, Ruthie poked her head out of her box and I offered her the bowl to choose a nut. She pulled her head back into the box and the screaming and carrying on began and out popped Ruthie and another smaller squirrel. Ruthie was on top of the little one and had hold of him/her by the side of the neck while I tried to get her off. I did get her off and the little one went down to the floor. I tried to get him/her to go into a cage so that I can see if there was any actual damage done, but it was not possible. He/she went into the laundry basket and was tucking in when I turned off the lights for the night.
I just don't understand how she let the little one into the box in the first place! Should I try to cage the newbie to see if an abscess develops? I hate to imagine the poor baby outdoors and afraid to come back into the rehab! :sad

I really wished I knew what to suggest.
This is really bad if she starts attacking other squirrels.
I wished I had the answer.
I think it would be difficult to even try to cage him with Ruthie on
the loose. Of course that would be the best option though, just to see
if any damage was done.
Short of locking her out of the building,
I'm honestly not sure what to do. :dono

01-26-2017, 06:46 PM
I just can't possibly throw her out at this point. I am going to have to see if I can round up the little guy and see if I can get a better look at him/her. :shakehead

Nancy in New York
01-26-2017, 06:56 PM
I just can't possibly throw her out at this point.

That's why I suggested in a different thread, to build another rehab building!:tap :poke

01-26-2017, 07:15 PM
That's why I suggested in a different thread, to build another rehab building!:tap :poke

Oh aren't you the HELPFUL one! :tap

01-26-2017, 07:32 PM
Oh boy! I hope that the little guy is ok :grouphug, Ruthie's attitude reminds me a lot of Sabrina :shakehead. I'm pretty sure that she's in heat and she's chasing my other 3 girls all over the place........she's acting crazy at the moment :crazy1. She has a temper anyway, but she's in rare form :panic

01-26-2017, 08:04 PM
Facey used to be the Alpha Grey girl here. I only know its her(now) if a female Grey with a huge tail, does something that she would. She is the rehabber, bouncer, and guardian. She was the Peter Pan, here. :gigg. She would dive into arguments, even with Reds!She led injureds to the release cages. THE BEST one is, she was curled up on top of a release cage. I thought "OH NO, a cat got her or she went to test the neighbors' dog!". I ran inside and tossed a throw sided blanket into the dryer to warm up. She was never the hand feed, pet/touch type.I went out with the blanket, ready to scoop her up. We locked eyes, she slowly got up to reveal an injured juvie flying squirrel. She chattered a bit and took off to the feeding area. The Flyer was rehabbed and released.

Give Ruthie a chance. She may just be learning, as your new intern.:glomp:dance.

01-26-2017, 08:07 PM
I sure hope she is as compassionate, but she seems to be creating the need for rehabbing!:tap
What an awesome story of that girl helping the flyer!:Love_Icon

01-26-2017, 08:37 PM
I don't see but 2 choices ....

Ruthie or a New Rehab Cage

01-26-2017, 08:42 PM
I don't see but 2 choices ....

Ruthie or a New Rehab Cage

we can not change our partner ...

how can we change our squirrels

If we were talking about a cage it might be feasible, but we are talking about a building...:rofl4

01-26-2017, 08:58 PM
Ask Nancy...Our poor white little shed is now Red Squirrel Maternity General. :shakehead.Facey was/is great. THEN came the Princess of the Apple tree stump, Avery.....:gigg. Maybe Ruthie was practicing too hard with the youngster. ? It is that time of year! Females are getting sick of defending themselves. So, she became a cougar and was defending him and attacked when he wanted out.? :grouphug