View Full Version : How do I encourage flyers to move into new digs?

07-01-2007, 01:24 AM
Hi All,
I have flyers in my attic. I built 3 new flyer houses and they are the 3 compartment type with an entrance and exit (I found the plans on the net). I have them hung in the trees nearby my house (within 20-25 feet). I put lots of cotton balls in each section so they should be comfy. :o) My question is this; how can I encourage them to leave my attic and take up residence in their new digs? A friend suggested putting a loud radio in the attic on a talk station during the day to disturb them. Another person suggested making balls of old rags and soaking it in ammonia or coyote urine and then throwing them around the attic to have the smell drive them out. Once they leave I can close off the places they are getting in and everyone will be happy. Any suggestions?

island rehabber
07-01-2007, 05:50 AM
Hi All,
I have flyers in my attic. I built 3 new flyer houses and they are the 3 compartment type with an entrance and exit (I found the plans on the net). I have them hung in the trees nearby my house (within 20-25 feet). I put lots of cotton balls in each section so they should be comfy. :o) My question is this; how can I encourage them to leave my attic and take up residence in their new digs? A friend suggested putting a loud radio in the attic on a talk station during the day to disturb them. Another person suggested making balls of old rags and soaking it in ammonia or coyote urine and then throwing them around the attic to have the smell drive them out. Once they leave I can close off the places they are getting in and everyone will be happy. Any suggestions?

Both of your friends' suggestions are excellent, humane ways of getting the flyers out of your attic (although stinky!). Besides the bedding, though, I would put some nice foods that flyers adore in the new boxes, and even around the new boxes to attract the flyers in that direction. Now since I don't raise flyers I'm not sure what those foods are, but I would wait for one of our flyer experts here to advise you on that. Food is a great motivator with wildlife....:D

Momma Squirrel
07-01-2007, 07:35 AM
Thank you for caring about these little flyers :thankyou

I feel your frustration, we have had two grey squirrels living in our attic for 2 years. We have tried the radio, the amonnia and every other remedy we can think of, doesn't work :shakehead

IR is right, nice nest and good food will probably get them there. Just make double sure before you close the attic up that they are all out. Might be a little tough cause of their ability to hide, fast and have different hours than humans.

Keep us posted on how things work out.

07-01-2007, 01:06 PM
Use Have-A-Heart traps. But you need to release them away from your house because until you find and close whereever it is that they are getting in, they are gona keep coming back.
Get one of those gallon jar type feeder and sill it with black oil sunflower seeds and put it near, or a few trees away from where you have the new boxes hung.
But still, you are going to have to block the way they are finding into your attic.
Post on NFSA for some really good ideas too :)

07-01-2007, 08:18 PM
:Welcome and good luck!