View Full Version : Rehab center closing -- homes needed! (Ocala, FL)

01-24-2017, 02:27 PM
Hey everyone. Not sure if this is the right place to post this. Feel free to move to the appropriate section.


The Animis Foundation in Ocala, FL can no longer remain open due to funding. They are in need of homes for squirrels! If anyone can make accommodations, please let them know!! Unfortunately, I'm unable to take in any more squirrels.

If you would like to help, check out their Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/AnimisFoundation/?fref=ts) page, call them at (352) 237-0147 or send them an email at animisfoundation@rocketmail.com.

island rehabber
01-24-2017, 02:44 PM
Hey everyone. Not sure if this is the right place to post this. Feel free to move to the appropriate section.


The Animis Foundation in Ocala, FL can no longer remain open due to funding. They are in need of homes for squirrels! If anyone can make accommodations, please let them know!! Unfortunately, I'm unable to take in any more squirrels.

Thanks, Jackie_, but their Faceboook page clearly states of 11 minutes ago that they are NOT closing. At best they will survive where they are; worst case they will move and possibly adopt out a few of their larger animals. The news report above has apparently caused them no end of grief as people are flooding their phones with requests for "pet squirrels" and "free horses" :shakehead. Thank you for caring enough to post this, though! I'm sure donations would be most welcome!

Does anyone know who runs Animis? :dono

01-24-2017, 02:51 PM
This was a mistaken report !!!
--- Please read from their Facebook page--just 15 minutes ago
They are not closing--just downsizing some of the larger animals....
PLEASE read all---

Animis Foundation
3:35 pm Jan.24,2017·
Dear Friends and Followers
Apparently today there was a news report that Animis Foundation IS closing, and that we are looking to rehome all of our animals.
We do not know why they reported that, as it isn't true.
Our worst case scenario right now would involve downsizing and/or moving. We ARE reviewing our large animals and determining which could be adopted out, versus which would need special sanctuary and handling. As is standard anytime we have adopted out, we take it very seriously and would require property visits and vet records, among other things (not unlike virtually all rescue organizations). That said, the great majority of our animals would NOT be transferred out.
We appreciate all of the offers from people who wish to help and are responding as quickly as we can but due to this false report, we have now been inundated with requests for pet squirrels, free horses, etc. We do not have time to respond to any of those requests. We are not "clearancing" our animals, which we have vowed to protect and provide sanctuary to for the remainder of their lives. We take this very seriously as we would expect of any animal rescue.
Please help us clear any of the misinformation now out there.
We are not closing.
We are not "rehoming" wildlife, other than to release them if and when it is appropriate, as we have always done.
We DO need your help to continue to provide for our animals. We are in the midst of working out fundraising and grant requests for now, and for our future.
We will need help with either gaining ownership of the current property (or a portion thereof), or with obtaining a new property. We are NOT closing.
Please help us stay available to care for our animals, and for our volunteers to be able to focus on fundraising by spreading the word that Animis is open, staying open, and not looking to "unload" our animals.
We love you all and appreciate everything you have and continue to do for us.

01-24-2017, 03:55 PM
Oh. My mistake. When I checked their FB page before posting I didn't see that post. Sorry guys.