View Full Version : Miss my Earl so much

01-16-2017, 11:28 AM
Hi all, my name is Dawn. I am proud momma of Earl the Squirrel. I rescued him at about 3 weeks and thanks to this board, got him through being very sick! We are in Texas so I did the release in December. Was still about 80 out. Still about only 70 so he is not cold at all. When I first did the release he would come running to me for a couple weeks when I went out. Then he just stopped. Will not let me pet him at all. He still eats what I feed him and hangs out on my porch and he is good and healthy but I am so sad he wont let me near him. He was REALLY bonded to me! Is this normal? I would give anything for him to just cuddle in my jacket again. I know I did the right thing, and do not regret at all, but I sure miss his snuggles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

https://goo.gl/photos/5UoyPVzzPvhZ4aYt6 This is a video if you cut and paste in your browser, of him now....


01-16-2017, 11:45 AM
Welcome back! I'm so sorry that Earl isn't coming and getting snuggles. I know how heartbreaking that can be. Larry my first baby and I had a great bond, but as they continue to be outside they "wild-up". Larry still comes to visit me daily but no longer allows me to pet him. He will jump on my shoulder and climb on me, which is still amazing. I have to just look at it as he's a big boy now, but he still chooses to see me daily and include me in his natural wild life. Earl still loves you, and chooses to include you in his big boy life.:grin2 you'll always be his mama, but he's just growing into a healthy squirrel. We're still blessed and just know that this is normal behavior. :hug form one sqamommy to another :hug.

01-16-2017, 12:13 PM
Totally and completely normal! It means you did a great job raising him to be just what he was meant to be...a squirrel! Good job mama!!! :fireworks
Don't worry, now that you have raised a squirrel, they will find their way to you. It is how many of us here on TSB got here. Have you considered becoming a licensed rehabber? I'm not sure what it entails in TX, but it isn't usually overly difficult. Licensed or not, you did a great job. What part of TX are you from? We will keep you in mind if someone comes looking for help for a baby.:w00t

01-16-2017, 12:18 PM
Totally and completely normal! It means you did a great job raising him to be just what he was meant to be...a squirrel! Good job mama!!! :fireworks
Don't worry, now that you have raised a squirrel, they will find their way to you. It is how many of us here on TSB got here. Have you considered becoming a licensed rehabber? I'm not sure what it entails in TX, but it isn't usually overly difficult. Licensed or not, you did a great job. What part of TX are you from? We will keep you in mind if someone comes looking for help for a baby.:w00t

That's exactly what I did was become a licensed rehabbers. I'm in Illinois, but it didn't take too much. Have proper equipment, veterinarian reference, and mail it in. If you enjoyed it it would be worth looking into. Since I live in the city limits I'm only allowed to rehab squirrels, but I had to get special permission from my mayor. :grin3

01-16-2017, 12:28 PM
I am in New Braunfels, just outside San Antonio. I was thinking of doing that. It was the best pet experience I have ever had. I got very attached and still just happy to see him come and go.
Thank You ALL.

01-16-2017, 12:39 PM
I completely agree with it being the most amazing experience. I've come to release 5 healthy happy babies, and recused a dozen more that I was able to get to other rehabbers. I hope you hang around and keep us updated!:hug

island rehabber
01-16-2017, 02:53 PM
Good job, Dawn -- Earl looks great!
Even though it hurts that he doesn't come and snuggle with you, as SammysMom said this is the very BEST outcome for a rehabbed, released squirrel. A squirrel who runs from the wild back to his human for cuddles may very likely jump on another human who walks by - especially if they resemble "his" human. This can result in horror scenes, like the squirrel being kicked or beaten by the shocked human who thinks he's being attacked by a "rabid" animal.....

You did a great job -- never think otherwise! :great

01-16-2017, 03:20 PM
I am going to check into becoming a rehabber. So glad I posted today! Have been meaning to and now this just makes me smile! Bring on the squirrels!!!!!!!!! :grouphug:bliss:bliss

01-16-2017, 03:38 PM
If you become a rehabber you'll have plenty of them! Since I'm a full time RN I work a ton of overtime. Our busy season is during baby season as well. My husband cares for them while I'm at work, but I care for them through the night. Talk about sleepless nights, but they're very worth it! Get ready baby season will be here soon!:w00t

01-16-2017, 03:43 PM
I released two brothers...When they "showed up" after months of AWOL--one kissed me and one bit me----go figure...
Better for all , if you have neighbors--for them to WILD UP--and keep their distance from humans.

I love your photos----and I know the feeling of loss when the love you shared isn't returned. God's Plan to keep them safe.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-amun8AG5ME <<< ANDY WILLIAMS ( smoothe)--Dream River....