View Full Version : When to take baby squirrel from mother

01-14-2017, 01:28 PM
About 6 to 7 weeks ago we rescued a full grown flying squirrel and decided to keep her. A week later we found out she had 3 babies! The mother is not completely tame yet but she will let us touch and hand feed her, she's use to our smell and is calm. The babies are 5 weeks old today and have their eyes open but the mother still keeps them in her nest and won't let them out of her sight. She will let us peek in her nest box but won't let us touch them. My question is, is when will it be appropriate to remove them or when will she let them come out and will let us take them away permanently. I have decided that I want to raise one by myself and already have everything I need. I know you're not supposed to take them away from their mother until 6 weeks of age. But I just want to know what to do if she won't let us take them away when they are 6 weeks old. Thanks:)

01-14-2017, 02:19 PM
About 6 to 7 weeks ago we rescued a full grown flying squirrel and decided to keep her. A week later we found out she had 3 babies! The mother is not completely tame yet but she will let us touch and hand feed her, she's use to our smell and is calm. The babies are 5 weeks old today and have their eyes open but the mother still keeps them in her nest and won't let them out of her sight. She will let us peek in her nest box but won't let us touch them. My question is, is when will it be appropriate to remove them or when will she let them come out and will let us take them away permanently. I have decided that I want to raise one by myself and already have everything I need. I know you're not supposed to take them away from their mother until 6 weeks of age. But I just want to know what to do if she won't let us take them away when they are 6 weeks old. Thanks:)

Don't know where you heard 6 weeks but that is far too young to take babies from their mom besides the fact mom is always
the best advocate for raising her babies. I'd be more concerned with mom's diet and knowing she can provide within herself the
nutrition they need. Flying squirrels are communal, live in colonies and need to be with their own.
My personal opinion you should be considering release for mom and babies once they are ready to live their intended lives in the
freedom of their world, not held in the captivity of ours. That's just my personal opinion. I'm sure with a little time other "flyer folk"
will chime in that may better advise and assist you.

01-14-2017, 03:12 PM
When mama is willing and able to care for her babies, the time to take them away is never. Flyers are awesome mamas and they should be allowed to do what nature intendded for them to do. Maybe someone has a flyer in need of rehoming that you could have as a pet? You could take a look in your area to see if maybe you could rescue. Much better than taking those who have their mama to teach them the ways of flyers.

01-14-2017, 07:18 PM
Too many flyers need rehoming. Adopt one who is already captive. I have 6 I need to rehome. Let mama raise them and find someone to release them into a colony. Rescue ones who need to be rehomed. Don't add to the problem.
Flyer babies are extremely hard to raise. Have you researched how to do this? They would have to be fed the correct formula around the clock in miniscule amounts. They can turn sick in minutes. Do what is best for the babies. Let mama raise them.
Besides if you raise a boy, he WILL have sex with his mom and siblings and you WILL have even bigger problems .
If you won't listen, at least stick around for help and learn how too care for them.
what is mom's diet? While nursing she needs squirrel formula daily to help her out. She needs extra nutrients while nursing. They need protein EVERY day.

01-15-2017, 12:13 AM
Why would you want to separate a momma from her babies?? The majority of us on this board step in to raise orphaned babies or help those that are in need. Baby flying squirrels are very delicate and die very easily with inexperienced care. We just had someone find 3 babies and within a few days all 3 were dead. Don't make a similar mistake. Let momma raise her babies, she's the best teacher, and let them live their life in the trees.

I'm sure someone on here can tell you the best way to reintroduce your momma and babies back to a life in the wild.

If you are still certain you want a flying squirrel, then do as someone suggested and find one that needs to be re-homed. It will still bond to you as you care for it.