View Full Version : Sneezing Squirrel

01-12-2017, 06:07 PM
My little boy Nemo is about 3 months old. Today he started sneezing and has not been as playful as usual. Could he have a cold? I haven't made any changes to his bedding or diet. Thanks in advance

01-12-2017, 06:09 PM
:wave123 Ashley
:Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard

Is Nemo still on formula? What does Nemo eat? What type of bedding are you using? How are his teeth?
Sorry for all the questions. :tilt

01-12-2017, 06:32 PM
No problem, thanks for the help! No longer on formula. He gets all sorts of nuts in and out of the shells (pecans, walnuts, peanuts, almonds), fruits (apples, grapes, banana, cranberry, variety of berries) and veggies(he loves sugar snap peas, avocado, sweet potatoes and broccoli) He gets cabbage and kale. Squirrel blocks. He has a fleece lined hammock in his outdoor enclosure and he naps on the couch wrapped up in my fleece blanket. No litter or shavings. His outside enclosure has a dirt floor. His teeth are good, not too long. We give him deer horn to chew on to keep his teeth filed down.

01-12-2017, 07:01 PM
How many nuts does he get each day?

And what type of block is the "Squirrel Block" he is getting?

01-12-2017, 07:29 PM
He gets Henrys High Protein

01-12-2017, 07:53 PM
He gets Henrys High Protein

That is excellent!!! :thumbsup

But keep in mind that nuts should only be treats, 1 a day (2 at the very most). If you are feeding Henry's you have probably seen the healthy squirrel diet pyramid, but in the off chance you have not I am posting a link. In short, mostly veggies, some fruit, nuts as treats and 2 Henry blocks a day.


Is he "clicking" at all when he breaths?

The bedding and diet has not changed, but what about any changes to laundry detergent or the soap you use, or deodorant/shampoo/perfume, etc?

Edit: This is a grey squirrel?

01-12-2017, 07:55 PM
not sure exactly how many he eats, he just buries most of what he gets. maybe 4-5 We just leave his "salads" and snacks out for him to eat as he wants

01-12-2017, 08:00 PM
Yes, eastern grey. No clicking in his breathing. Will definitely have to cut back on his access to the nuts. Like I said he just hides most of what we give him. I do think I have seen this pyramid before, but I will look at it again. Oh, he does get acorns about once a week. I can't think anything that has changed with laundry and stuff. It did get down to 14 degrees the other night and it snowed. He slept inside, but he has a "squirrely" door to go out to his outside enclosure and played outside most of the day in the snow and now it's 70. Just wondering if those drastic temperature changes may be affecting him.

01-12-2017, 08:03 PM
oh, I did buy raw pumpkin seeds for him this week.

01-12-2017, 08:26 PM
Yes, eastern grey. No clicking in his breathing. Will definitely have to cut back on his access to the nuts. Like I said he just hides most of what we give him. I do think I have seen this pyramid before, but I will look at it again. Oh, he does get acorns about once a week. I can't think anything that has changed with laundry and stuff. It did get down to 14 degrees the other night and it snowed. He slept inside, but he has a "squirrely" door to go out to his outside enclosure and played outside most of the day in the snow and now it's 70. Just wondering if those drastic temperature changes may be affecting him.

Sounds like the same weather we are having. I have not noticed any behavior changes in my crews, but I do not have any that were going between indoors and out and the big temp swings that would represent.

As for the acorns, they can become moldy and dangerous. Safest thing is to get them when you know they have just fallen... like laying down a sheet and picking up only the ones that fall atop the sheet. Randomly collecting from the ground is a crap shoot.

Keep a close eye on him for continued lethargy of other changes.. maybe some others will have ideas.