View Full Version : New here. Need advise.

01-11-2017, 05:41 PM
Hello everyone,
I'm new to tsb. I have been helping wildlife since I was a child and have always loved squirrels. I have rehabbed some squirrels with successs. I currently have a four month old female I am trying to release. She was by herself when found. And I was unable to find another rehabber to take her so she would be with other squirrels. She was released from an outside cage that she was in for about three weeks before release. The first squirrel she saw attacked her. She left for three nights then returned to the outdoor cage. Now she doesn't want to go very far from the cage. She comes to me or to the cage when she hears or sees a squirrel. I really wanted her to be a free squirrel. Now I'm not sure what to do to get her to venture out. Any advise would be appreciated. Thank you for adding me to the board.

01-11-2017, 06:29 PM
She may just be having a little temporary "failure to launch." At 16 weeks she still has plenty of time. Her bad experience probably frightened her a lot, too. If she is happy inside the release cage she can just hang in there for a while longer and work on her courage. If she is not happy in the release cage I would bring her in for another week or so and then start again. Singles can be slower to acclimate and cling to their mom. That may end up being a benefit, because it may mean that she will choose to stay close to you and allow you to be part of her wild life as she grows and has her own families.

Nancy in New York
01-11-2017, 06:56 PM
She may just be having a little temporary "failure to launch." At 16 weeks she still has plenty of time. Her bad experience probably frightened her a lot, too. If she is happy inside the release cage she can just hang in there for a while longer and work on her courage. If she is not happy in the release cage I would bring her in for another week or so and then start again. Singles can be slower to acclimate and cling to their mom. That may end up being a benefit, because it may mean that she will choose to stay close to you and allow you to be part of her wild life as she grows and has her own families.

Excellent post.
I would also keep her in longer.
Most of our Florida members overwinter anyway, they don't
release this time of year.
Can you post pictures of your little one? We LOVE pictures.

01-11-2017, 11:05 PM
Thank you both! I hope she becomes brave in time. I was getting a little worried as I would hate for her to not have a life of freedom. Your words are reassuring. I would love for her to stick around. Just don't want to make her a nussiance to people from being by people for too long. Past rescues I have done were more than one squirrel and were happy to be released. Being a single squirrel she seems to be more attached to me. I feel bad if I don't give her attention since she is alone. But also worry I will mess her up from being to close. So I try to not over do it.

She seems to love the outside cage. It is big with lots of branches, a nice big nesting box, and plenty of food and water. I try to give her fun enrichment items as well. Paper tubes, paper bags with food inside, stuffed animal (without beans), etc.

I have been leaving it open during the day and locked at night. She literally only goes maybe four feet away from the cage and that's it. Unless she gets on me and I bring her farther. Which if I move too far away from her once she is down she runs back to me.
Thank you again. ��283157283158283159

01-11-2017, 11:09 PM
Sorry for the sideways pics. Not sure why it did that.

01-11-2017, 11:13 PM
Defiantly sounds like she's not quite ready to leave the security of your care. Since she is so young, I wouldn't rush things. Welcome to TSB by the way!:Welcome I'm glad you found us.:) Love all her pictures - she is a beautiful girl!:Love_Icon By the way, does she have a name?

01-11-2017, 11:24 PM
Being a rehabber in Florida I would suggest you take her back inside with you and wait until March to place her back out in the release cage for 30 days then release in April when it's nice warm and sunny.

01-12-2017, 08:59 AM
Thank you for your replies. Her name is Willow. I will take her back in and wait. My thinking was since she is alone to get her seeing and hearing other squirrels as soon as possible.

She was a very quiet squirrel. Never cried out as a baby. That's why her mom didn't come to get her when she fell. I wondered for a while if she was a mute. She has made squirrel sounds since being in the outside cage though. So she's fine.

Thank you for your advise. :serene

01-12-2017, 09:09 AM
Baby picture from the day I got her.

01-12-2017, 09:26 AM
Aww, what a sweet baby picture!:Love_Icon I love the name Willow too! I'm glad you are bringing her in for awhile longer so she can grow up a little more before release. She is a lucky girl to have found her way to you.:)

01-13-2017, 09:27 PM
Willow is adorable. :Love_Icon