View Full Version : Odd behavior and greasy fur, sick??

01-10-2017, 11:00 PM
Hello, my flying squirrel Benni has been acting a little odd the last couple days. He seems a lot more resistant to come out of his cage. Usually after work I come home and take him out and pet him for awhile(he LOVES having his cheeks scratched and head pet) and give him treats for bonding. Sometimes he puts up a fuss but usually will let me take him out of his nest house. This week When I was able to take him out he would want out of my hands and back in his house almost immediately. Tonight I was petting him in his house as usually and he was holding my fingers enjoying it. He likes to wrestle with my fingers and almost always does especially when he's in his house. Tonight he bit me when my finger touched his lower leg, but looking at him I have seen no issues.
I would not normally be concerned because I know their behavior can change quickly especially in regards to handling.
However I also notice his fur has a greasy look to it. When I hold him I usually get oils from my hand on him and he will look slightly greasy. He always cleans himself right away so I never see his fur unkempt unless I have just set him down. Is he not bathing or could that be diet related?
He's eating okay and active but I just feel like something is up, I'm sure many of you have felt that especially with a bonded squirrel.
The other day he had red stains on his hands that looked like dry blood. However he did have a raspberry in his food dish so it could have been the raspberry but it seemed dark for that. Also I often give him raspberries and have never seen that on his hands? I checked his house for odd stool but most looked normal and there was no blood stains on the cotton in his house or anywhere else on his body. Still it was odd and I'm not sure what that was.
I may sound crazy but I just know there has to be something.
The not grooming really gets me, animals like to be clean!
One last thing, he has a running wheel that I previously had a nail trimmer on (so sandpaper texture through wheel) but noticed his toes on his back legs were getting burned from dragging so I took it out and he had peed and pooped on it. Just thought of this now but maybe running on the pee or feces with his toes cut gave him an infection of sorts? But his toes look okay and healed almost a day after taking the trimmer out.
Basically any suggestions would be so helpful or if you've had a squirrel with similar symptoms please let me know if I may be missing others.
Thanks so much!
-way over worried mom :(

01-11-2017, 10:13 AM
Greasy fur on flyers is usually a sign
of their protein levels being to low.

01-11-2017, 10:47 AM
I know how much you are worried about him and this behavior. It could be diet related, difficult to know are you only mentioned raspberries. Do you give him protein, like chicken and wax worms? Flyers need protein in their diet.

01-11-2017, 04:52 PM
Yep, I try to give worms and chicken to add to his diet, but also not everyday, probably two to three times a week. Does he need some source of protein everyday? Bulk of his current diet is veggies and Henry blocks (following the food chart for proper diet). Maybe I'm following more of a gray squirrel diet then.

01-12-2017, 09:18 AM
Diet is pretty much the same for flyers as for greys, only distinct difference is the addition of animal protein for flyers. Check out the diet sticky for flying squirrels. There maybe some foods there you haven't tried.

01-12-2017, 05:14 PM
Diet is pretty much the same for flyers as for greys, only distinct difference is the addition of animal protein for flyers. Check out the diet sticky for flying squirrels. There maybe some foods there you haven't tried.

Really appreciate the help!! Thank you so much!