View Full Version : Twiggy's mama

Twiggy's Mom
01-06-2017, 11:50 PM
Hi all,

Im a new flyer mom. My sweet dog willie found him (not sure yet if he's male or female). The little flying squirrel was up on a tree branch the first time Willie found him and I told Willie 'o look its a baby flying squirrel, how cute, now lets go'. Well about 3 hours later/after dark, Willie goes back to the same tree and starts waggin his tail like crazy so i knew something was down there. i get a flashlight and a bucket and go back down to the tree and the little squirrel was only about 3 feet up the tree and fell out and ran about 10 feet from the tree and stopped. I shined the light on him and noticed he didn't have any fur on his back, from the base of his tail all the way up to his neck was naked but he had fur everywhere else. i looked and looked for other babies but didn't find any and it was getting down real cold at night into the 30s so i scooped the little fella up and brought him in the house. im a nurse by trade and tend to over love animals. not knowing the best thing to do, i started researching right away. He had some mites on him about 8-9 so i picked them off. i read that his baldness could be from mites or fleas but he didn't have no fleas or from malnutrition and that maybe he had got cold and his real mama wouldn't let him back in the nest. i got him a heating pad and warm flannel pillow case and put him in a soft crate for overnigt. went and got him some fruit flavored pedialight next day and got him hydrated. ordered the Esbilac powder formula. I called 2 different wild life rehabbers in my area. #1 was very helpful with telling me what to do and how to care for him and told me 'sounds like you're doing everything right', seemed like she kinda didn't want to take him. Rehabber #2 said she didn't have time to talk and for me to call her back that evening which i did but she didn't answer so i left her my number and asked her to call me and thats been about 6 weeks ago and she hasn't called me back. My thoughts and feelings about this is that if I was a flying squirrel and God intended for me to live in the woods that's where I'd be the happiest so I would like to put Twiggy back out in the yard this spring BUT I have also read alot of stuff about them bonding with 1 person and then not being able to be turned back to the wild. I need some good advice on what to do. I am perfectly fine keeping the little fella, I get him out of his cage and have filled it with branches and logs with holes and everything i read that he would like. i get him out and let him run around all over the couch/lving room and he just started hopping up the steps to check out bedroom up stairs. I go to grocery twice weekly for variety of fresh fruits and veggies (that's helped me eat better :)) and only feed him nuts about every other day. Got him some live meal worms yesterday and he loves those. I want to get him a bigger cage as he has gotten alot bigger than when i /willie found him. all of his hair has filled back in and he's very playful and sweet and gorgeous. I dn't have any experience with flying squirrels but we raised a couple sets of gray squirrels when i was a kid (im old now:))............anyway let me hear what you pros think i should do. I would love to keep him as a pet but I think that's selfish of me and want to do whats best for Twigs. Also, which cage is best to keep him in til spring?? Some of them look cheap made. Right now hes in one thats 24" high x 24 " deep x 36" long.................thank you so very much!! Twiggy's mom

Twiggy's Mom
01-06-2017, 11:53 PM
282929oh he was found the night before Thanksgiving and i am guessing he was 6-7 weeks old then but not sure bout that either. thanks

Twiggy's Mom
01-07-2017, 12:00 AM
This is Twiggy Now282930282931

01-07-2017, 07:27 AM
:wave123 TwiggysMom and Twiggy
:Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard

Thanks for rescuing Twiggy. I think it's probably too late to think about releasing Twiggy. They do tend to bond to people and they need to be released as part of a colony. A solo flyer would have difficulty surviving especially now. By the time spring comes Twiggy will be hopelessly bonded.
I know someone that tried to release a flyer that had recovered from a broken leg. It was attempted to release her in the yard where she came from. She wouldn't leave the cage.. EVER.

They do make good pets. They love people. Just to give you a heads up they can live up to 15 years. That's on the high side though. 10-12 years is very realistic.
Have you offered Twiggy a rodent block? They need a block that's supplemented with vitamins and minerals that will provide these. We can't match the native diet exactly so the supplemented block helps to fill the void. You can try the flyer blocks sold at Henry's Healthy Pets.

I would recommend that you purchase a Critter Cone online. It's a calcium cone that is shaped like an ice cream cone. They cost a couple bucks and last forever. My flyers each have one and they are covered with tiny teeth marks where they scrape on them. They have an antler, cuddle bones and sea shells as a calcium source but the Critter Cone is the only thing they have ever used. I've never seen them scrape the cone but the teeth marks show that they are used. Balancing the calcium needs is super important for all small pets.

Welcome again. Hang around! We are happy to help you with Twiggy.
Hey Twiggy has a famous name. Have you heard of Twiggy the waterskiing grey squirrel? I've met him or one of them because there have been about 9 of them. :grin2

Twiggy's Mom
01-07-2017, 11:00 AM
What if i could find a rescuer that had baby flyers they were wintering and planning to release in spring? Think that would work for Twiggy?

oh yes i got him the Henrys Healthy blocks for flying squirrels and he loves them. I cut them up into smaller pieces for him so they're easier for him to hold and feed him 2 daily along with fresh veggies and fruits (more veggies than fruits). He eats very well but theres always some left over. Can they be 'over' fed? Hes a chunky little thing now compared to when we found him. Got him a small salt block and mineral block but havent noticed any teeth marks on them. Also got him a Femur Bone and Deer antler and Cuddle Bone (he has gnawed on the cuddle bone a little and the antler if i hold it for him) I'll get the Critter Cone, thanks for telling me about that!. also what is the best cage and what size?? Ive looked at several but they look so institutionalized I'd like to have him one built of wood with the little square wire. I also feel so sorry for him not having any of his own peeps to play with, is there any other small animal i could get for him so he'd have a playmate?? I read hamsters are too territorial and may attack him or vice versa. I read one lady put her budgie in and with a flyer and they got along great. I have Willie who is a little mix bread rescue dog but he is mixed rat terrier and chihuahua and he is a very sweet/submissive personality but its just in his nature to chase. I have introduced them and let willie watch Twigs play in his cage and sniff him a couple times but don't dare allow them out in the same room together. Would they ever get used to each other? Willie is 4 years old and a pretty laid back dog til he gets excited. He weighs about 21 lbs and lost his playmate back in August. Was gonna get him a kitten to play with but Twiggy came along and i don't want to bring another predator in the house. I get Twiggy out every evening and play/chase him around the house for an hour sometimes 2. I got him a wheel yesterday but he hasn't run in it yet.

Yes ive read they can live up to 15 years in captivity (i don't like that word) but only 5-6 years in the wild due to predators. I bond with animals probably more than they do to me :) My jack russels were with me 14 and 16 years and i miss them so but I love Willie too.

Thanks so much for all the great info!!

Twiggy's Mom
01-07-2017, 11:11 AM
Oh and no i didn't know the skiing squirrels name was Twiggy lol. I have seen the videos tho, amazing!! Twiggy just came to mind when i picked the little fella up off the ground he was so frail and cold and shaking and half naked. Twiggy Ross LaFevers is his full name lol...............thanks agin for all the info!! / Donna aka:Twiggys mom

01-07-2017, 11:34 AM
Regarding your question can you over feed them... I wouldn't give Twigs 2 of the Henry's blocks. They are concentrated vitamins and minerals. Flyers are so tiny, 1 block is enough to supply the requirements for vitamins and minerals. I worry about over supplementing as well. I would limit the worms (meal worms or waxworms) to a couple a day or skip days because of their poor calcium to phosphorus ratio. They do need the protein though so I would introduce worms or chicken.

I'm sure you know to limit the fruit and nuts but other than these I don't limit their intake. I do need to limit the high fat foods like avocado or carbs like dry oatmeal with one of mine because he is overweight.

Cage size can vary. The cage Henry's sells is a decent size. I have one of those. I also have 3 Critter Nation doubles. ONE flyer resides in an entire CN double cage. That is definitely overkill for a flyer. Even with a large cage they do need out of cage time.
You can definitely build a cage and use hardware cloth but let me caution you. I would not use wood on a flyers cage. At first you don't notice it BUT flyer pee really stinks. Protein eaters pee smells. If you use wood it would eventually get saturated in the wood and you couldn't clean it. A couple times a year I have to take all of my cages outside and scrub them with soap/bleach and the hose. It's the only way to rid the house of that smell. When I had one flyer it wasn't bad, I never noticed it but NOW, with 3, yeah, they stink. :rotfl
I guess it's like houses with dogs. Most say, my dogs don't smell. Yeah... they do. :peace Have you seen the commercial 'Nose Blind'. It's hysterical.

I was like you, I thought my boy needed a friend so I got another. They hate each other. Then a third and none of them like each other. :shakehead

I would not introduce a rat terrier breed to a flyer because it's in their nature to hunt, especially small rodents.

Nancy in New York
01-07-2017, 11:49 AM
I would recommend that you purchase a Critter Cone online. It's a calcium cone that is shaped like an ice cream cone. They cost a couple bucks and last forever. My flyers each have one and they are covered with tiny teeth marks where they scrape on them. They have an antler, cuddle bones and sea shells as a calcium source but the Critter Cone is the only thing they have ever used. I've never seen them scrape the cone but the teeth marks show that they are used. Balancing the calcium needs is super important for all small pets.

This is what HRT4SQRLS was referring to.
Like HRT4SQRLS this is the ONLY thing my little Coral will
ever chew on..........and I mean ever. :shakehead
When I had a problem buying them, I ordered 17 packs from Country Max
only to find out after I made the purchase that they had none, so they refunded
my paypal.
Today I ordered 22 packs from Pet Mountain for free shipping and because
I think they are discontinuing these as some places are already sold out.


Walmart has them for $10.55 a pack! :eek

Amazon for $8.99

Pet Mountain for $3.21 but $6.99 for shipping!


Twiggy's Mom
01-07-2017, 04:36 PM
Thanks so Much Hrts4sqrls and New York Nancy for your responses.

I have looked at the critter nation cages, so a double would be good then. I worry bout Twigs having room to glide in them at night after i go to bed. Didn't think about the wood stinking after awhile so i appreciate that info. I'll order the critternation cage next week. My uncle found Twiggy a hollow log and cut a hole in it for him but Twigs prefers sleeping in the fleece lined hanging bed with cotton bedding in it. He goes in the log just every once in awhile but hangs in his fleece bed at the top of the cage all day. I work days but stay up til he wakes up around 11 pm then i get busy playing with him and hes so cute and seems to enjoy being out so much that im up til 3 am some mornings. hes just starting to glide and its so adorable to watch him. Of course i have to put willie on lockdown during that time but Willie is out and about the house all day long and gets loads of couch/pettin time.

Ok i'll toss the idea of getting twigs a playmate. I kept him in my shirt/bra when he was smaller but hes not much interested in that anymore. He'll sit on my shoulder and watch tv and of course jump and climb up me and jump off my head onto the couch.

I'll cut back on the meal worms. I am concerned about the MBD and getting enough calcium in him. He eats spinach and snow peas very well. Loves the Avocado but i've probably been giving him too much of that. Will also cut back on the HHBs to one daily. Been trying to find the Zupreem Monkey chow but no one around here carries it and the smallest bag i could find online was like 50 lbs and i don't want to get that much for fear he wouldn't like it. Would the monkey biscuits be ok for a snack?? Tried a little grilled chicken but he didn't seem to care for that, tried chicken baby food and he didnt eat that either. Ive given him boiled chicken eggs which he didn't eat then i tried about 1/4 of a raw yoke in the shell and he ate that but i wasn't sure if that was ok or not??

ordered the calcium cones. found them on Amazon!!

Thanks again All/!!

01-07-2017, 04:51 PM
I bought the Zupreem monkey biscuits for my squirrels and they liked them. :serene I only found them in large 20 lb bag though, which was a little expensive but worth it.

01-07-2017, 05:01 PM
What if i could find a rescuer that had baby flyers they were wintering and planning to release in spring? Think that would work for Twiggy?

I have a singleton flyer over-wintering that needs a buddy for release... not sure if you are leaning towards release or keeping Twiggy.

Twiggy's Mom
01-08-2017, 07:09 PM
Hey Spanky, thank you for responding. How does that work? the release i mean. i would like to release him back where i found him in the back yard but would wait til spring (just got 9 inches of snow Friday). As i said ive never done this before but have been told that he can't be released alone, that he won't go because hes bonded to me and I just ordered the Critter nation double cage last night for him cause i thought if im gonna have him for the duration he's gotta have a larger house. I would prefer for him to be able to go back out in nature just because he would be happier and its the right thing to do. what if he didn't come out of the cage at release time tho? then what happens to him? Just educate me on this please lol I want to do whats best for Twiggy. Thank you so much in advance!!!

Nancy in New York
01-08-2017, 08:02 PM
Hey Spanky, thank you for responding. How does that work? the release i mean. i would like to release him back where i found him in the back yard but would wait til spring (just got 9 inches of snow Friday). As i said ive never done this before but have been told that he can't be released alone, that he won't go because hes bonded to me and I just ordered the Critter nation double cage last night for him cause i thought if im gonna have him for the duration he's gotta have a larger house. I would prefer for him to be able to go back out in nature just because he would be happier and its the right thing to do. what if he didn't come out of the cage at release time tho? then what happens to him? Just educate me on this please lol I want to do whats best for Twiggy. Thank you so much in advance!!!

No experience with flyers, but your post just touched me SO much.
Thank you! :hug

01-08-2017, 08:43 PM
This is what HRT4SQRLS was referring to.
Like HRT4SQRLS this is the ONLY thing my little Coral will
ever chew on..........and I mean ever. :shakehead
When I had a problem buying them, I ordered 17 packs from Country Max
only to find out after I made the purchase that they had none, so they refunded
my paypal.
Today I ordered 22 packs from Pet Mountain for free shipping and because
I think they are discontinuing these as some places are already sold out.


Walmart has them for $10.55 a pack! :eek

Amazon for $8.99

Pet Mountain for $3.21 but $6.99 for shipping!


Maybe everyone can write to the company and request that they continue these. If enough people explain that this is the only one of the calcium products that their squirrels will chew, perhaps the company might reconsider.

01-08-2017, 09:06 PM
Hey Spanky, thank you for responding. How does that work? the release i mean. i would like to release him back where i found him in the back yard but would wait til spring (just got 9 inches of snow Friday). As i said ive never done this before but have been told that he can't be released alone, that he won't go because hes bonded to me and I just ordered the Critter nation double cage last night for him cause i thought if im gonna have him for the duration he's gotta have a larger house. I would prefer for him to be able to go back out in nature just because he would be happier and its the right thing to do. what if he didn't come out of the cage at release time tho? then what happens to him? Just educate me on this please lol I want to do whats best for Twiggy. Thank you so much in advance!!!

I am by no means a flyer expert, but you are correct that flyers should not be released individually. They should be released in groups that should include both sexes (so at least 1 male and 1 female). Releasing in areas with established flyer colonies is best, they may be accepted by the established colonies. If they are not accepted, as a group of males and females they at least have a chance of starting a new colony. And they thrive better in groups.

We use a "soft release" process where they are in the large release cage for many weeks, then a portal is opened which allows them to come and go as they please. With flyers they will often use the release cage as home base and if given the option will continue to return to the release cage indefinitely. If this happens, it may be necessary to take their nest box out during the day (when they are sleeping) and hang it in a suitable tree (cluster of pines). I have a juvenile female that was brought to me a about 2 weeks ago. I do not think I have even posted about "Millie" yet (:hidechair). We have established colonies around our house, I feed the flyers after dark. I never realized they were around, but once I did... there are quite a few! Sounds like your place has flyers around as well if Willie was found in the back yard.

The "real" flyer experts would need to weigh in about the bonding etc, I know folks that choose to have flyers as a pet usually try to purposefully bond with the fuzz butts.

01-08-2017, 09:23 PM
I've just become a flyer mommy :Love_Icon but from what I've gathered....most people end up keeping them...especially singletons....they make much better friends than their grey counterparts :grin3 my three were all older and have adapted to me and are a joy to have around :blowkiss so unless you don't want the responsibility...I would consider keeping Twiggy....I know some flyer experts will get on...they will be able to help you in whatever direction you choose:great

01-09-2017, 09:10 AM
Hate to be a downer here, BUT it is extremely illegal to have a flying squirrel in NC, especially the western mountain area. In that part of NC there is a specific breed of flying squirrel that is endangered and protected. You will never get a vet to see your little one should he need care. If he is bonded to you, he can still be released. Releasing a bonded flyer can take a long time but will be somewhat easier when you have others flyers in our immediate surroundings. I will PM you my phone number and will see if I can't get you some local help (the Arden,Brevard areas).

Twiggy's Mom
01-09-2017, 01:14 PM
I am by no means a flyer expert, but you are correct that flyers should not be released individually. They should be released in groups that should include both sexes (so at least 1 male and 1 female). Releasing in areas with established flyer colonies is best, they may be accepted by the established colonies. If they are not accepted, as a group of males and females they at least have a chance of starting a new colony. And they thrive better in groups.

We use a "soft release" process where they are in the large release cage for many weeks, then a portal is opened which allows them to come and go as they please. With flyers they will often use the release cage as home base and if given the option will continue to return to the release cage indefinitely. If this happens, it may be necessary to take their nest box out during the day (when they are sleeping) and hang it in a suitable tree (cluster of pines). I have a juvenile female that was brought to me a about 2 weeks ago. I do not think I have even posted about "Millie" yet (:hidechair). We have established colonies around our house, I feed the flyers after dark. I never realized they were around, but once I did... there are quite a few! Sounds like your place has flyers around as well if Willie was found in the back yard.

The "real" flyer experts would need to weigh in about the bonding etc, I know folks that choose to have flyers as a pet usually try to purposefully bond with the fuzz butts.

Thanks Spanky, that all makes sense. Yes there's established flyer colonies here as there was a nesting box on a tree when i first moved here about 8 years ago that had a nest of flyers in it. When do you plan to release Millie? Im now thinking Twiggy may be a girl after looking at some pics of their parts. He was found the night before Thanksgiving. Ive tried to estimate his age. Hes a southern flying squirrel and from what ive read they breed twice a year, he was found in Nov and looked to be 5-6 weeks old then, eyes were open, no hair on his back im thinking from the mites that was on him, I picked of 7-8 large brown bugs about twice the size of a flea. Fed him pedialyte to start then graduated to Esbilac powder form, fresh fruits and veggies, henrys blocks for flyers, and few nuts and hes grown all his fur back except for one small spot back of his head and it seems to be filling in slowly. Id guess he's 11-12 weeks old now. Private parts are close together and i don't see any testicles yet and from the pics i've looked at, they should be visible by now???, so im thinking he is a she??
I've ordered the critter nation crib for him (thats what i call my dogs crate, crate/cage sounds cruel to me even though thats what it is :) ) it will be here Wednesday. I get him out at night when he wakes up and let him run around and climb the me, the couch, curtains, he hops up the steps and explores up there too. I can certainly understand why people would try to force them to bond but i would much rather fix n release them back to where God intended them to be. Wouldn't want to spend my life in a cage either even tho they live longer, what kinda life is that???? Right now Im planning to over winter him then release when it warms back up in the spring. Haven't had much luck with the rehabbers i called when i found him but have numbers for a couple others that are actually closer to me in NC that I will call and see if they have any flyers they are wintering. Would like to release him to this area because i know he's got family here :). If i can't find any local rehabbers by spring I'll definately get in touch with you. Sometimes I think i might attach my own feelings/emotions to animals lol, they probably don't care where they're released as long as theyre out of that stupid cage lol!!! thanks so much for all the great info Spanky i really appreciate it!!!

Twiggy's Mom
01-09-2017, 01:25 PM
I've just become a flyer mommy :Love_Icon but from what I've gathered....most people end up keeping them...especially singletons....they make much better friends than their grey counterparts :grin3 my three were all older and have adapted to me and are a joy to have around :blowkiss so unless you don't want the responsibility...I would consider keeping Twiggy....I know some flyer experts will get on...they will be able to help you in whatever direction you choose:great

Thank you Shewhosweptforest!!
Yea we raised a couple sets of gray ground squirrels when i was a kid a looooooooooong time ago :) They were sweet babies but the bigger they got the more assertive (like that better than aggressive lol) they became. the males would pee out the cage onto the floor too lol.........they were all released back in to the back yard tho, they never stayed into adulthood in the house. They would return to the back deck and would get a little closer than the other squirrels but never tried to get back in the house lol

Twiggy's Mom
01-09-2017, 01:38 PM
No experience with flyers, but your post just touched me SO much.
Thank you! :hug

Oh thank You Nancy I am struggling so much with what to do with this little fella. tho now i think HE may be a SHE lol . Anyway, had time to do a little more research today and found a rehabber closer to me that I've left a message for and hopefully they'll have some flyers come in over winter or early spring that i'll be able to release Twiggy with. If not, I'll take him to Spanky in GA in spring! I just hate the thoughts of stressing Twigs out any more than the little fella has already been through. i ordered him the critter nation double decker and it'll be here Wednesday and I can't wait to get him in it. He's in a pretty large bird cage now but he'll have more room to glide and he'll have his same nesting box and familiar toys in it. He is such joy to have around and i have truly enjoyed helping this little silky baby out.

Twiggy's Mom
01-09-2017, 07:29 PM
Update on Twiggys status!!!

Found rehabber right here in town today that also has a singleton and looking for another one to release with in the Spring!!! He also has 2 established flyer colonies on his property!! Super nice guy that has done this for awhile. Took twigs and his 3 bags of veggies, foods and beddings over this evening. He said he will quarentine (sp?) Twigs for 2 days before putting him in with the other flyer which he said was about 3 weeks older than Twiggy. So happy to find someone so close!!

Thank you so much for all the kindness and support here. would like to stick around awhile, enjoy seeing all the pics :):w00t:dance:blowkiss:bliss:serene

Nancy in New York
01-09-2017, 07:36 PM
Oh this is a wonderful update.
I hope he sends you photos of your little Twiggy.
PLEASE stick around, you are one of us now.
We need you!!!!!!!!!!!!!:hug:blowkiss

Twiggy's Mom
01-09-2017, 08:00 PM
Hate to be a downer here, BUT it is extremely illegal to have a flying squirrel in NC, especially the western mountain area. In that part of NC there is a specific breed of flying squirrel that is endangered and protected. You will never get a vet to see your little one should he need care. If he is bonded to you, he can still be released. Releasing a bonded flyer can take a long time but will be somewhat easier when you have others flyers in our immediate surroundings. I will PM you my phone number and will see if I can't get you some local help (the Arden,Brevard areas).

Thank you Anne for your concern for the Carolina Northern flying squirrel which only lives in the higher mountains of NC. I do not live in the mountains. Western NC is not just Asheville, Brevard and Arden. Western NC also includes cities in the Foothills of NC. What i found was an orphaned Southern flying squirrel. Yes ma'am i am well aware it is illegal to have a flying squirrel in NC and i would gladly go to jail before i would have left this little fella out to die in the cold by itself. I did call a local Licensed rehabber that never called back when i first found him. Not to be a downer here but you are also wrong about finding a vet. There is a vet a couple towns over that sees wildlife and is a licensed rehabber that would be glad to see Twiggy if needed. Never say Never dear! where there's a will there's a way.

Twiggy's Mom
01-11-2017, 05:48 PM
Another update on Twiggy's status:

I called the rehabber this evening and he informed me that Yes Twiggy is actually a little girl :Love_Icon

Twiggy has now been introduced to her little girlfriend who is about 3 weeks older than Twiggy is and Kelly (the rehabber) said they were up playing all night and are getting along fine. Oh how I wish i could see that lol:grin2

I sure do miss her but am so thrilled to have her with one of her own now, just warms my heart and im so thankful to have had the precious time i had with her.

thanks again for all the help and support!! You all are GREAT!!

01-11-2017, 07:32 PM
Thanks for the update. That's great news. :w00t Now what are you gonna do with a CritterNation cage? :rotfl

01-11-2017, 08:34 PM
:serene I'm so glad you were able to find a rehabbers that has a friend for Twiggy! Maybe he can send you a video of them playing. You have a huge heart, and it's so great to know that we aren't few and far between. Hugs and best wishes!

01-11-2017, 08:34 PM
Thanks for the update. That's great news. :w00t Now what are you gonna do with a CritterNation cage? :rotfl

Exactly? Lol

01-11-2017, 09:53 PM
I just wanted to inform you that it wasn't safe for you or that little flyer in NC and why. Western NC is a rather large area and you didn't mention what part you were in. For all I could tell, you could have been living in Cherokee. Still you could have taken your flyer to a non-wildlife or unsympathetic vet and had it confiscated or worse yet euthanized. That has happened to other people in different illegal states. I am thrilled you didn't leave that baby out to die, but did take it in and care for it. As for the first rehabber you contacted I am constantly angered and frustrated by rehabbers who do not at least call back, always makes me wonder why they are doing rescue and rehab. Took me 4 or so days one time to call a finder back, a serious heart attack kept me away from my phone-but I did call back to check that the baby was doing well and had found help. Then again I am a loving and caring person, who still has not burnt out even after doing this for decades. I love, adore animals, it's the people I have to deal with that are the bad part of the equation! Some Wildlife officers can be real jerks!

Twiggy's Mom
01-16-2017, 12:02 PM
Another Twiggy Update:

She is doing great in her new home and her room mates name is Ashley. The rehab guy said they get along great and that Ashley seems happier now that she's got a buddy. He will release them together as soon as it warms up. Makes my heart smile but I sure do miss that sweet little face. Was looking at mice for adoption last night lol. Thanks for letting me hang out with y'all. I learn a lot here!!

Twiggy's Mom
01-16-2017, 12:12 PM
Exactly? Lol

Lol IKR!! LUCKILY they hadn't delivered the cage yet and I was able to have it delivered to the UPS location rather than my house ( it weighed 109 lbs!). Then printed the return shipping label and took it to Ups and returned it. Considered keeping it cause after taking care of Twiggy and meeting the rehabbers here in town I'm going to take the classes in Feb and get my permit!!!! I am so excited just to take the classes and learn more about what y'all do! Of course I'll only be able to take a few mammals (the ones that just need fed BID) because of work but I'm really looking forward to it. Thanks y'all!