View Full Version : Hazel has issues

rusty's mom
01-06-2017, 04:10 PM
My eight year old Hazel (who I love and adore of course) has been hooping and hollering at me when I try to pick her up and just going ballistic with warning cries she even bit me and drew blood. My first thought was she is in pain her back hip has been giving her trouble for years. I even thought I'd have to euthanize her but couldn't bare the thought. This morning at work I thought that's how she is with strangers when I got home I called my pharmacist and asked about my new med metformin (it's for diabetics) and they told me it could change my scent it is a fish oil base drug. My little girl thinks there is a stinky stranger after her plus she can't understand where mommy is. I don't wear lotion and such due to allergies. so that can't help. I know there isn't much I can do but be patient just needed to share my problem if you can think of something that would help, let me know.

01-06-2017, 04:53 PM
Oh poor stinky mommy! I would hand feed her things that she really likes. A beloved snack can go a long way!:Love_Icon

01-06-2017, 11:15 PM
Try leaving your clothes after you have worn them in her cage to get used to the scent. When you come into her room you will smell like the clothes in her cage. I think it will help her adjust to the new odor on the medication. Hope it works.

01-07-2017, 08:24 AM
That's an interesting situation. Thanks for sharing. Give her time and hopefully she will adapt.
In the mean time, be very careful around her. :(