View Full Version : Deworming

12-30-2016, 08:06 AM
Im wondering if baby squirrels should be dewormed at least once just as kittens an puppies are. Lilo always seems to have a "full" belly, even when she wakes up. Not a concerning full feeling, but i would assume it would be softer when she wakes up in the mornings.
Her poops have become smaller over time as she slowed down on formula feedings.
She doesnt drink much water . i add applejuice to Her water once i noticed she wasnt pooping very much. The amount has increased, but not the size

12-30-2016, 09:50 AM
We don't deworm a squirrel unless they are showing signs of having worms....... usually after we have seen the worms coming out of the rectum area. (Panacur)

12-30-2016, 05:54 PM
Ok. I havent noticed anything yet. Kicking myself in the a$$ now though. I used to have a lil kit for testing my bearded dragon's feces for parasites and i think i may have thrown it out. The small microscope would have come in handy